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PHP Certification -- Apr 2023


  • Documentation reference on "caller information"


For Wed 5 Apr 2023

  • Quiz questions for Topic #1 (Basics)

Class Notes

namespace X {
    class Test {}

namespace Y {
    class Test {}

namespace Z {
    // must use alias, otherwise PHP doesn't know which "Test" you're referring to
    use X\Test as XT;
    use Y\Test as YT;
    $test = new XT();

  • Type coercion / type juggling
    • Study this example:
$a = 123;
$b = 456;
$c = '789';
// in the case combined operations, the last one wins
$e = $a + $b . $c;
var_dump($e);   // string(579789)
$e = $a . $b + $c;
var_dump($e);   // int(124245)
// the data type of $b is changed because of the string operators "."
$b = $a . '+' . $b;
// the data type of $c is "juggled" temporarily to int to satisfy the operation
$d = $a + $c;
  • Another example:
$a = 11;
$b = 22;
$c = 'The sum is: ' . $a + $b;

// In PHP 7.1:
PHP Warning:  A non-numeric value encountered in /srv/code/test.php on line 4

// IMPORTANT: the result in PHP 8 is different!
// string(14) "The sum is: 33"
  • Assignment Operator
    • IMPORTANT: all object assignments are by reference (unless you use keyword clone)
class Test
	public $value = 1;
$a = new Test();
$b = $a;	// all object assignments are by reference!
$b->value = 2;
var_dump($a, $b);

// output:
class Test#1 (1) {
  public $value =>
class Test#1 (1) {
  public $value =>
  • Example of left/right shift
$three = 0b00000011; // 3
// 3 << 5
$final = 0b01100000; // 96
// 96 >> 5
$final = 0b00000011; // 4
// same thing but using 7
$three = 0b00000111; // 7
// 3 << 5
$final = 0b11100000; // 224
// 224 >> 6
$final = 0b00000011; // 3

Docker Container Setup

  • Download the ZIP file via Zoom
  • Unzip into a new folder /path/to/zip
  • Follow the setup instructions in /path/to/zip/

Q & A

What's the difference between define() and const for constants:

namespace x {
    define('TEST1', 'xyz');
    const TEST2 = 'abc';

namespace y {

    function test()
        return TEST1 . TEST2;

    echo test();
    // output: xyzTEST2


  • Cannot have keywords in the namespace in PHP 7.1
namespace Test\List\Whatever;

use ArrayObject;

$obj = new ArrayObject([1,2,3,4,5]);
// PHP Parse error:  syntax error, unexpected 'List' (T_LIST), expecting identifier (T_STRING) in /srv/code/test.php on line 2

IMPORTANT: when assigning objects, it's automatically by reference (even without the &)

$obj = new stdClass();
$obj->name = 'TEST';
$abc = $obj;
$abc->name = 'Whatever';
echo $obj->name;
echo PHP_EOL;
// Output: "Whatever"

What is considered "empty"?

namespace abc {
        define('WHATEVER', 'Whatever', TRUE);
        const ANYTHING = 'Anything';

namespace xyz {
        echo WHATEVER;
        echo ANYTHING;

Bitwise Operators

Tutorial oriented towards the exam:

echo "Logical AND\n";
printf("%04b\n", 0b00 & 0b00);  // 0
printf("%04b\n", 0b00 & 0b01);  // 0
printf("%04b\n", 0b01 & 0b00);  // 0
printf("%04b\n", 0b01 & 0b01);  // 1

echo "Logical OR\n";
printf("%04b\n", 0b00 | 0b00);  // 0
printf("%04b\n", 0b00 | 0b01);  // 1
printf("%04b\n", 0b01 | 0b00);  // 1
printf("%04b\n", 0b01 | 0b01);  // 1

echo "Logical XOR\n";
printf("%04b\n", 0b00 ^ 0b00);  // 0
printf("%04b\n", 0b00 ^ 0b01);  // 1
printf("%04b\n", 0b01 ^ 0b00);  // 1
printf("%04b\n", 0b01 ^ 0b01);  // 0

Examples of the three ops:

$a = 0b11111111;
$b = 0b11011101;

printf("%08b", $a & $b); // 1101 1101
printf("%08b", $a | $b); // 1111 1111
printf("%08b", $a ^ $b); // 0010 0010

Left/right shift illustration:

echo 16 << 3;
echo "\n";
echo 0b10000000;
echo "\n";

echo 16 >> 3;
echo "\n";
echo 0b00000010;
echo "\n";

echo 15 >> 3;
echo "\n";
echo 0b00000001;
echo "\n";

Nested Ternary Construct

$a = 30;
$b = 20;
echo ($a < $b) ? 'Less' : (($a == $b) ? 'Equal' : 'Greater');
// output: "Greater"

Null coalesce operator example

$token = $_GET['token'] ?? $_POST['token'] ?? $_COOKIE['token'] ?? 'DEFAULT';

Yet another example

// example of null coalesce operator
// first expression is the 1st CLI arg
// if that's not present, looks to the URL or post
$action = $argv[1] ?? $_GET['action'] ?? $_POST['action'] ?? 'nothing';

php.ini file settings:

Garbage Collection

Data Formats

Read up on SimpleXMLElement

$xml = <<<EOT
    <topic id="1">XML</topic>
    <topic id="2">Web Services</topic>
    <topic id="3">Whatever</topic>

$simple = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
echo $simple->info->name;       // Doug
echo $simple->info->name[1];    // Hudo
echo $simple->topic[2];         // Whatever
echo $simple->topic[2]['id'];   // 3
// for relative formats see:
$date[] = new DateTime('2023-03-16');
$date[] = new DateTime('third thursday of next month');
$date[] = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('CET'));
$date[] = new DateTime('@' . time());
$date[] = (new DateTime())->add(new DateInterval('P3D'));


  • Be very careful with strpos() and stripos()
$str = 'The quick brown fox jumped over the fence';
echo '"The" was ';
echo (stripos($str, 'The')) ? 'found' : 'not found';
echo ' in the string ' . $str;
echo PHP_EOL;

// actual output:
// "The" was not found in the string The quick brown fox jumped over the fence
  • Study substr() with negative args
$a = 'test.php';
//   test.               php
$b = substr($a, 0, -3) . substr($a, -3);
echo ($a === $b) ? 'T' : 'F';

// ouput: "T"
  • Study the docs on sprintf() to get format codes for that family of functions
  • Example using negative offsets:
$dir = '/home/doug/some/directory/';
if (substr($dir, 0, 1) === '/') echo 'Leading slash' . PHP_EOL;
if (substr($dir, -1) === '/') echo 'Trailing slash' . PHP_EOL;
if ($dir[-1] === '/') echo 'Trailing slash' . PHP_EOL;
$str[] = 'This is an example of error_reporting';	// NO MATCH
$str[] = 'ERROR: this is problem';					// MATCH
$patt  = '/\bERROR\b/i';
$srch  = 'ERROR';
foreach ($str as $item) {
	echo $item . "\n";
	echo (preg_match($patt, $item)) ? 'MATCH' : 'NO MATCH';
	echo "\n";
  • Using regex to swap sub-patterns
$text = 'Doug Bierer';
$patt = '/(.*)\s(.*)/';
echo preg_replace($patt, '$2, $1', $text);
  • preg_replace() and preg_match() example using sub-patterns:
$string = 'April 15, 2003';
$pattern = '/(\w+) (\d+), (\d+)/i';
$replacement = '$2 $1 $3';
echo preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $string);

preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);
  • Same thing, but going from European date format to American
$str = date('d M Y');
// subpatt: 1      2      3
$pat = '/^(\d+?) (\w+?) (\d{4})$/';
$rep = '$2 $1, $3';
echo preg_replace($pat, $rep, $str);
echo PHP_EOL;
// example output: "Mar 16, 2023"

Greediness Example:

$str = '<p>Para 1</p><p>Para 2</p><p>Para 3</p>';
// $pat = '!<p>.*</p>!';    // returns the entire string
$pat = '!<p>.*?</p>!';  // returns "<p>Para 1</p>"
preg_match($pat, $str, $matches);
echo PHP_EOL;

General regex coding examples:


For iterating through an array beginning-to-end don't forget about these functions:

  • array_walk()
  • array_walk_recursive()
  • array_map() Also: please don't forget the array navigation functions:
  • reset(): sets pointer to top
  • end() : sets pointer to end
  • prev() : advances array pointer
  • next() : un-advances array pointer
  • key() : returns index value at array pointer
  • current() : returns value of element at array pointer



  • Don't have to study all functions, just certain of the more common ones
    • stream_context_create()
    • stream_wrapper_register()
    • stream_filter_register()
    • stream_filter_append()
    • stream_socket_client() In addition to the informational file functions mentioned, you also have:
  • fileatime()
  • filemtime()
  • filectime() etc.


$label = 'Result: ';
$add = function ($a, $b) use ($label) {
    return $label . ($a + $b);

$sub = function ($a, $b) use ($label) {
    return $label . ($a - $b);

echo $add(6, 3) . PHP_EOL . $sub(6, 3);
// Result: 9
// Result: 3

  • Alternative example of bindTo()
class Airplane {
    public $type;
    function __construct(string $type) {
        $this->type = $type;
    function getClosure() {
        return function() {
            return $this->type;
class X {
    public $type = 'X';

$airplane1 = new Airplane('Airliner');
$closure1 = $airplane1->getClosure();
echo $closure1(). PHP_EOL;
$closure2 = $closure1->bindTo(new X());
echo $closure2();


interface SetGet {
    public function set(string $name, callable $service);
    public function get(string $name) : callable;
abstract class Container implements SetGet {
    protected $services = [];
class ServiceContainer extends Container {
    public function set(string $name, callable $value) {
        $this->services[$name] = $value;
    public function get(string $name) : callable {
        return $this->services[$name];
$service = function () { return (new DateTime('now'))->format('l, d M Y'); };
$container = new ServiceContainer();
$container->set('today', $service);
echo $container->get('today')();
class Test
        public $a = 0;
        public $b = 0;
    public $c = 'Test';
    public $d = [];
    public $e = '';
        public function __construct(int $a, float $b, string $c, array $d)
                $this->a = $a;
                $this->b = $b;
                $this->c = $c;
                $this->d = $d;
                $this->e = md5(rand(1111,9999));
        public function __sleep()
                return ['a','b','c','d'];
        public function __wakeup()
                $this->e = md5(rand(1111,9999));
$test = new Test(222, 3.456, 'TEST', [1,2,3]);
$str = serialize($test);
echo $str . PHP_EOL;

$obj = unserialize($str);
  • Type hints
    • If declare(strict_types=1) is not set, the type hint does a "soft" type cast
function test (int $a, int $b)
    return $a + $b;

echo test(2, 2);
echo PHP_EOL;
echo test('2', '2');
echo PHP_EOL;
echo test(2.666, 2.777);
echo PHP_EOL;
echo test('A', 'B');
echo PHP_EOL;
// actual output:
PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to test() must be of the type integer, string given, called in /srv/code/test.php on line 13 and defined in /srv/code/test.php:2

Example of making object callable:

$sum = new class () {
    public $num = 0;
    public function __invoke($val) {
        $this->num += $val;

$a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8];
array_walk($a, $sum);
echo 'Sum of Digits: ' . $sum->num;
// output: 36


Database Topic

Fetch Modes:

Security Topic

Questions are drawn from here:

Web Features

Make sure you're up on the php.ini settings pertaining to web features URL:

  • variables_order
  • request_order
  • memory_limit
  • post_max_size
  • upload_max_filesize
  • file_uploads
  • max_file_uploads

Form postings

Error Handling

$err = [
foreach ($err as $x)
    printf("%016b\n", $x);


Q & A

Change Request