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PHP III -- May 2021 -- Notes


  • Research other options to improve performance of VM on Mac
  • Find out why Laminas API tools is not saving fields
  • Get the PHP unit slides


Here are some things to do with the VM after installation

  • DO NOT update! Had a problem with a black screen following the update.
    • Need to research this further
  • Need to install git:
sudo apt install -y git


For Fri 04 Jun 2021

  • Lab: Mezzio / Middleware (All Labs)
    • Need Composer 1.10 version:
cd ~/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace
rm -rf expressive
* Options for Mezzio creation are slightly different with Composer 1:
php composer.phar create-project --ignore-platform-reqs mezzio/mezzio-skeleton expressive
  • Lab: Add Middleware (Stratigility lab)
    • Source code: wget
      • Remove ~/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace/stratigility directory structure
      • Unzip the source code into a directory on the VM from ~/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace/
      • Change to the newly unzipped stratigility directory
      • Run php composer.phar install --ignore-platform-reqs
      • Reset permissions:
sudo chgrp -R www-data *
sudo chmod -R 775 *
  * Do the lab
  • Lab: REST (using Laminas API Tools)
    • You can also run the lab directly from the VM (not the Docker container) as follows:
cd ~/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace
rm -rf apigility
php composer.phar create-project --ignore-platform-reqs laminas-api-tools/api-tools-skeleton apigility
cd apigility
mv ../composer.phar .
php composer.phar --ignore-platform-reqs require laminas/laminas-i18n
sudo chgrp -R www-data *
sudo chmod -R 775 *
  • From the VM browser: http://apigility/
  • Choose phpcourse as the database
  • Use orders as the table, and change the fields according to this DB structure:
CREATE TABLE `orders` (
  `id` int NOT NULL,
  `date` varchar(32) NOT NULL,
  `status` varchar(16) NOT NULL,
  `amount` int NOT NULL,
  `description` text NOT NULL,
  `customer` int NOT NULL
  • When you insert an order, you can use integer 1 to 5 for customer ID (customer field)
  • Ignore the message (if you see it) "Error creating DB connect service"
  • In the lab, substitute http://apigility in place of any references to

For Wed 02 Jun 2021

  • Lab: Docker (all)
    • Image Build Lab:
      • Might have to do the lab outside the VM (insufficient disk space!)
      • Sample database is here:
      • After step 4 you need to build the image!
docker build .
  • Example Dockerfile for the lab:
# Sample Dockerfile
FROM asclinux/linuxforphp-8.2-ultimate:7.4-nts
    echo "Installing Laminas API Tools ..." && \
	cd /srv && \
	wget && \
	php composer.phar create-project laminas-api-tools/api-tools-skeleton /srv/laminas-api-tools && \
	mv -f /srv/www /srv/www.OLD && \
	ln -s /srv/laminas-api-tools/public /srv/www && \
	chown -R apache /srv/laminas-api-tools && \
	chmod -R 775 /srv/laminas-api-tools
    echo "Creating sample database and assigning permissions ..." && \
    cd /tmp && \
    /etc/init.d/mysql start && \
    sleep 5 && \
    mysql -uroot -v -e "CREATE DATABASE phpcourse;" && \
    mysql -uroot -v -e "CREATE USER 'vagrant'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'vagrant';" && \
    mysql -uroot -v -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'vagrant'@'localhost';" && \
    mysql -uroot -v -e "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" && \
    echo "Restoring sample database ..." && \
    wget && \
    mysql -uroot -e "SOURCE /tmp/phpcourse.sql;" phpcourse
    echo "Installing phpMyAdmin ..." && \
    cd /tmp && \
    wget && \
    chmod +x *.sh && \
CMD lfphp --mysql --phpfpm --apache
  • Lab: Docker Compose (esp. the Laminas API Tools lab)
    • Example docker-compose.yml file:
version: "3"
    container_name: laminas-api-tools
    hostname: laminas
    image: laminas-api-tools
     - ".:/home"
     - "8888:80"
    build: .
    restart: always
    command: lfphp --mysql --phpfpm --apache
      driver: default
        - subnet: ""

For Mon 31 May 2021

  • Lab: Install the apcu extension using pecl
  • Lab: New Functions (compile a new extension)
    • Install dependencies:
sudo apt install php8.0-dev
* Install PHP-CPP (
cd ~/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace/php3/src/ModAdvancedTechniques/Extensions
git clone
sudo make install
# NOTE: had a problem compiling PHP-CPP under PHP 8
# Works OK in the Docker image created in class
* Here is the revised `main.cpp` file:
#include <phpcpp.h>
#include <iostream>

// function declaration with parameters
void telemetryParams (Php::Parameters &params)
    int distance=params[0];
    int speed=params[1];
    std::cout<<"Distance: "<<distance<<std::endl;
    std::cout<<"Speed: "<<speed<<std::endl;

// function declaration without parameters
Php::Value telemetryRandom()
    if (rand() % 2 == 0) {
        return "no remainder";
    } else {
        return "remainder";

// Tell the compiler that the get_module is a pure C function
extern "C" {
     *  Function that is called by PHP right after the PHP process
     *  has started, and that returns an address of an internal PHP
     *  structure with all the details and features of your extension
     *  This creates an extension object that is memory-resident during runtime.
    PHPCPP_EXPORT void *get_module() {
        static Php::Extension extension("telemetry", "0.0.1");
        extension.add<telemetryParams>("telemetryParams", {
            Php::ByVal("a", Php::Type::Numeric),
            Php::ByVal("b", Php::Type::Numeric)
        return extension;
* Here is the revised `Makefile`:
#	This is the name of your extension. Based on this extension name, the
#	name of the library file ( and the name of the config file (name.ini)
#	are automatically generated
NAME				=	telemetry

#	Php.ini directories
#	In the past, PHP used a single php.ini configuration file. Today, most
#	PHP installations use a conf.d directory that holds a set of config files,
#	one for each extension. Use this variable to specify this directory.
INI_DIR				=	/etc/php/8.0/cli/conf.d

#	The extension dirs
#	This is normally a directory like /usr/lib/php5/20121221 (based on the
#	PHP version that you use. We make use of the command line 'php-config'
#	instruction to find out what the extension directory is, you can override
#	this with a different fixed directory
EXTENSION_DIR		=	$(shell php-config --extension-dir)

#	The name of the extension and the name of the .ini file
#	These two variables are based on the name of the extension. We simply add
#	a certain extension to them (.so or .ini)
INI 				=	${NAME}.ini

#	Compiler
#	By default, the GNU C++ compiler is used. If you want to use a different
#	compiler, you can change that here. You can change this for both the
#	compiler (the program that turns the c++ files into object files) and for
#	the linker (the program that links all object files into the single .so
#	library file. By default, g++ (the GNU C++ compiler) is used for both.
COMPILER			=	g++
LINKER				=	g++

#	Compiler and linker flags
#	This variable holds the flags that are passed to the compiler. By default,
# 	we include the -O2 flag. This flag tells the compiler to optimize the code,
#	but it makes debugging more difficult. So if you're debugging your application,
#	you probably want to remove this -O2 flag. At the same time, you can then
#	add the -g flag to instruct the compiler to include debug information in
#	the library (but this will make the final file much bigger, so
#	you want to leave that flag out on production servers).
#	If your extension depends on other libraries (and it does at least depend on
#	one: the PHP-CPP library), you should update the LINKER_DEPENDENCIES variable
#	with a list of all flags that should be passed to the linker.
COMPILER_FLAGS		=	-Wall -c -O2 -std=c++11 -fpic -o
LINKER_FLAGS		=	-shared

#	Command to remove files, copy files and create directories.
#	I've never encountered a *nix environment in which these commands do not work.
#	So you can probably leave this as it is
RM					=	rm -f
CP					=	cp -f
MKDIR				=	mkdir -p

#	All source files are simply all *.cpp files found in the current directory
#	A builtin Makefile macro is used to scan the current directory and find
#	all source files. The object files are all compiled versions of the source
#	file, with the .cpp extension being replaced by .o.
SOURCES				=	$(wildcard *.cpp)
OBJECTS				=	$(SOURCES:%.cpp=%.o)

#	From here the build instructions start
#   VERY IMPORTANT: must be proper TABS (not spaces!) in front of each child ${ARG}


        ${COMPILER} ${COMPILER_FLAGS} $@ ${@:%.o=%.cpp}

        ${CP} ${INI} ${INI_DIR}

        ${RM} ${EXTENSION} ${OBJECTS}
* Make sure you add `extension=/path/to/` in your `php.ini` file!
* Here is the test program:
echo telemetryParams(500, 600);
//for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++) echo(telemetryRandom()."\n");
  • Lab: Customized PHP Labs (all of them)
  • Lab: Phing (all of them)
  • Lab: Jenkins Freestyle (all of them)
  • Lab: Load (Smoke) Testing (Apache JMeter) For Fri 28 May 2021
  • Lab: Built-in Web Server For Wed 26 May 2021
  • Setup Apache JMeter
  • Setup Jenkins CI
    • The CheckStyle plug-in reached end-of-life. All functionality has been integrated into the Warnings Next Generation Plugin.
    • Same applies to warnings and pmd : integrated into Warnings NG
    • Here are some other suggestions for initial setup:
      • replace checkstyle with Warnings Next Generation
      • replace build-environment with Build Environment
      • replace phing with Phing
      • replace violations with Violations
      • replace htmlpublisher with Build-Publisher (???)
      • replace version number with Version Number


Previous class notes:

Source code for Stratigility demo updated for Laminas:

  • Source code:
  • Sample data dump:

Class Notes

Data type hints

  • PHP 7.4 introduced property level data types
class Test
	public function __construct(
		public int $a = 0,
		public int $b = 0) {}
	public function add()
		return $this->a + $this->b;

$test = new Test(2, 2);
echo $test->add();
echo "\n";

$test->a = 2.222;
$test->b = 1.111;
echo $test->add();
echo "\n";


$fmt  = 'l, d M Y';
$date1 = new DateTime('third thursday of next month');
$date2 = new DateTime();
$date2->setDate(rand(2020,2023), rand(1,12), rand(1,28));
echo $date1->format($fmt) . "\n";
echo $date2->format($fmt) . "\n";

$diff = $date1->diff($date2);
echo "There are {$diff->days} days difference between the two dates\n";
$x = ($diff->invert ===0) ? 'future' : 'past';
echo "The second is in the $x\n";
  • Example where the original date cannot be altered
$fmt  = 'l, d M Y';
$list = [0, 30, 60, 90];
$imm  = new DateTimeImmutable('now');
$int  = 'P%dS';
$arr  = [];
foreach ($list as $num) {
	$interval = new DateInterval('P' . $num . 'D');
	$dt = DateTime::createFromImmutable($imm);
	$arr[$num] = clone $dt;
foreach ($arr as $obj)
	echo $obj->format($fmt) . "\n";

DatePeriod` Example

$anon = new class (2, 2) extends ArrayIterator {
	public function __construct(
		public int $a = 0,
		public int $b = 0)
	public function add()
		return $this->a + $this->b;

echo $anon->add();
echo "\n";
echo $anon::class;
  • IteratorAggregate
    • Easy way to make a class iterable
    • A lot less work then implementing Iterator!
    • Example:
$arr = range('A','Z');

class Test implements IteratorAggregate
	public function __construct(public array $test = []) {}
	public function getIterator() : Traversable
		return new ArrayIterator($this->test);

$test = new Test($arr);
foreach ($test as $letter)
	echo $letter;

echo "\n";
  • PHP 8 classes that have migrated away from Iterator or Traversable into IteratorAggregate
  • Serializable Interface
    • In a yet-to-be-announced future version of PHP, this will go away
    • To switch over to the new mechanism:
      • "Unimplement" Serializable
      • Convert serialize() to __serialize()
      • Convert unserialize() to __unserialize()
    • New mechanism is available as of PHP 7.4
    • Must Read :
      • Already on the table for PHP 8.1
$arr = range('A','Z');

class Test implements IteratorAggregate, Serializable
	public function __construct(public array $test = []) {}
	public function getIterator() : Traversable
		return new ArrayIterator($this->test);
	public function serialize(string $data)
		return 'Whatever';
	public function unserialize()
		echo 'Whatever';

$test = new Test($arr);
$str  = serialize($test);
echo $str;
echo "\n";

$obj = unserialize($str);

Strategy Pattern using an array of callbacks

$strategies = [
	'text/html' => function (iterable $arr) {
		$out = '<ul>';
		foreach ($arr as $item) $out .= '<li>' . $item . '</li>';
		$out .= '</ul>';
		return $out;
	'application/json' => function (iterable $arr) {
		return json_encode($arr, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT);

$data = ['A' => 111, 'B' => 222, 'C' => 333];
$format = $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'] ?? 'text/html';
if (!isset($strategies[$format]))
	$format = 'text/html';
echo $strategies[$format]($data);

Factory Pattern produces callbacks

class CallbackFactory
	public function getCallback(string $x)
		if (method_exists($this, $x)) {
			return Closure::fromCallable([$this, $x]);
		} else {
			return NULL;
	public function add($a, $b)
		return $a + $b;
	public function sub($a, $b)
		return $a - $b;
$factory = new CallbackFactory();
$add = $factory->getCallback('add');
echo $add(2,2);


Retrieves an entire directory tree:

$path = '/home/vagrant/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace/php3/src';
$recurse = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
	new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
foreach ($recurse as $key => $value) {
	// NOTE: $value is an SplFileInfo instance
	echo $key . '[' . $value->getSize() . "]\n";


One-off PHP command inside a shell script:

php -r "echo base64_encode(random_bytes($1));"

Running PHP code inside a shell script:

#!/usr/bin/env php
echo __FILE__ . "\n";

Getting CLI args:

  • $_SERVER['argv'] or
  • $argv[]


More examples:

Web APIs

Oauth2 client:

Software Design

The original seminal work in this area:

Just-In-Time Compiler

Good foundational article: Article that describes JIT in PHP 8:

Q & A


ZLib Support => enabled
Stream Wrapper => compress.zlib://
Stream Filter => zlib.inflate, zlib.deflate
Compiled Version => 1.2.11
Linked Version => 1.2.11
  • Transmitting binary data using base64
$dir = '/home/vagrant/Downloads/';
$src = 'napoleon.jpg';
$dest = 'test.jpg';
$str = file_get_contents($dir . $src);
$encode = base64_encode($str);
// let's assume this has been transmitted somewhere
file_put_contents($dir . $dest, base64_decode($encode));