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Releases: typelevel/cats-effect


28 Jun 19:16
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This is the twenty-eighth release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Thank you very much!


21 May 02:57
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This is the twenty-seventh release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Thank you, all of you!


05 Apr 20:44
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This is the twenty-sixth release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Thank you so much!


03 Apr 20:26
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This is the twenty-fifth release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

This release resolves a rare issue in which IO could continue executing for a short time following a fatal error (such as OutOfMemoryError) taking null as a result value. This was more relevant on Scala.js than on the JVM, but it was at least theoretically observable on both platforms.

User-Facing Pull Requests


19 May 18:09
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This is the eighteenth release in the Cats Effect 2.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with all 2.x.y releases.

No further maintenance is planned in this series, though we will consider exceptions for security patches or other tales of woe.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Very special thanks to all of you!

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v2.5.4...v2.5.5


24 Mar 23:47
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This is the twenty-fourth major release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

This release relieves a contention point in the default Supervisor implementation, which is itself used in the implementation of Dispatcher, resulting in better throughput in parallel workloads. The release also fixes a cancelation backpressure flaw in java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture interop, as well as some Scala JS linking issues, which we were unaware of, prior to today.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Special thanks to each and every one of you!


19 Mar 18:59
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This is the twenty-third major release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Special thanks to each and every one of you!


08 Mar 05:51
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This is the twenty-second major release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Thank you!


28 Feb 01:06
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This is the twenty-first major release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Thank you so very much!


28 Jan 19:58
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This is the twentieth major release in the Cats Effect 3.x lineage. It is fully binary compatible with every 3.x release, and fully source-compatible with every 3.3.x release. Note that source compatibility has been broken with 3.2.x in some minor areas. Scalafixes are available and should be automatically applied by Scala Steward if relevant.

User-Facing Pull Requests

Special thanks to all of you!