wget https://getcomposer.org/composer.phar
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/phpunit
sudo ln -s /home/vagrant/Zend/workspaces/DefaultWorkspace/punit/src/vendor/bin/phpunit /usr/local/bin/phpunit
namespace RestApiTest;
use RestApi\Model\AuthenticateModel;
use Zend\Mvc\Application;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Http\Client;
use Zend\Http\Request;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class Base extends TestCase
const BASE_URL = 'http://xxx.local';
const LOG_FILE = __DIR__ . '/test.log';
const TEST_FILE = __DIR__ . '/test.png';
const HTTP_METHODS = [
protected $authModelTable;
protected $token;
protected $authData;
protected $serviceManager;
protected $mvcApplication;
protected $baseRoute;
public function setup()
// create service manager + MVC application instances
$appConfig = require __DIR__ . '/../../../config/application.config.php';
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/../../../config/development.config.php')) {
$appConfig = ArrayUtils::merge($appConfig, require __DIR__ . '/../../../config/development.config.php');
$this->mvcApplication = Application::init($appConfig);
$this->serviceManager = $this->mvcApplication->getServiceManager();
// create auth token
$this->token = bin2hex(random_bytes(32));
$this->authData = [
'userKey' => bin2hex(random_bytes(32)),
'userSecret' => bin2hex(random_bytes(32)),
'token' => $this->token
$this->authModelTable = $this->serviceManager->get(AuthenticateModel::class)->getTableGateway();
public function teardown()
// remove test auth data
$this->authModelTable->delete(['userKey' => $this->authData['userKey']]);
// send requests
public function send($uri, $method = Request::METHOD_GET, $data = NULL, $uploadFn = '', $uploadParam = '')
// set up client
$client = new Client($uri);
// Content-Type header
$headers = $client->getRequest()->getHeaders();
$headers->addHeaderLine('Content-Type', 'application/json');
// $client->setFileUpload('some_text.txt', 'upload', $text, 'text/plain');
if ($uploadFn && file_exists($uploadFn)) $client->setFileUpload($uploadFn, $uploadParam);
if ($data) $client->setRawBody($data);
// JWT auth
$request = $client->getRequest();
$headers = $request->getHeaders();
$headers->addHeaderLine('Authorization', $this->token);
// make request and return response
return $this->sanitizeBody($client->send());
protected function sanitizeBody($response)
$body = $response->getBody();
if (strlen($body) > 100) {
if (preg_match('/Statement could not be executed \((.*?)\)/', $body, $matches)) {
$body = $matches[1] ?? $body;
$body = str_replace(''', '"', $body);
} elseif (strpos($body, 'A 404 error occurred')) {
$body = 'A 404 error occurred. Page not found. The requested URL could not be matched by routing.';
$body = str_replace(["\n","\t"], '', $body);
return $response;