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spmallette edited this page May 28, 2011 · 39 revisions

This cheat sheet provides a review of the RESTful API for Rexster. Note that beyond the query parameters provided in the table below, the standard Rexster parameters rexster.offset.start, rexster.offset.end, rexster.returnKeys and rexster.showTypes also work in cases where it makes sense. The graph is the unique name of a graph configured within Rexster. Finally base is the base of the URI and, when running locally, is generally localhost:8182.

GET Operations

returns uri description
graphs http://base get all the graphs
graph http://base/graph get the graph
vertices http://base/graph/vertices get all vertices
vertex http://base/graph/vertices/1 get vertex with id 1
edges http://base/graph/edges get all edges
edge http://base/graph/edges/1 get edge with id 1
edges http://base/graph/vertices/1/outE get the out edges of vertex 1
edges http://base/graph/vertices/1/inE get the in edges of vertex 1
edges http://base/graph/vertices/1/bothE get the both in and out edges of vertex 1
edges http://base/graph/vertices/1/xxxE?_label=written_by get the edges of vertex 1 with edge label equal to “written_by”
indices http://base/graph/indices get all the indices associated with the graph
elements http://base/graph/indices/index?key=k1&value=v1 get all elements with k1 property equal to v1 in index
long http://base/graph/indices/index/count?key=k1&value=v1 get a count of all elements with k1 property equal to v1 in index
strings http://base/graph/indices/index/keys get the auto index keys of the automatic index named index (null means wildcard)
prefixes 1 http://base/graph/prefixes get the list of SailGraph prefixes
prefix 1 http://base/graph/prefixes/prefix get a specific prefix value

POST Operations

returns uri description
vertex http://base/graph/vertices create a vertex with no specified identifier
vertex http://base/graph/vertices/1 create a vertex with id 1 2
vertex http://base/graph/vertices/1?k1=v1&k2=v2 create a vertex with id 1 and the provided properties (or update vertex properties if vertex already exists). 2
edge http://base/graph/edges?_outV=1&_label=friend&_inV=2&k1=k2 create an out edge with no specified identifier from vertex 1 to vertex 2 labeled “friend” with provided properties. 2
edge http://base/graph/edges/3?_outV=1&_label=friend&_inV=2&k1=k2 create an out edge with id 3 from vertex 1 to vertex 2 labeled “friend” with provided properties. 2
edge http://base/graph/edges/3?k1=k2 update the properties of the edge with id 3
index http://base/graph/indices/index?class=vertex&type=manual create a new manual index named index
index http://base/graph/indices/index?class=vertex&type=automatic&keys=[k1,k2] create a new automatic vertex index named index with keys k1 and k2
void http://base/graph/indices/index?key=k1&value=v1&class=vertex&id=1 put vertex with id 1 into index at k1/v1
void 1 http://base/graph/prefixes?namespace=ns&prefix=pf add a new SailGraph prefix with namespace ns and prefix pf

In all cases, parameters may be POSTed on the query string, as form data or as raw JSON.

DELETE Operations

returns uri description
void http://base/graph/vertices/1 remove vertex 1
void http://base/graph/vertices/1?key1&key2 remove properties key1 and key2 from vertex 1
void http://base/graph/edges/3 remove the edge with id 3
void http://base/graph/edges/3?key1&key2 remove properties key1 and key2 from edge 3
void http://base/graph clear the graph of all its elements and indices
void http://base/graph/indices/index drop the index named index
void http://base/graph/indices/index?key=k1&value=v1&class=vertex&id=1 remove the vertex 1 from index at k1/v1
void 1 http://base/graph/prefixes/prefix remove the specified prefix

1 Only applies to SailGraph configurations.
2 Underlying graph database implementations must support the ability to assign the edge/vertex identifier. In cases where the graph database does not support the identifier (ie. Neo4j), the identifier supplied with be ignored and the graph assigned identifier will be returned in the JSON after successful graph element creation.

Rexster Parameters

  • rexster.offset.start – Expects a numeric value that represents the start point for returning a set of records and is used in conjunction with rexster.offset.end to allow for paging of results. If used without a valid rexster.offset.end parameter specified, Rexster will return all remaining records in the set.
  • rexster.offset.end – Expects a numeric value that represents the end point for returning a set of records and is used in conjunction with rexster.offset.start to allow for paging of results. If used without a valid rexster.offset.start parameter specified, Rexster will assume the start value to be zero.
  • rexster.returnKeys – Expects a comma separated list of property names to return in the results. Element meta-data will always be returned even if rexster.returnKeys are specified. If a valid value for this parameter is not specified, then all properties are returned.
  • rexster.showTypes – Expects a boolean value of “true” or “false” to determine whether the data types of the properties should be returned in the results.
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