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9pfs latency


This folder is used for a performance experiment of 9pfs between Unikraft and a Linux VM (write and read latency). Since these experiments require a large VM, we decided to host the zip file which contains the Linux VM on another server. If the server is down you can download it from the backup server.


How to Use (automatic test)

You can automatically run all the experiment by running the make all command. This command will:

  1. Prepare the environment by executing the ./ script;
  2. Run the unikraft and Linux VM latency experiment (respectively ./ and ./ scripts). Note that these script take long...
  3. Generate the figure by running the ./ script and then save it into the current repository.

How to Use (manual test)

You can also test manually by executing the following procedure.

In order to setup the environment for these experiments, please execute first the ./ script. This script will setup all the environment to test the 9pfs latency. Once the setup is done, proceed as follow:

Test unikraft with 9pfs:

You can execute the ./ script or follow the complete procedure below:

  1. For testing read latency, go to apps/lib-readfile/:
    • Run ./ (wait some times)
    • Raw results will saved into unikraft-kvm_read.txt;
    • Formatted results will be saved into unikraft-kvm_read.csv;
  2. For testing write latency, go to apps/lib-writefile/:
    • Run ./ (wait some times)
    • Raw results will saved into unikraft-kvm_write.txt;
    • Formatted results will be saved into unikraft-kvm_write.csv;
    • Note that this experiment takes some time.

Test VM Linux with 9pfs (require some manual steps):

You can execute the ./ script or follow the complete procedure below:

  1. Go to the vm folder;
  2. Run the launcher script (./;
  3. The VM and the experiment are automatically started:
    • Formatted results will be saved into test/linux-kvm_read.csv and test/linux-kvm_write.csv. They will be accessible from the host in the test/;
    • The guest VM will be automatically stopped at the end of the script;
    • Note that this experiment takes a lot of time.

Generate the graph

Once all the results are generated, run the ./, then the script to generate the 9pfs latency plot. This one will be generated in the current folder with the following name: fig_20_compare-9pfs.svg.

Further information about the VM

The VM has been created from a linux kernel 4.15.0-96-generic. We didn't patch or modify the kernel code. We just added a 9pfs mount point (test) which allows to share data between the host and the guest. In addition, all sources are also provided in the vm folder.

If the autologin failed, the login/password is root and the experiment script is ./