Q: Is there an update to the course slides?
A: Yes ... will send ASAP
Q: After installing the Web API client UI plugin, where does it show up?
Q: How can I incorporate Composer installation into the ZS deployment process?
Q: What are the correct header params to make a Web API request?
Q: How do I restrict a website to allow or deny selective access by Z-Ray?
Q: Can I create a "plugin" similar to the demo apps (e.g. drupal) to deploy from a github repo?
Q: Can you locate the
files for the sample apps included w/ Zend Server (e.g. drupal)? -
Q: Can you locate the deployment hook scripts for the sample apps included w/ Zend Server (e.g. drupal)?
Q: How can I export rules? Nothing appears in the XML file.
Q: Can you write an example of caching the results of prime generation ?
A: In progress. The current version is included below (not working yet!)
Q: Why can I not access the Cache Pulse screen? It's greyed out.
A: Make sure the component is enabled (Adminstration > Components) + somebody needs to access the page to generate data for the pulse.
- For vendredi 29
- Lab: Adjust Permissions for Apache Log Monitoring
- Lab: Add a New Application Log
- Lab: Slow Request Execution Event
- Lab: Monitoring PHP Errors
- Lab: Page Caching Pulse Test
- Lab: Blacklisting
- Lab: Change Profile
- For jeudi 28
- Lab: Virtual Host Setup
- Lab: Deploy Demo Package
- Lab: Application Packaging and Deployment
- Lab: Joining a Cluster
- For mercredi 27
- Lab: Zend Server Manual Installation
- For class, use:
sudo apt-get install zend-server-apache-fpm
- Root password:
- For class, use:
- Lab: Component Enable Verification
- Lab: Monitor Settings for Directives
- Lab: Web API Keys Generation
- Lab: Zend Server Command Line
- Lab: zs-client
- Lab: Zend Server Manual Installation
- Z-Ray Plugins
- Plugins for demo apps (e.g. Drupal, WordPress):
- Plugins for demo apps (e.g. Drupal, WordPress):
- Zend Debugger
- Example using
sudo /usr/local/zend/bin/zs-client.sh getServerInfo --serverId=0 --zskey=test --zssecret=0bbc693cd0506c12b56e1ba307561d3961e05772a86f57b644e28ea0f3180b21 --output-format=json
- Basic Docker commands (you can use these in the VM):
- List of containers that are running:
docker container ls
- Shell into a container:
- List of containers that are running:
docker exec -it <CONTAINER> /bin/bash
- Run a command from outside Docker:
docker exec <CONTAINER> /bin/bash -c "command"
- To start/stop the 3 Docker containers:
cd ~/Docker
docker-compose up -d | down
- Info on
file: - Info on PHP-FPM: https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.fpm.php
- Example of
file with installation (deployment) scripting:
- Change password:
sudo php /usr/local/zend/bin/gui_passwd.php <PASSWORD>
- Start/stop all ZS daemons:
sudo /usr/local/zend/bin/zsd.sh start|stop|restart|status
- Location:
- To edit database "XXX":
sqlite3 /usr/local/zend/var/db/XXX.db
- If you need to change the password "manually" (assumes the new password is "password"):
$ su root
# php -r "echo hash('sha256', 'password');"
# sqlite3 /usr/local/zend/var/db/gui.db
sqlite> -- locate the ID of the "admin" user:
sqlite> select * from GUI_USERS;
sqlite> update GUI_USERS set PASSWORD="hash from PHP command above" where ID="ID for admin";
sqlite> .exit
WARNING: the above procedure can wipe out your installation if a mistake is made!
Q: What is the relationship between /usr/local/zend/etc/conf.d/*.ini and the GUI components menu?
A: There is a 1-to-1 correspondance. All of the settings in these *.ini files are accessible via the Components menu.
Q: How can I view Apache log files using GUI Monitoring :: Logs?
A: Add the user
to theadm
group (or equivalent admin group):
sudo usermod -G adm zend
- Q: How can I generate a web API key from command line?
Code examples that will cause problems:
- Unbridled array nesting:
// unbridled nesting
function addLayer($array)
$array = array_combine(range('A','Z'),range('A','Z'));
foreach ($array as $element) {
$wild = [];
- Prime number generation:
// prime number generator
$count = 0;
$number = 2;
$max = 999999;
while ($count < $max ) {
$div_count = 0;
for ( $i = 1; $i <= $number; $i++) {
if (($number%$i) == 0) {
if ($div_count < 3) {
echo $number." , ";
$count += 1;
$number += 1;
- Recursing through a directory structure:
// recursion through entire www directory (be sure "www-data" user has rights)
$path = realpath('/path/to/dir/with/lots/of/files');
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path),
$rows = '<table>';
$count = 0;
foreach($objects as $name => $object){
$color = ($count++ & 1) ? '#FFFFEE' : '#FFFFDD';
if ($object->isDir()) {
$rows .= sprintf('<tr bgcolor="%s"><td colspan=2>%s</td></tr>' . PHP_EOL, $color, $name);
} else {
$rows .= sprintf('<tr bgcolor="%s"><td width="10px;"> </td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' . PHP_EOL,
$color, $object->getPath(), $object->getBasename());
$rows .= '</table>';
echo $rows;
- Example
for a Mezzio (formerly Zend Expressive) application
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<package version="2.0" xmlns="http://www.zend.com/server/deployment-descriptor/1.0">
<summary>Mezzio micro-framework skeleton app</summary>
<description>Mezzio micro-framework skeleton app</description>
<parameter id="locale"
display="Locale Settings.Locale"
required="true" type="choice">
<parameter id="db_host"
display="Database Connection.Host"
required="true" type="string">
You can specify server port, ex.: localhost:3307 If
you are not using default UNIX socket, you can specify it
here instead of host, ex.:
<parameter id="db_name"
display="Database Connection.Database Name"
required="true" type="string">
<parameter id="db_username"
display="Database Connection.User Name"
required="true" type="string">
<parameter id="db_password"
display="Database Connection.User Password"
required="false" type="password">
<parameter id="skip_base"
display="Web access options.Skip Base URL Validation Before the Next Step"
required="false" type="checkbox">
Check this box only if it is not possible to
automatically validate the Base URL.
- Creates report on
- Need to have permissions set so that PHP can read the log
- Alternatively: set up a server cron job to copy the access.log somewhere PHP can read
// scans Apache access log and groups requests by IP address + request URL
$fn = '/var/log/apache2/access.log';
$log = new SplFileObject($fn, 'r');
$info = [];
$pattern = '/^(\d+?\.\d+?\.\d+?\.\d+?).*?\[(.*?)\] \"(.*?)\" (\d+?) (\d+?) \"(.*?)\" \"(.*?)\"/';
while ($line = $log->fgets()) {
$matches = [];
preg_match($pattern, $line, $matches);
$ip = $matches[1] ?? '--';
$http = $matches[3] ?? ' ';
[$method, $path, $http_vers] = explode(' ', $http);
$path = $path ?? '-';
$info[$ip . '::' . $path][] = [
'ip' => $ip,
'date' => $matches[2] ?? '--',
'method' => $method ?? '--',
'path' => $path ?? '--',
'http_vers' => $http_vers ?? '--',
'url' => $matches[4] ?? '--',
'user_agent' => $matches[5] ?? '--',
// add code to add entries to database every 24 hours
echo '<pre>';
foreach ($info as $key => $data) {
$message = sprintf('Access Attempts for %s = %d', $key, count($data));
echo $message . PHP_EOL;
echo '</pre>';
- Using
(not working yet!)
ini_set('max_execution_time', 60);
// use cache or not?
$cache = $_GET['cache'] ?? 0;
$cache = (bool) $cache && function_exists('zend_shm_cache_fetch');
$max = 999999;
$key = 'prime';
$result = '';
// attempt to retrieve from cache
if ($cache && $result = zend_shm_cache_fetch($key)) {
echo $result;
// generate primes
$count = 0;
$number = 1;
$result = '1, ';
while ($count < $max ) {
$div_count = FALSE;
for ( $i = 2; $i < $number; $i++) {
if (($number % $i) == 0) {
$div_count = TRUE;
if (!$div_count) {
$result .= $number . ', ';
$count += 1;
$number += 1;
// store into cache
if ($cache) {
zend_shm_cache_store($key, $result);
echo $result;
- Day 1: Module 1 to Module 5 (Virtual Host Management)
- Day 2: Module 5 to Module 6 (Monitoring > Logs)
- Day 3: Module 6 to Module 9 (Debugging)
- Day 4: Module 9 to the End