diff --git a/.coveragerc b/.coveragerc
index f3ec4743f8..2693a47e11 100755
--- a/.coveragerc
+++ b/.coveragerc
@@ -24,5 +24,4 @@ omit = pod/*settings*.py
- scripts/bbb-pod-live/*.*
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index bb869c0a8f..9f02003adc 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -49,7 +49,6 @@ pod/custom/*
# Unit test utilities #
index f612f06060..5a55921fbe 100644
@@ -155,6 +155,9 @@ Voici les configurations des applications tierces utilisées par Esup-Pod.
> valeur par défaut : ``
>> Préfixe par défaut pour l’objet des courriels.
+ > valeur par défaut : `True`
+ >> En mode non authentifié, lors de l'utilisation du formulaire de contact, envoie une copie du message à l'adresse saisie dans le formulaire.
> valeur par défaut : `noreply`
>> Expediteur par défaut pour les envois automatique (erreur de code etc.)
@@ -1144,15 +1147,15 @@ Mettre `USE_IMPORT_VIDEO` à True pour activer cette application.
> valeur par défaut : `False`
>> Utilisation de BigBlueButton
- >> [TODO] À retirer dans les futures versions de Pod
+ >> Retiré à partir de la version 3.8.2 de Pod (remplacé par le module des réunions)
> valeur par défaut : `False`
>> Utilisation du système de diffusion de Webinaires en lien avec BigBlueButton
- >> [TODO] À retirer dans les futures versions de Pod
+ >> Retiré à partir de la version 3.8.2 de Pod (remplacé par le module des réunions)
> valeur par défaut : `False`
- >>
>> Activer l’auto-transcription pour les directs
+ >>
> valeur par défaut : `60`
>> Délai (en seconde) selon lequel une vue est considérée comme expirée
@@ -1331,9 +1334,11 @@ Mettre `USE_MEETING` à True pour activer cette application.
> valeur par défaut : ``
>> URL du serveur SIPMediaGW qui gère les webinaires (Ex: `https://sipmediagw.univ.fr`)
+ >> Retiré à partir de la version 3.8.2 de Pod (remplacé par le module des réunions, cf. passerelle de live)
> valeur par défaut : ``
>> Jeton bearer du serveur SIPMediaGW qui gère les webinaires
+ >> Retiré à partir de la version 3.8.2 de Pod (cf. passerelle de live)
> valeur par défaut : `("is_webinar", "enable_chat")`
>> Permet de définir les champs complémentaires du formulaire de création d’un webinaire
diff --git a/pod/bbb/__init__.py b/pod/bbb/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/pod/bbb/admin.py b/pod/bbb/admin.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae5a0a74d..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/admin.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-from django.contrib import admin
-from .models import BBB_Meeting, Attendee, Livestream
-from .forms import MeetingForm
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-class MeetingAdminForm(MeetingForm):
- is_staff = True
- is_superuser = False
- is_admin = True
-class MeetingSuperAdminForm(MeetingAdminForm):
- is_superuser = True
- encoding_step = 1
-class MeetingAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- list_display = (
- "id",
- "session_date",
- "meeting_name",
- "encoding_step",
- "recorded",
- "recording_available",
- "encoded_by",
- )
- list_display_links = ("id", "meeting_name")
- ordering = ("-id", "-session_date")
- readonly_fields = []
- search_fields = [
- "id",
- "meeting_name",
- "encoded_by__username",
- "encoded_by__first_name",
- "encoded_by__last_name",
- ]
- actions = ["encode_meeting"]
- # Re-encode a BBB presentation Web
- def encode_meeting(self, request, queryset):
- for item in queryset:
- item.launch_encode = True
- item.save()
- encode_meeting.short_description = _("Encode selected")
-class AttendeeAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- list_display = ("id", "full_name", "role", "username", "meeting", "user")
- list_display_links = ("id", "full_name")
- ordering = ("full_name",)
- readonly_fields = []
- search_fields = ["id", "full_name", "meeting__meeting_name"]
-class LivestreamAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
- list_display = (
- "id",
- "meeting",
- "start_date",
- "end_date",
- "show_chat",
- "download_meeting",
- "enable_chat",
- "server",
- "status",
- "user",
- )
- list_display_links = ("id", "meeting")
- ordering = ("-id", "-start_date")
- readonly_fields = []
- search_fields = [
- "id",
- "meeting__meeting_name",
- "user__username",
- "user__first_name",
- "user__last_name",
- ]
-admin.site.register(BBB_Meeting, MeetingAdmin)
-admin.site.register(Attendee, AttendeeAdmin)
-admin.site.register(Livestream, LivestreamAdmin)
diff --git a/pod/bbb/apps.py b/pod/bbb/apps.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 54a5d1d33c..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/apps.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from django.apps import AppConfig
-class BbbConfig(AppConfig):
- name = "pod.bbb"
- default_auto_field = "django.db.models.BigAutoField"
diff --git a/pod/bbb/bbb.py b/pod/bbb/bbb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b218b2b81a..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/bbb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from django.conf import settings
-from pod.main.tasks import task_start_bbb_encode
-from pod.bbb.models import BBB_Meeting as Meeting
-import subprocess
-import time
-import threading
-import logging
-# Use of BigBlueButton
-USE_BBB = getattr(settings, "USE_BBB", False)
-# Directory of bbb-recorder plugin
-DEFAULT_BBB_PLUGIN = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_BBB_PLUGIN", "/data/bbb-recorder/")
-# Directory that will contain the video files generated by bbb-recorder
-DEFAULT_BBB_PATH = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_BBB_PATH", "/data/bbb-recorder/media/")
-# The last caracter of DEFAULT_BBB_PATH must be an OS separator
-if not DEFAULT_BBB_PATH.endswith(os.path.sep):
- DEFAULT_BBB_PATH += os.path.sep
-# BigBlueButton or Scalelite server URL, where BBB Web presentation and API are
-BBB_SERVER_URL = getattr(settings, "BBB_SERVER_URL", "https://bbb.univ-test.fr/")
-# The last caracter of BBB_SERVER_URL must be /
-if not BBB_SERVER_URL.endswith("/"):
-# Debug mode
-DEBUG = getattr(settings, "DEBUG", False)
-# Use of Celery to encode
-CELERY_TO_ENCODE = getattr(settings, "CELERY_TO_ENCODE", False)
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-def start_bbb_encode(id) -> None:
- task_start_bbb_encode.delay(id)
- else:
- log.info("START BBB ENCODE MEETING %s" % id)
- t = threading.Thread(target=bbb_encode_meeting, args=[id])
- t.setDaemon(True)
- t.start()
-def bbb_encode_meeting(id) -> None:
- msg = ""
- # Get the meeting
- meeting_to_encode = Meeting.objects.get(id=id)
- # Update this meeting and put
- # encoding_step to 2 (Encoding in progress)
- meeting_to_encode.encoding_step = 2
- meeting_to_encode.save()
- # Encode in webm (not mp4, less data in log)
- command = ""
- # Put on the bbb-recorder plugin directory
- command += "cd %s; " % (DEFAULT_BBB_PLUGIN)
- # The command looks like:
- # node export.js https://bbb.univ.fr/playback/presentation/2.0/
- # playback.html?meetingId=INTERNAL_MEETING_ID INTERNAL_MEETING_ID.webm
- # > /data/www/USERPOD/bbb-recorder/logs/INTERNAL_MEETING_ID.log
- # 2>&1 < /dev/null
- # Recording_URL can be like https://bbb.univ.fr/playback/presentation/2.3/
- # Check BBB_VERSION_IS_23 parameter.
- command += "node export.js " + str(meeting_to_encode.recording_url)
- command += " " + str(meeting_to_encode.internal_meeting_id) + ".webm"
- command += " > " + DEFAULT_BBB_PATH + "logs/"
- command += str(meeting_to_encode.internal_meeting_id)
- command += ".log 2>&1 < /dev/null"
- # if you want to reuse the command: print(command)
- msg = "\nBBBEncodeCommand:\n%s" % command
- msg += "\n- Encoding: %s" % time.ctime()
- # Execute the process
- subprocess.run(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
- msg += "\n- meeting_to_encode: %s" % meeting_to_encode
- msg += "\n- End Encoding: %s" % time.ctime()
- # Update this meeting and put
- # encoding_step to 3 (Encoded)
- meeting_to_encode.encoding_step = 3
- meeting_to_encode.save()
diff --git a/pod/bbb/forms.py b/pod/bbb/forms.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a727a7521..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/forms.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-"""Esup-Pod BBB forms."""
-from django import forms
-from django.conf import settings
-from .models import BBB_Meeting
-from .models import Livestream
-from pod.main.forms_utils import add_placeholder_and_asterisk
-from django.dispatch import receiver
-from django.db.models.signals import post_save
-import importlib
-from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-USE_BBB = getattr(settings, "USE_BBB", False)
-class MeetingForm(forms.ModelForm):
- def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- super(MeetingForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # All fields are hidden. This form is like a Confirm prompt
- self.fields = add_placeholder_and_asterisk(self.fields)
- hidden_fields = (
- "meeting_id",
- "internal_meeting_id",
- "session_date",
- "encoding_step",
- "recorded",
- "recording_available",
- "recording_url",
- "thumbnail_url",
- "encoded_by",
- "last_date_in_progress",
- )
- for field in hidden_fields:
- if self.fields.get(field, None):
- self.fields[field].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
- class Meta:
- model = BBB_Meeting
- exclude = ()
-@receiver(post_save, sender=BBB_Meeting)
-def launch_encode(sender, instance, created, **kwargs) -> None:
- # Useful when an administrator send a re-encode task
- if hasattr(instance, "launch_encode") and instance.launch_encode is True:
- instance.launch_encode = False
- # Re-encode is only possible when an user has already tried it
- # Re-encode is not depending on the encoding_step
- if instance.encoded_by is not None:
- mod = importlib.import_module("%s.plugins.type_%s" % (__package__, "bbb"))
- mod.process(instance)
- else:
- raise ValidationError(
- _(
- "It is not possible to re-encode a recording "
- "that was not originally encoded by an user."
- )
- )
-class LivestreamForm(forms.ModelForm):
- def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- super(LivestreamForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
- # All fields are hidden. This form is like a Confirm prompt
- self.fields = add_placeholder_and_asterisk(self.fields)
- hidden_fields = (
- "meeting",
- "start_date",
- "end_date",
- "status",
- "user",
- "server",
- "broadcaster_id",
- "redis_hostname",
- "redis_port",
- "redis_channel",
- )
- for field in hidden_fields:
- if self.fields.get(field, None):
- self.fields[field].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
- self.fields["download_meeting"].widget = forms.HiddenInput()
- class Meta:
- model = Livestream
- exclude = ()
diff --git a/pod/bbb/management/__init__.py b/pod/bbb/management/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/pod/bbb/management/commands/__init__.py b/pod/bbb/management/commands/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/pod/bbb/management/commands/bbb.py b/pod/bbb/management/commands/bbb.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 567612002f..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/management/commands/bbb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,734 +0,0 @@
-Esup-Pod BBB command.
-This command is used to manage the recordings made by BigBlueButton.
-To achieve this, this command performs the following tasks:
-- Connect to BBB / Scalelite server to get informations about the
-current meetings and save then in Pod database.
-This is useful to obtain the actuel meetings
-and the moderators list of theses meetings.
-Be careful: in BBB, we only have the firstname and last name
-of these moderators.
-- Search for recordings available for meetings.
-Search for meetings, made since 4 days, with their presentation recorded
-where the recording is not available for the moment.
-The idea of the 4 days is to avoid to process recordings that were deleted
-or with bad data in the database (in fact, the recording tag in BBB
-seems always true even if not recorded).
-- Search to matching BBB users as Pod users.
-This allows to try if BBB user (known with firstname and lastname) is matching
-a Pod user. You can parameter the BBB username format via the use
-At each use of this script, we search to matching BBB users
-- not already known - as Pod users.
-Be careful: tested with the Moodle plugin, mod_bigbluebuttonbn,
-not with Greenlight (should be the same if use of LDAP with givenName
-and lastName).
-- Then, we check directory (DEFAULT_BBB_PATH) to publish video files that were
-generated by bbb-recorder (DEFAULT_BBB_PLUGIN). If video files found, this
-script encode them as Pod video.
-- If you have set BBB_NUMBER_DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE to a number different than 0,
-all meetings - with associated users - not already published, older than
-BBB_NUMBER_DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE days, will be deleted.
-Finally, if there was at least one live started or one error,
-an email is sent to Pod admins.
-This script must be executed regurlaly (for an example, with a CRON task).
-Example: crontab -e */2 * * * * /usr/bin/bash -c 'export
-WORKON_HOME=/data/www/%userpod%/.virtualenvs; export
-VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3.6; cd
-/data/www/%userpod%/django_projects/podv3; source
-/usr/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh; workon django_pod; python manage.py bbb
-import os
-import traceback
-from django.utils import translation
-from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
-from django.conf import settings
-from pod.bbb.models import BBB_Meeting as Meeting, Attendee
-import hashlib
-import requests
-import datetime
-import dateutil.parser
-from django.core.mail import mail_admins
-from django.utils import timezone
-from defusedxml import minidom
-import urllib.parse
-from pod.video.models import Video, Type, get_storage_path_video
-from pod.video_encode_transcript import encode
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from django.db.models import Value
-from django.db.models.functions import Concat
-LANGUAGE_CODE = getattr(settings, "LANGUAGE_CODE", "fr")
-# Use of BigBlueButton
-USE_BBB = getattr(settings, "USE_BBB", False)
-# Directory that will contain the video files generated by bbb-recorder
-DEFAULT_BBB_PATH = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_BBB_PATH", "/data/bbb-recorder/media/")
-# The last caracter of DEFAULT_BBB_PATH must be an OS separator
-if not DEFAULT_BBB_PATH.endswith(os.path.sep):
- DEFAULT_BBB_PATH += os.path.sep
-# BigBlueButton or Scalelite server URL, where BBB Web presentation and API are
-BBB_SERVER_URL = getattr(settings, "BBB_SERVER_URL", "https://bbb.univ.fr/")
-# The last caracter of BBB_SERVER_URL must be /
-if not BBB_SERVER_URL.endswith("/"):
-# BigBlueButton key or Scalelite LOADBALANCER_SECRET
-BBB_SECRET_KEY = getattr(settings, "BBB_SECRET_KEY", "")
-# Default type of the generated video
-DEFAULT_BBB_TYPE_ID = getattr(settings, "DEFAULT_BBB_TYPE_ID", 1)
-# Username format of the user in BBB
-BBB_USERNAME_FORMAT = getattr(settings, "BBB_USERNAME_FORMAT", "first_name last_name")
-# Number of days before removal the meetings
-# BBB or Scalelite version is 2.3 (useful for recording URL in 2.0 or 2.3 format)
-BBB_VERSION_IS_23 = getattr(settings, "BBB_VERSION_IS_23", False)
-# Allowed extensions
- settings,
- (
- "3gp",
- "avi",
- "divx",
- "flv",
- "m2p",
- "m4v",
- "mkv",
- "mov",
- "mp4",
- "mpeg",
- "mpg",
- "mts",
- "wmv",
- "mp3",
- "ogg",
- "wav",
- "wma",
- "webm",
- "ts",
- ),
-# Mode debug (0: False, 1: True)
-DEBUG = getattr(settings, "DEBUG", False)
-# Encode video
-ENCODE_VIDEO = getattr(settings, "ENCODE_VIDEO", "start_encode")
-def print_if_debug(str):
- if DEBUG:
- print(str)
-def encode_file_exist(filename, extension, message_error, html_message_error):
- # A video file exist in the BBB directory: encode it
- print_if_debug(" - Encode BBB video file: " + filename)
- # Absolute path of the video
- source_file = os.path.join(DEFAULT_BBB_PATH, filename)
- # Filename corresponds to: internal_meeting_id.webm
- internalMeetingId = filename.replace("." + extension, "")
- # Check if the meeting already exists in Pod database
- oMeeting = Meeting.objects.filter(internal_meeting_id=internalMeetingId).first()
- if oMeeting:
- # Set video properties with meetng informations
- video = Video()
- video.title = oMeeting.meeting_name
- if oMeeting.encoded_by_id:
- video.owner = User.objects.get(id=oMeeting.encoded_by_id)
- video.type = Type.objects.get(id=DEFAULT_BBB_TYPE_ID)
- video.date_evt = oMeeting.session_date
- # Video management
- storage_path = get_storage_path_video(video, os.path.basename(source_file))
- dt = str(datetime.datetime.now()).replace(":", "-")
- nom, ext = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(source_file))
- ext = ext.lower()
- # Video name
- video_name = nom + "_" + dt.replace(" ", "_") + ext
- video.video = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(storage_path), video_name)
- # Move source file to destination
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(video.video.path), exist_ok=True)
- os.rename(source_file, video.video.path)
- video.save()
- # Encode
- encode_video = getattr(encode, ENCODE_VIDEO)
- encode_video(video.id)
- else:
- # Meeting was certainly deleted in Pod database
- print_if_debug(
- " - WARNING: It seems that this meeting was deleted "
- "from Pod database. "
- "internal_meeting_id: " + internalMeetingId
- )
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def process_directory(files, root, html_message_error, message_error):
- # Search files in the BBB directory
- for filename in files:
- # Name of the directory
- dirname = root.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
- print_if_debug(
- "\n*** Process the file "
- + os.path.join(DEFAULT_BBB_PATH, dirname, filename)
- + " ***"
- )
- # Check if extension is a good extension (videos extensions)
- extension = filename.split(".")[-1]
- if not (extension in valid_ext and filename != extension):
- print_if_debug(
- " - WARNING: " + extension + "is not a valid video "
- "extension. If it should "
- "be, add it to the setting "
- )
- continue
- html_message_error, message_error = encode_file_exist(
- filename, extension, message_error, html_message_error
- )
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def get_bbb_meetings_by_xml(html_message_error, message_error):
- print_if_debug("\n*** Check BBB/Scalelite actual meetings ***")
- try:
- # See https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#usage
- # for checksum and security
- checksum = hashlib.sha1(
- str("getMeetings" + BBB_SECRET_KEY).encode("utf-8")
- ).hexdigest()
- # Request on BBB/Scalelite server (API)
- # URL example:
- # https://bbb.univ.fr/bigbluebutton/api/getMeetings?checksum=xxxx
- urlToRequest = BBB_SERVER_URL
- urlToRequest += "bigbluebutton/api/getMeetings?checksum=" + checksum
- addr = requests.get(urlToRequest)
- print_if_debug(
- "Request on URL: " + urlToRequest + ", status: " + str(addr.status_code)
- )
- # XML result to parse
- xmldoc = minidom.parseString(addr.text)
- returncode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("returncode")[0].firstChild.data
- # Management of FAILED error (basically error in checksum)
- if returncode == "FAILED":
- err = "Return code = FAILED for: " + urlToRequest
- err += " => : " + xmldoc.toxml() + ""
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "
" + err + " "
- # Actual meetings
- meetings = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("meeting")
- for meeting in meetings:
- get_meeting(meeting, html_message_error, message_error)
- except Exception as e:
- err = (
- "Problem to parse XML meetings on the BBB/Scalelite server "
- "or save in Pod database: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- )
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def get_meeting(meeting, html_message_error, message_error):
- try:
- # Get meeting informations
- meetingName = meeting.getElementsByTagName("meetingName")[0].firstChild.data
- meetingID = meeting.getElementsByTagName("meetingID")[0].firstChild.data
- internalMeetingID = meeting.getElementsByTagName("internalMeetingID")[
- 0
- ].firstChild.data
- date = meeting.getElementsByTagName("createDate")[0].firstChild.data
- # Recording seems useless (~always True)
- recording = meeting.getElementsByTagName("recording")[0].firstChild.data
- print_if_debug("\n - Meeting: " + internalMeetingID)
- # Id of the current meeting
- idActualMeeting = 0
- # Search if the meeting already exists in Pod database
- oMeeting = Meeting.objects.filter(internal_meeting_id=internalMeetingID).first()
- if oMeeting:
- idActualMeeting = oMeeting.id
- print_if_debug(" + Meeting already exists in Pod database.")
- # Check if meeting is recorded now
- if oMeeting.recorded is False and recording == "true":
- print_if_debug(" + Recording this meeting. ")
- oMeeting.recorded = True
- # In all case, save the last date where BBB session was in progress
- lastDateInProgress = timezone.now()
- oMeeting.last_date_in_progress = lastDateInProgress
- oMeeting.save()
- else:
- # Create the meeting in Pod database
- print_if_debug(
- " + Create the meeting in Pod database. "
- "internal_meeting_id: " + internalMeetingID
- )
- meetingToCreate = Meeting()
- meetingToCreate.meeting_id = meetingID
- meetingToCreate.internal_meeting_id = internalMeetingID
- meetingToCreate.meeting_name = meetingName
- # Convert the date in the database format
- dateForSql = dateutil.parser.parse(date, ignoretz=False)
- meetingToCreate.session_date = dateForSql
- # Initially encoding_step = 0 (very important)
- meetingToCreate.encoding_step = 0
- # Recording tag seems ~always true, so seems useless
- if recording == "true":
- meetingToCreate.recorded = True
- else:
- meetingToCreate.recorded = False
- meetingToCreate.recording_available = False
- meetingToCreate.save()
- idActualMeeting = meetingToCreate.id
- # Management of the participants
- for attendee in meeting.getElementsByTagName("attendee"):
- get_attendee(attendee, idActualMeeting, html_message_error, message_error)
- except Exception as e:
- err = (
- "Problem to get BBB meeting "
- "and save in Pod database: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- )
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def get_attendee(attendee, idActualMeeting, html_message_error, message_error):
- try:
- # In BigBlueButton, we have only the full name
- # Full name format: "first_name last_name"
- fullName = attendee.getElementsByTagName("fullName")[0].firstChild.data
- role = attendee.getElementsByTagName("role")[0].firstChild.data
- # We save only the BBB moderator
- if role == "MODERATOR":
- # Search if the BBB user already exists in Pod
- oAttendee = Attendee.objects.filter(
- full_name=fullName, meeting_id=idActualMeeting
- ).first()
- if oAttendee:
- print_if_debug(
- " + User already exists "
- "in Pod database: "
- "" + oAttendee.full_name
- )
- else:
- # Create the meeting user in Pod database
- print_if_debug(
- " + Create the meeting user in Pod database: " + fullName
- )
- attendeeToCreate = Attendee()
- attendeeToCreate.full_name = fullName
- attendeeToCreate.role = "MODERATOR"
- attendeeToCreate.meeting_id = idActualMeeting
- attendeeToCreate.save()
- except Exception as e:
- err = (
- "Problem to get BBB attendee "
- "and save in Pod database: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- )
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def matching_bbb_pod_user(html_message_error, message_error):
- print_if_debug("\n*** Search if BBB users matching to Pod users ***")
- try:
- # Search for BBB users already in Pod database, without matching
- # By security: take only the 500 last BBB users, to avoid process
- # too long. Usefull when users are not known in Pod.
- attendees = Attendee.objects.filter(user_id__isnull=True).order_by("-id")[:500]
- # Use the BBB_USERNAME_FORMAT setting to make the matching.
- if BBB_USERNAME_FORMAT == "last_name first_name":
- bbbUsernameFormat = Concat("last_name", Value(" "), "first_name")
- else:
- bbbUsernameFormat = Concat("first_name", Value(" "), "last_name")
- for attendee in attendees:
- # Search if this BBB user matching to a Pod user.
- # Take the first one (This can cause an error in case of namesake!)
- podUser = (
- User.objects.annotate(
- name=bbbUsernameFormat,
- )
- .filter(name__icontains=attendee.full_name)
- .first()
- )
- if podUser:
- # Update the id and the username of this user
- print_if_debug(
- " - A Pod user matching a BBB user "
- "was found in Pod database. "
- "BBB user: " + attendee.full_name + ". "
- "Pod user: " + podUser.username
- )
- attendee.username = podUser.username
- attendee.user_id = podUser.id
- attendee.save()
- else:
- print_if_debug(
- " - A Pod user matching a BBB user "
- "was NOT found in Pod database. "
- "BBB user: " + attendee.full_name
- )
- except Exception as e:
- err = (
- "Problem to matching BBB user to Pod user: "
- + str(e)
- + ". "
- + traceback.format_exc()
- )
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def get_bbb_meetings_recorded(html_message_error, message_error):
- print_if_debug("\n*** Check BBB meetings recorded in Pod, not already available ***")
- try:
- # Search for meetings, made since 4 days, with their presentation
- # recorded where the recording is not available for the moment.
- # The idea of the 4 days is to avoid to process recordings that
- # were deleted or with bad data in the database.
- # For informations: parameter Recorded seems useless (~always True)
- dateSince4d = timezone.now() - timezone.timedelta(days=4)
- meetings = Meeting.objects.filter(
- recorded=True,
- recording_available=False,
- session_date__gte=dateSince4d,
- ).order_by("id")
- for meeting in meetings:
- # Search recording on BBB/Scalelite server
- html_message_error, message_error = get_bbb_recording_by_xml(
- meeting.meeting_id,
- meeting.internal_meeting_id,
- html_message_error,
- message_error,
- )
- except Exception as e:
- err = (
- "Problem to get recorded meetings "
- "in Pod database: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- )
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def get_bbb_recording_by_xml(
- meeting_id, internal_meeting_id, html_message_error, message_error
- print_if_debug(" - Check BBB/Scalelite recording.")
- try:
- # See https://docs.bigbluebutton.org/dev/api.html#usage
- # for checksum and security
- uri = "getRecordingsmeetingID="
- uri += urllib.parse.quote_plus(meeting_id) + BBB_SECRET_KEY
- checksum = hashlib.sha1(str(uri).encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
- # Request on BBB/Scalelite server (API)
- # URL example: https://bbb.univ.fr/bigbluebutton/api/getRecordings?
- # meetingID=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&checksum=yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
- urlToRequest = BBB_SERVER_URL
- urlToRequest += "bigbluebutton/api/getRecordings?meetingID="
- urlToRequest += urllib.parse.quote_plus(meeting_id)
- urlToRequest += "&checksum=" + checksum
- addr = requests.get(urlToRequest)
- print_if_debug(
- " + Request on URL: " + urlToRequest + ""
- ", status: " + str(addr.status_code)
- )
- # XML result to parse
- xmldoc = minidom.parseString(addr.text)
- returncode = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("returncode")[0].firstChild.data
- # Management of FAILED error (basically error in checksum)
- if returncode == "FAILED":
- err = "Return code = FAILED for: " + urlToRequest
- err += " => : " + xmldoc.toxml() + ""
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- # Actual recordings
- recordings = xmldoc.getElementsByTagName("recording")
- for recording in recordings:
- get_recording(
- recording,
- internal_meeting_id,
- html_message_error,
- message_error,
- )
- except Exception as e:
- err = (
- "Problem to parse XML recording on the BBB/Scalelite server "
- "or save in Pod database: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- )
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def get_recording(recording, internal_meeting_id, html_message_error, message_error):
- try:
- # Get recording informations
- # meetingID = recording.getElementsByTagName(
- # "meetingID")[0].firstChild.data
- internalMeetingID = recording.getElementsByTagName("internalMeetingID")[
- 0
- ].firstChild.data
- # We only process the correct recording,
- # set by the internal_meeting_id
- print_if_debug(internalMeetingID + " -- " + internal_meeting_id)
- if internalMeetingID == internal_meeting_id:
- # Check if the meeting already exists in Pod database
- oMeeting = Meeting.objects.filter(
- internal_meeting_id=internal_meeting_id
- ).first()
- if oMeeting:
- get_and_save_recording_url(
- recording,
- internal_meeting_id,
- oMeeting,
- html_message_error,
- message_error,
- )
- else:
- # Meeting was certainly deleted in Pod database
- print_if_debug(
- " + WARNING: It seems that this "
- "meeting was deleted from Pod database: " + internalMeetingID
- )
- except Exception as e:
- err = "Problem to get BBB recording: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def get_and_save_recording_url(
- recording, internal_meeting_id, oMeeting, html_message_error, message_error
- try:
- # Get recording URL that corresponds to the presentation URL
- # Save this information, if found, in database
- # Take only the "presentation" format
- # Not other format like "screenshare" or "podcast"
- recording_url = ""
- # Check playback data
- for playback in recording.getElementsByTagName("playback"):
- # Depends on BBB parameters, we can have multiple format
- for format in playback.getElementsByTagName("format"):
- type = format.getElementsByTagName("type")[0].firstChild.data
- # For bbb-recorder, we need URL of presentation format
- if type == "presentation":
- # Recording URL is the BBB presentation URL
- recording_url = format.getElementsByTagName("url")[0].firstChild.data
- # We take the first thumbnail found
- thumbnail_url = playback.getElementsByTagName("image")[
- 0
- ].firstChild.data
- if recording_url != "":
- print_if_debug(
- " + The recording was found. "
- "internal_meeting_id: " + internal_meeting_id + ". "
- "recording_url: " + recording_url
- )
- # Convert recording_url format (2.0 to 2.3) if necessary
- recording_url, html_message_error, message_error = convert_format(
- recording_url, internal_meeting_id, html_message_error, message_error
- )
- oMeeting.recording_available = True
- oMeeting.recording_url = recording_url
- oMeeting.thumbnail_url = thumbnail_url
- oMeeting.save()
- except Exception as e:
- err = (
- "Problem to get BBB recording url "
- "and save in Pod database: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- )
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-def convert_format(recording_url, internal_meeting_id, html_message_error, message_error):
- print_if_debug("\n*** Convert recording_url format (if necessary) ***")
- try:
- # Conversion - if necessary - from
- # https://xxx/playback/presentation/2.0/playback.html?meetingId=ID
- # to https://xxx/playback/presentation/2.3/ID?meetingId=ID
- if BBB_VERSION_IS_23 and recording_url.find("/2.0/") >= 0:
- recording_url = recording_url.replace(
- "/2.0/playback.html", "/2.3/" + internal_meeting_id
- )
- print_if_debug(
- " + Converting recording_url "
- "from 2.0 format to 2.3 format. "
- "New recording_url: " + recording_url
- )
- except Exception as e:
- err = "Problem to convert format: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return recording_url, html_message_error, message_error
-def delete_old_meetings(html_message_error, message_error):
- print_if_debug("\n*** Delete old meetings and BBB users ***")
- try:
- # Delete only old meetings if parameter set
- print_if_debug(" - BBB_NUMBER_DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE = 0: nothing to remove.")
- else:
- # Search for BBB meetings, not already published, older than
- delay = timezone.timedelta(days=BBB_NUMBER_DAYS_BEFORE_DELETE)
- date_removal = timezone.now() - delay
- meetings = Meeting.objects.filter(
- encoding_step__lt=3, session_date__lte=date_removal
- ).order_by("id")
- for meeting in meetings:
- print_if_debug(
- " - Removal of this meeting. "
- "internal_meeting_id: " + meeting.internal_meeting_id + "."
- )
- meeting.delete()
- except Exception as e:
- err = "Problem to delete old meetings: " + str(e) + ". " + traceback.format_exc()
- message_error += err + "\n"
- html_message_error += "" + err + " "
- print_if_debug(err)
- return html_message_error, message_error
- return html_message_error, message_error
-class Command(BaseCommand):
- # First possible argument: main
- args = "main"
- help = "Manage the BigBlueButton presentation "
- valid_args = ["main"]
- def add_arguments(self, parser):
- parser.add_argument("task")
- def handle(self, *args, **options):
- # Activate a fixed locale fr
- translation.activate(LANGUAGE_CODE)
- if options["task"] and options["task"] in self.valid_args:
- html_message_error = ""
- message_error = ""
- # Connect to BBB / Scalelite server to get infos
- # about the current meetings
- html_message_error, message_error = get_bbb_meetings_by_xml(
- html_message_error, message_error
- )
- # Search for recording available for meetings
- html_message_error, message_error = get_bbb_meetings_recorded(
- html_message_error, message_error
- )
- # Search to matching BBB users as Pod users
- html_message_error, message_error = matching_bbb_pod_user(
- html_message_error, message_error
- )
- # Check directory to publish video files
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(DEFAULT_BBB_PATH):
- if "logs" in dirs:
- dirs.remove("logs")
- html_message_error, message_error = process_directory(
- files, root, html_message_error, message_error
- )
- # Delete old meetings and users
- html_message_error, message_error = delete_old_meetings(
- html_message_error, message_error
- )
- # If USE_BBB = True, if there was at least one error,
- # send an email to Pod admins
- if message_error != "":
- if USE_BBB:
- print_if_debug(
- "\n\n*** An email BBB job [Error(s) "
- "encountered] was sent to Pod admins, with message: "
- "***\n\n" + message_error
- )
- mail_admins(
- "BBB job [Error(s) encountered]",
- message_error,
- fail_silently=False,
- html_message=html_message_error,
- )
- else:
- print_if_debug(
- "\n\n*** Error(s) encountered but no email sent "
- "\n\n*** (USE_BBB = false) "
- "***\n\nMessage: " + message_error
- )
- else:
- print("*** Warning: you must give some arguments: %s ***" % self.valid_args)
diff --git a/pod/bbb/migrations/__init__.py b/pod/bbb/migrations/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
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deleted file mode 100644
index 1f94e1b258..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/models.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
-"""Esup-Pod BBB models."""
-import importlib
-from django.db import models
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from django.dispatch import receiver
-from django.db.models.signals import post_save
-from django.utils import timezone
-USE_BBB = getattr(settings, "USE_BBB", False)
-class BBB_Meeting(models.Model):
- # Meeting id for the BBB session
- meeting_id = models.CharField(
- _("Meeting id"), max_length=200, help_text=_("Id of the BBB meeting.")
- )
- # Internal meeting id for the BBB session
- internal_meeting_id = models.CharField(
- _("Internal meeting id"),
- max_length=200,
- help_text=_("Internal id of the BBB meeting."),
- )
- # Meeting name for the BBB session
- meeting_name = models.CharField(
- _("Meeting name"),
- max_length=200,
- help_text=_("Name of the BBB meeting."),
- )
- # Date of the BBB session
- session_date = models.DateTimeField(_("Session date"), default=timezone.now)
- # Encoding step / status of the process
- (0, _("Publish is possible")),
- (1, _("Waiting for encoding")),
- (2, _("Encoding in progress")),
- (3, _("Already published")),
- )
- encoding_step = models.IntegerField(
- _("Encoding step"),
- choices=ENCODING_STEP,
- help_text=_(
- "Encoding step for conversion of the BBB presentation to video file."
- ),
- default=0,
- )
- # Is this meeting was recorded in BigBlueButton?
- recorded = models.BooleanField(
- _("Recorded"), help_text=_("BBB presentation recorded?"), default=False
- )
- # Is the recording of the presentation is available in BigBlueButton?
- recording_available = models.BooleanField(
- _("Recording available"),
- help_text=_("BBB presentation recording is available?"),
- default=False,
- )
- # URL of the recording of the BigBlueButton presentation
- recording_url = models.CharField(
- _("Recording url"),
- help_text=_("URL of the recording of the BBB presentation."),
- max_length=200,
- )
- # URL of the recording thumbnail of the BigBlueButton presentation
- thumbnail_url = models.CharField(
- _("Thumbnail url"),
- help_text=_("URL of the recording thumbnail of the BBB presentation."),
- max_length=200,
- )
- # User who converted the BigBlueButton presentation to video file
- encoded_by = models.ForeignKey(
- User,
- on_delete=models.CASCADE,
- limit_choices_to={"is_staff": True},
- verbose_name=_("User"),
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("User who converted the BBB presentation to video file."),
- )
- # Last date of the BBB session in progress
- last_date_in_progress = models.DateTimeField(
- _("Last date in progress"),
- default=timezone.now,
- help_text=_("Last date where BBB session was in progress."),
- )
- def __unicode__(self) -> str:
- return "%s - %s" % (self.meeting_name, self.meeting_id)
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- return "%s - %s" % (self.meeting_name, self.meeting_id)
- def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- super(BBB_Meeting, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
- class Meta:
- verbose_name = _("Meeting")
- verbose_name_plural = _("Meetings")
- ordering = ["session_date"]
-@receiver(post_save, sender=BBB_Meeting)
-def process_recording(sender, instance, created, **kwargs) -> None:
- # Convert the BBB presentation only one time
- # Be careful: this is the condition to create a video of the
- # BigBlueButton presentation only one time.
- if instance.encoding_step == 1 and instance.encoded_by is not None:
- mod = importlib.import_module("%s.plugins.type_%s" % (__package__, "bbb"))
- mod.process(instance)
-# Management of the BigBlueButton users,
-# with role = MODERATOR in BigBlueButton
-class Attendee(models.Model):
- # Meeting for which this user was a moderator
- meeting = models.ForeignKey(
- BBB_Meeting, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Meeting")
- )
- # Full name (First_name Last_name) of the user from BigBlueButton
- full_name = models.CharField(
- _("Full name"),
- max_length=200,
- help_text=_("Full name of the user from BBB."),
- )
- # Role of this user (only MODERATOR for the moment)
- role = models.CharField(
- _("User role"),
- max_length=200,
- help_text=_("Role of the user from BBB."),
- )
- # Username of this user, if the BBB user was translated with a Pod user
- # Redundant information with user, but can be useful.
- username = models.CharField(
- _("Username / User id"),
- max_length=150,
- help_text=_("Username / User id, if the BBB user was matching a Pod user."),
- )
- # Pod user, if the BBB user was translated with a Pod user
- user = models.ForeignKey(
- User,
- on_delete=models.CASCADE,
- limit_choices_to={"is_staff": True},
- verbose_name=_("User"),
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("User from the Pod database, if user found."),
- )
- def __unicode__(self) -> str:
- return "%s - %s" % (self.full_name, self.role)
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- return "%s - %s" % (self.full_name, self.role)
- def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- super(Attendee, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
- class Meta:
- verbose_name = _("Attendee")
- verbose_name_plural = _("Attendees")
- ordering = ["full_name"]
-# Management of BigBlueButton sessions for live
-# See bbb-pod-live.php for more explanations.
-class Livestream(models.Model):
- # Meeting
- meeting = models.ForeignKey(
- BBB_Meeting, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Meeting")
- )
- # Start date of the live
- start_date = models.DateTimeField(
- _("Start date"),
- default=timezone.now,
- help_text=_("Start date of the live."),
- )
- # End date of the live
- end_date = models.DateTimeField(
- _("End date"),
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("End date of the live."),
- )
- # Live status
- STATUS = (
- (0, _("Live not started")),
- (1, _("Live in progress")),
- (2, _("Live stopped")),
- )
- status = models.IntegerField(_("Live status"), choices=STATUS, default=0)
- # Server/Process performing the live
- server = models.CharField(
- _("Server"),
- max_length=20,
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("Server/process performing the live."),
- )
- # User that want to perform the live
- user = models.ForeignKey(
- User,
- on_delete=models.CASCADE,
- limit_choices_to={"is_staff": True},
- verbose_name=_("User"),
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("Username / User id, that want to perform the live."),
- )
- # Restricted access to the created live
- is_restricted = models.BooleanField(
- verbose_name=_("Restricted access"),
- help_text=_("Is live only accessible to authenticated users?"),
- default=False,
- )
- # Broadcaster in charge to perform the live
- broadcaster_id = models.IntegerField(
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- verbose_name=_("Broadcaster"),
- help_text=_("Broadcaster in charge to perform live."),
- )
- # If the user wants that show the public chat in the live
- show_chat = models.BooleanField(
- verbose_name=_("Show public chat"),
- help_text=_("Do you want to show the public chat in the live?"),
- default=True,
- )
- # If the user wants to download the video of this meeting after the live
- download_meeting = models.BooleanField(
- verbose_name=_("Save meeting in dashboard"),
- help_text=_(
- "Do you want to save the video of "
- "this meeting, at the end of the live, directly in “Dashboard”?"
- ),
- default=False,
- )
- # If the user wants that students have a chat in the live page
- enable_chat = models.BooleanField(
- verbose_name=_("Enable chat"),
- help_text=_(
- "Do you want a chat on the live page "
- "for students? Messages sent in this live page’s chat will "
- "end up in BigBlueButton’s public chat."
- ),
- default=False,
- )
- # Redis hostname, useful for chat
- redis_hostname = models.CharField(
- _("Redis hostname"),
- max_length=200,
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("Redis hostname, useful for chat"),
- )
- # Redis port, useful for chat
- redis_port = models.IntegerField(
- _("Redis port"),
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("Redis port, useful for chat"),
- )
- # Redis channel, useful for chat
- redis_channel = models.CharField(
- _("Redis channel"),
- max_length=200,
- null=True,
- blank=True,
- help_text=_("Redis channel, useful for chat"),
- )
- def __unicode__(self) -> str:
- return "%s - %s" % (self.meeting, self.status)
- def __str__(self) -> str:
- return "%s - %s" % (self.meeting, self.status)
- def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> None:
- super(Livestream, self).save(*args, **kwargs)
- class Meta:
- verbose_name = _("Livestream")
- verbose_name_plural = _("Livestreams")
- ordering = ["start_date"]
diff --git a/pod/bbb/plugins/__init__.py b/pod/bbb/plugins/__init__.py
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--- a/pod/bbb/plugins/type_bbb.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-import threading
-import logging
-from django.conf import settings
-from pod.bbb.bbb import start_bbb_encode
-BBB_ENCODE_MEETING = getattr(settings, "BBB_ENCODE_MEETING", start_bbb_encode)
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-# Process that allows to create a video file
-# from a BigBlueButton presentation
-def process(recording):
- log.info("START PROCESS OF RECORDING %s" % recording)
- t = threading.Thread(target=bbb_encode_recording, args=[recording])
- t.setDaemon(True)
- t.start()
-# Create a video file from a BigBlueButton presentation
-def bbb_encode_recording(recording):
- BBB_ENCODE_MEETING(recording.id)
diff --git a/pod/bbb/rest_views.py b/pod/bbb/rest_views.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b7f147f1d..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/rest_views.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-from rest_framework import serializers, viewsets
-from .models import BBB_Meeting, Attendee, Livestream
-class MeetingModelSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
- class Meta:
- model = BBB_Meeting
- fields = (
- "id",
- "meeting_id",
- "internal_meeting_id",
- "meeting_name",
- "encoding_step",
- "recorded",
- "recording_available",
- "recording_url",
- "thumbnail_url",
- "encoded_by",
- "session_date",
- "last_date_in_progress",
- )
-class MeetingModelViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
- queryset = BBB_Meeting.objects.all()
- serializer_class = MeetingModelSerializer
-class AttendeeModelSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
- class Meta:
- model = Attendee
- fields = ("id", "full_name", "role", "username", "meeting", "user")
-class AttendeeModelViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
- queryset = Attendee.objects.all()
- serializer_class = AttendeeModelSerializer
-class LivestreamModelSerializer(serializers.HyperlinkedModelSerializer):
- class Meta:
- model = Livestream
- fields = (
- "id",
- "meeting",
- "start_date",
- "end_date",
- "show_chat",
- "download_meeting",
- "enable_chat",
- "is_restricted",
- "broadcaster_id",
- "redis_hostname",
- "redis_port",
- "redis_channel",
- "status",
- "server",
- "user",
- )
- filterset_fields = ["status", "server"]
-class LivestreamModelViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
- queryset = Livestream.objects.all()
- serializer_class = LivestreamModelSerializer
- filterset_fields = ["status", "server"]
diff --git a/pod/bbb/static/css/bbb.css b/pod/bbb/static/css/bbb.css
deleted file mode 100644
index cd388c7916..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/static/css/bbb.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * Esup-Pod BBB styles
- */
-#bbb_meetings_list .card-header {
- background: var(--color-black-alpha);
- padding: 0 0.25rem;
- z-index: 9;
-#bbb_meetings_list .card-header .text-muted {
- color: var(--color-white) !important;
-/* To always see publish button */
-#bbb_meetings_list .infinite-item .card-body {
- height: auto !important;
-#bbb_meetings_list .infinite-item .card-body footer a {
- width: 100% !important;
diff --git a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html b/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
deleted file mode 100644
index ef2782b8eb..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-{% load i18n %}
-{% spaceless %}
-{% endspaceless %}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html b/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e60cb96e9..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-{% extends 'base.html' %}
-{% load i18n %}
-{% load static %}
-{% block page_extra_head %}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block breadcrumbs %}
-{{ block.super }}
- {{page_title}}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block page_content %}
- {% trans "Create a video from a BigBlueButton presentation" %}
- {% if records.paginator.count == 0 %}
- {% trans "No record found" %}
- {% trans "There are no BigBlueButton records." %}
- {% else %}
- {% blocktrans count counter=records.paginator.count %}{{ counter }} record found{% plural %}{{ counter }} records found{% endblocktrans %}
- {% trans "This is the list of the recorded BigBlueButton sessions for which you were moderator. This module allows you to create a video from a BigBlueButton presentation." %}
- {% trans "Shortly after the presentation is published, the corresponding video will appear in your videos." %}
- {% trans "Please note: a BigBlueButton presentation can be encoded by another moderator." %}
- {% trans "If such a case occurs, this information will be displayed directly in the list. You can then contact this user directly to ask him/her to share the video with you, or even to put you as additional owner of the video." %}
- {% include "bbb/record_list.html" %}
- {% endif %}
- {% trans "Please note: this page refreshes automatically every 30 seconds." %}
-{% endblock page_content %}
-{% block collapse_page_aside %}{% endblock collapse_page_aside %}
-{% block page_aside %}{% endblock page_aside %}
-{% block more_script %}
-{% endblock more_script %}
diff --git a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html b/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
deleted file mode 100644
index f0bc97ed0a..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-{% load i18n %}
-{% spaceless %}
- {% if not record.live %}
- {% if not max_limit_reached %}
- {% trans "Perform a BigBlueButton live"%}
- {% else %}
- {% trans "Impossible to perform a BigBlueButton live for the moment (all resources are busy)"%}>
- {% endif %}
- {% else %}
- {% if record.live.status == 0 %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if record.live.status == 1 %}
- {% endif %}
- {% if record.live.status == 2 %}
- {% endif %}
- {% endif %}
-{% endspaceless %}
diff --git a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html b/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
deleted file mode 100644
index c643ea79d4..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-{% extends 'base.html' %}
-{% load i18n %}
-{% load static %}
-{% block page_extra_head %}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block breadcrumbs %}{{ block.super }}
- {{page_title}}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block page_content %}
- {% if records.paginator.count == 0 %}
- {% trans "No BigBlueButton session in progress found"%}
- {% else %}
- {% blocktrans count counter=records.paginator.count %}{{ counter }} BigBlueButton session in progress found{% plural %}{{ counter }} BigBlueButton sessions in progress found{% endblocktrans %}
- {% endif %}
- {% trans "This is the list of current BigBlueButton sessions for which you are moderator. This module allows you to make a live stream from this BigBlueButton session (useful if there are more than 100 users )." %}
- {% trans "Remember to not use breakout rooms in this case and end the meeting once it is over." %}
- {% blocktrans %}Shortly after clicking the “Perform a BigBlueButton live” button, and select the desired options, the live stream will be available to users on the Lives page.{% endblocktrans %}
- {% if records.paginator.count == 0 %}
- {% trans "There are no BigBlueButton sessions in progress." %}
- {% else %}
- {% include "bbb/live_record_list.html" %}
- {% endif %}
- {% trans "Please note: this page refreshes automatically every 30 seconds." %}
-{% endblock page_content %}
-{% block collapse_page_aside %}{% endblock collapse_page_aside %}
-{% block page_aside %}{% endblock page_aside %}
-{% block more_script %}
-{% endblock more_script %}
diff --git a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html b/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 579556d251..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-{% extends 'base.html' %}
-{% load i18n %}
-{% load static %}
-{% load thumbnail %}
-{% block page_extra_head %}
-{% endblock page_extra_head %}
-{% block breadcrumbs %}{{ block.super }}
- {% trans 'Perform a BigBlueButton live' %}
- {% trans 'Confirmation of performing a BigBlueButton live' %}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block page_title %}
- {% trans "Confirmation of performing a BigBlueButton live" %}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block page_content %}
- {% trans "Are you sure you want to perform a BigBlueButton live?" %}
-{% endblock page_content %}
-{% block collapse_page_aside %}
-{% endblock collapse_page_aside %}
-{% block page_aside %}
-{% endblock page_aside %}
-{% block more_script %}
-{% endblock more_script %}
diff --git a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html b/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 86d1e662ba..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-{% load i18n %}
-{% spaceless %}
- {% for record in records %}
- {% include "bbb/live_card.html" %}
- {% empty %}
{% trans "Sorry, no BigBlueButton session in progress found" %}
- {% endfor %}
- {% if records.has_next %}
- {% trans "More" %}
- {% endif %}
- {% trans "Loading…" %}
-{% endspaceless %}
diff --git a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html b/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 7acf1a6def..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-{% extends 'base.html' %}
-{% load i18n %}
-{% load static %}
-{% load thumbnail %}
-{% block page_extra_head %}
-{% endblock page_extra_head %}
-{% block breadcrumbs %}{{ block.super }}
- {% trans 'My BigBlueButton records' %}
- {% trans "Publish the BigBlueButton presentation" %}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block page_title %}
- {% trans "Publish the BigBlueButton presentation" %}
-{% endblock %}
-{% block page_content %}
-{% trans "Are you sure you want to publish this BigBlueButton presentation?" %}
-{% endblock page_content %}
-{% block collapse_page_aside %}
-{% endblock collapse_page_aside %}
-{% block page_aside %}
-{% endblock page_aside %}
-{% block more_script %}
-{% endblock more_script %}
diff --git a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html b/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e156591359..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-{% load i18n %}
-{% spaceless %}
- {% for record in records %}
- {% include "bbb/card.html" %}
- {% empty %}
{% trans "Sorry, no record found" %}
- {% endfor %}
-{% if records.has_next %}
- {% trans "More" %}
-{% endif %}
- {% trans "Loading…" %}
-{% endspaceless %}
diff --git a/pod/bbb/tests/__init__.py b/pod/bbb/tests/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2..0000000000
diff --git a/pod/bbb/tests/test_models.py b/pod/bbb/tests/test_models.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e4a5e7a63a..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/tests/test_models.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
-"""Test BBB models."""
-from django.test import TestCase
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from django.utils import timezone
-from ..models import BBB_Meeting as Meeting, Attendee, Livestream
-class MeetingTestCase(TestCase):
- fixtures = [
- "initial_data.json",
- ]
- def setUp(self):
- """Set up MeetingTestCase."""
- Meeting.objects.create(
- id=1,
- meeting_id="id1",
- internal_meeting_id="internalid1",
- meeting_name="Session BBB1",
- encoding_step=0,
- )
- user = User.objects.create(username="pod")
- Meeting.objects.create(
- id=2,
- meeting_id="id2",
- internal_meeting_id="internalid2",
- meeting_name="Session BBB2",
- encoding_step=1,
- encoded_by=user,
- )
- print(" ---> SetUp of MeetingTestCase: OK!")
- def test_attributes(self):
- """Test Meeting attributes."""
- meeting = Meeting.objects.get(id=1)
- self.assertEqual(meeting.meeting_name, "Session BBB1")
- self.assertEqual(meeting.internal_meeting_id, "internalid1")
- self.assertEqual(meeting.meeting_name, "Session BBB1")
- self.assertEqual(meeting.encoding_step, 0)
- date = timezone.now()
- self.assertEqual(meeting.session_date.year, date.year)
- self.assertEqual(meeting.session_date.month, date.month)
- self.assertEqual(meeting.session_date.day, date.day)
- user = User.objects.get(username="pod")
- meeting2 = Meeting.objects.get(id=2)
- self.assertEqual(meeting2.meeting_name, "Session BBB2")
- self.assertEqual(meeting2.internal_meeting_id, "internalid2")
- self.assertEqual(meeting2.meeting_name, "Session BBB2")
- self.assertEqual(meeting2.encoding_step, 1)
- self.assertEqual(meeting2.encoded_by, user)
- print(" ---> test_attributs of MeetingTestCase: OK!")
- # Test update attributes
- def test_update_attributes(self):
- meeting = Meeting.objects.get(id=1)
- user = User.objects.get(username="pod")
- meeting.encoding_step = 1
- meeting.encoded_by = user
- meeting.save()
- self.assertEqual(meeting.encoding_step, 1)
- self.assertEqual(meeting.encoded_by, user)
- print(" ---> test_update_attributes of MeetingTestCase: OK!")
- # Test delete object
- def test_delete_object(self):
- Meeting.objects.filter(meeting_id="id1").delete()
- self.assertEqual(Meeting.objects.all().count(), 1)
- Meeting.objects.filter(meeting_id="id2").delete()
- self.assertEqual(Meeting.objects.all().count(), 0)
- print(" ---> test_delete_object of MeetingTestCase: OK!")
-class AttendeeTestCase(TestCase):
- fixtures = [
- "initial_data.json",
- ]
- def setUp(self):
- meeting1 = Meeting.objects.create(
- id=1,
- meeting_id="id1",
- internal_meeting_id="internalid1",
- meeting_name="Session BBB1",
- encoding_step=0,
- )
- Attendee.objects.create(
- id=1, full_name="John Doe", role="MODERATOR", meeting=meeting1
- )
- User.objects.create(username="pod")
- userJaneDoe = User.objects.create(username="pod2")
- Attendee.objects.create(
- id=2,
- full_name="Jane Doe",
- role="MODERATOR",
- username="pod2",
- meeting=meeting1,
- user=userJaneDoe,
- )
- print(" ---> SetUp of AttendeeTestCase: OK!")
- # Test attributes
- def test_attributes(self):
- attendee = Attendee.objects.get(id=1)
- meeting = Meeting.objects.get(id=1)
- self.assertEqual(attendee.full_name, "John Doe")
- self.assertEqual(attendee.role, "MODERATOR")
- self.assertEqual(attendee.meeting, meeting)
- userJaneDoe = User.objects.get(username="pod2")
- attendee2 = Attendee.objects.get(id=2)
- self.assertEqual(attendee2.full_name, "Jane Doe")
- self.assertEqual(attendee2.role, "MODERATOR")
- self.assertEqual(attendee2.meeting, meeting)
- self.assertEqual(attendee2.username, "pod2")
- self.assertEqual(attendee2.user, userJaneDoe)
- print(" ---> test_attributs of AttendeeTestCase: OK!")
- # Test update attributes
- def test_update_attributes(self):
- attendee = Attendee.objects.get(id=1)
- userJohnDoe = User.objects.get(username="pod")
- attendee.username = "pod"
- attendee.user = userJohnDoe
- attendee.save()
- self.assertEqual(attendee.username, "pod")
- self.assertEqual(attendee.user, userJohnDoe)
- print(" ---> test_update_attributes of AttendeeTestCase: OK!")
- # Test delete object
- def test_delete_object(self):
- Attendee.objects.filter(id=1).delete()
- self.assertEqual(Attendee.objects.all().count(), 1)
- Attendee.objects.filter(id=2).delete()
- self.assertEqual(Attendee.objects.all().count(), 0)
- print(" ---> test_delete_object of AttendeeTestCase: OK!")
-class LivestreamTestCase(TestCase):
- fixtures = [
- "initial_data.json",
- ]
- def setUp(self):
- meeting1 = Meeting.objects.create(
- id=1,
- meeting_id="id1",
- internal_meeting_id="internalid1",
- meeting_name="Session BBB1",
- encoding_step=0,
- )
- user1 = User.objects.create(username="pod")
- Livestream.objects.create(
- id=1, start_date=timezone.now(), meeting=meeting1, user=user1
- )
- print(" ---> SetUp of LivestreamTestCase: OK!")
- # Test attributes
- def test_attributes(self):
- meeting = Meeting.objects.get(id=1)
- user = User.objects.get(username="pod")
- livestream = Livestream.objects.get(id=1)
- self.assertEqual(livestream.status, 0)
- self.assertEqual(livestream.meeting, meeting)
- self.assertEqual(livestream.user, user)
- date = timezone.now()
- self.assertEqual(livestream.start_date.year, date.year)
- self.assertEqual(livestream.start_date.month, date.month)
- self.assertEqual(livestream.start_date.day, date.day)
- print(" ---> test_attributs of LivestreamTestCase: OK!")
- # Test update attributes
- def test_update_attributes(self):
- livestream = Livestream.objects.get(id=1)
- livestream.status = 1
- livestream.download_meeting = 1
- livestream.enable_chat = 1
- livestream.is_restricted = 1
- livestream.redis_hostname = "localhost"
- livestream.redis_port = 6379
- livestream.broadcaster_id = 1
- livestream.save()
- self.assertEqual(livestream.status, 1)
- self.assertEqual(livestream.download_meeting, 1)
- self.assertEqual(livestream.redis_hostname, "localhost")
- self.assertEqual(livestream.redis_port, 6379)
- self.assertEqual(livestream.broadcaster_id, 1)
- print(" ---> test_update_attributes of LivestreamTestCase: OK!")
- # Test delete object
- def test_delete_object(self):
- Livestream.objects.filter(id=1).delete()
- self.assertEqual(Livestream.objects.all().count(), 0)
- print(" ---> test_delete_object of LivestreamTestCase: OK!")
diff --git a/pod/bbb/tests/test_views.py b/pod/bbb/tests/test_views.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b1a29b72c8..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/tests/test_views.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-"""Unit tests for BBB views."""
-from django.test import TestCase
-from django.test import Client
-from django.contrib.auth.models import User
-from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
-from ..models import BBB_Meeting as Meeting, Attendee, Livestream
-from django.utils import timezone
-class MeetingViewsTestCase(TestCase):
- """Test case for BBB MeetingViews."""
- fixtures = [
- "initial_data.json",
- ]
- def setUp(self):
- meeting1 = Meeting.objects.create(
- id=1,
- meeting_id="id1",
- internal_meeting_id="internalid1",
- meeting_name="Session BBB1",
- recorded=True,
- recording_available=True,
- encoding_step=0,
- )
- userJohnDoe = User.objects.create(username="pod")
- Attendee.objects.create(
- id=1,
- full_name="John Doe",
- role="MODERATOR",
- username="pod",
- meeting=meeting1,
- user=userJohnDoe,
- )
- print(" ---> SetUp of MeetingViewsTestCase: OK!")
- def test_list_meeting(self):
- self.client = Client()
- response = self.client.get("/bbb/list_meeting/")
- self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied)
- self.user = User.objects.get(username="pod")
- self.user.is_staff = True
- self.user.save()
- self.client.force_login(self.user)
- response = self.client.get("/bbb/list_meeting/")
- self.assertTrue(b"Session BBB1" in response.content)
- self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
- print(" ---> test_list_meeting of MeetingViewsTestCase: OK!")
- def test_publish_meeting(self):
- self.client = Client()
- response = self.client.get("/bbb/publish_meeting/1")
- self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied)
- self.user = User.objects.get(username="pod")
- self.user.is_staff = True
- self.user.save()
- response = self.client.post("/bbb/publish_meeting/1")
- # Possible status: 200 or 301
- if response.status_code == 200:
- self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 301)
- print(" ---> test_publish_meeting of MeetingViewsTestCase: OK!")
-class LivestreamViewsTestCase(TestCase):
- fixtures = [
- "initial_data.json",
- ]
- def setUp(self):
- meeting1 = Meeting.objects.create(
- id=1,
- meeting_id="id1",
- internal_meeting_id="internalid1",
- meeting_name="Session BBB1",
- session_date=timezone.now(),
- encoding_step=0,
- )
- userJohnDoe = User.objects.create(username="john.doe")
- Attendee.objects.create(
- id=1,
- full_name="John Doe",
- role="MODERATOR",
- username="john.doe",
- meeting=meeting1,
- user=userJohnDoe,
- )
- Livestream.objects.create(
- id=1,
- start_date=timezone.now(),
- meeting=meeting1,
- status=0,
- user=userJohnDoe,
- )
- print(" ---> SetUp of LivestreamViewsTestCase: OK!")
- def test_live_list_meeting(self):
- self.client = Client()
- response = self.client.get("/bbb/live_list_meeting/")
- self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied)
- self.user = User.objects.get(username="john.doe")
- self.user.is_staff = True
- self.user.save()
- self.client.force_login(self.user)
- response = self.client.get("/bbb/live_list_meeting/")
- self.assertTrue(b"Session BBB1" in response.content)
- self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
- print(" ---> test_live_list_meeting of LivestreamViewsTestCase: OK!")
- def test_live_publish_meeting(self):
- self.client = Client()
- response = self.client.get("/bbb/live_publish_meeting/1")
- self.assertRaises(PermissionDenied)
- self.user = User.objects.get(username="john.doe")
- self.user.is_staff = True
- self.user.save()
- response = self.client.post("/bbb/live_publish_meeting/1")
- # Possible status: 200 or 301
- if response.status_code == 200:
- self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
- else:
- self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 301)
- print(" ---> test_live_publish_meeting of LivestreamViewsTestCase:OK!")
diff --git a/pod/bbb/urls.py b/pod/bbb/urls.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a02d6a45fd..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/urls.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from django.conf.urls import url
-from .views import list_meeting, publish_meeting, live_list_meeting
-from .views import live_publish_meeting, live_publish_chat
-app_name = "bbb"
-urlpatterns = [
- url(r"^list_meeting/$", list_meeting, name="list_meeting"),
- url(
- r"^publish_meeting/(?P[\d]+)/$",
- publish_meeting,
- name="publish_meeting",
- ),
- url(r"^live_list_meeting/$", live_list_meeting, name="live_list_meeting"),
- url(
- r"^live_publish_meeting/(?P[\d]+)/$",
- live_publish_meeting,
- name="live_publish_meeting",
- ),
- url(
- r"^live_publish_chat/(?P[\d]+)/$",
- live_publish_chat,
- name="live_publish_chat",
- ),
diff --git a/pod/bbb/views.py b/pod/bbb/views.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b6df81de4..0000000000
--- a/pod/bbb/views.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-"""Pod BBB views."""
-import json
-from django.core.paginator import Paginator, PageNotAnInteger, EmptyPage
-from django.shortcuts import render
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.urls import reverse
-from django.core.exceptions import PermissionDenied
-from django.shortcuts import redirect
-from django.contrib.admin.views.decorators import staff_member_required
-from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_protect
-from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
-from pod.bbb.models import BBB_Meeting as Meeting
-from .models import Livestream
-from .forms import MeetingForm, LivestreamForm
-from django.contrib import messages
-from django.shortcuts import get_object_or_404
-from django.utils import timezone
-from django.http import JsonResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed
-from django.contrib.auth.decorators import login_required, user_passes_test
-import redis
-USE_BBB = getattr(settings, "USE_BBB", False)
-USE_BBB_LIVE = getattr(settings, "USE_BBB_LIVE", False)
-BBB_NUMBER_MAX_LIVES = getattr(settings, "BBB_NUMBER_MAX_LIVES", 1)
-def list_meeting(request):
- """Get meetings list, which recordings are available, ordered by date."""
- meetings_list = Meeting.objects.filter(
- attendee__user_id=request.user.id, recording_available=True
- )
- meetings_list = meetings_list.order_by("-session_date")
- page = request.GET.get("page", 1)
- full_path = ""
- if page:
- full_path = (
- request.get_full_path()
- .replace("?page=%s" % page, "")
- .replace("&page=%s" % page, "")
- )
- paginator = Paginator(meetings_list, 12)
- try:
- records = paginator.page(page)
- except PageNotAnInteger:
- records = paginator.page(1)
- except EmptyPage:
- records = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
- if request.is_ajax():
- return render(
- request,
- "bbb/record_list.html",
- {"records": records, "full_path": full_path},
- )
- return render(
- request,
- "bbb/list_meeting.html",
- {
- "records": records,
- "full_path": full_path,
- "page_title": _("My BigBlueButton records"),
- },
- )
-def publish_meeting(request, id=None):
- """Allow you to create a video from a BigBlueButton presentation."""
- record = get_object_or_404(Meeting, id=id)
- initial = {
- "id": record.id,
- "meeting_id": record.meeting_id,
- "internal_meeting_id": record.internal_meeting_id,
- "meeting_name": record.meeting_name,
- "recorded": record.recorded,
- "recording_available": record.recording_available,
- "recording_url": record.recording_url,
- "thumbnail_url": record.thumbnail_url,
- "session_date": record.session_date,
- }
- form = MeetingForm(request, initial=initial)
- # Check security: a normal user can publish only a meeting
- # where he was moderator
- meetings_list = Meeting.objects.filter(attendee__user_id=request.user.id, id=id)
- if not meetings_list and not request.user.is_superuser:
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.ERROR,
- _("You aren’t the moderator of this BigBlueButton session."),
- )
- raise PermissionDenied
- if request.method == "POST":
- form = MeetingForm(request, request.POST)
- if form.is_valid():
- meeting = form.save(commit=False)
- meeting.id = record.id
- # The 2 parameters are very important in the publish process:
- # At this stage, we put encoding_step=1 (waiting for encoding)
- # and the encoded_by = user that convert this presentation.
- # See the impacts in the models.py, process_recording function.
- # Waiting for encoding
- meeting.encoding_step = 1
- # Save the user that convert this presentation
- meeting.encoded_by = request.user
- meeting.save()
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.INFO,
- _("The BigBlueButton session has been published."),
- )
- return redirect(reverse("bbb:list_meeting"))
- else:
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.ERROR,
- _("One or more errors have been found in the form."),
- )
- return render(request, "bbb/publish_meeting.html", {"record": record, "form": form})
-def live_list_meeting(request):
- """Get a list of live meetings in progress."""
- dateSince10Min = timezone.now() - timezone.timedelta(minutes=10)
- meetings_list = Meeting.objects.filter(
- attendee__user_id=request.user.id,
- last_date_in_progress__gte=dateSince10Min,
- )
- meetings_list = meetings_list.order_by("-session_date")
- meetings_list = check_meetings_have_live_in_progress(meetings_list, request)
- # Get number of lives in progress
- lives_in_progress = Livestream.objects.filter(status=1)
- if len(lives_in_progress) >= BBB_NUMBER_MAX_LIVES:
- max_limit_reached = True
- else:
- max_limit_reached = False
- page = request.GET.get("page", 1)
- full_path = ""
- if page:
- full_path = (
- request.get_full_path()
- .replace("?page=%s" % page, "")
- .replace("&page=%s" % page, "")
- )
- paginator = Paginator(meetings_list, 12)
- try:
- records = paginator.page(page)
- except PageNotAnInteger:
- records = paginator.page(1)
- except EmptyPage:
- records = paginator.page(paginator.num_pages)
- if request.is_ajax():
- return render(
- request,
- "bbb/live_record_list.html",
- {
- "records": records,
- "full_path": full_path,
- "max_limit_reached": max_limit_reached,
- },
- )
- return render(
- request,
- "bbb/live_list_meeting.html",
- {
- "records": records,
- "full_path": full_path,
- "max_limit_reached": max_limit_reached,
- "page_title": _("Perform a BigBlueButton live"),
- },
- )
-def check_meetings_have_live_in_progress(meetings_list, request):
- """Check if these meetings have a live in progress."""
- dateToday = timezone.now() - timezone.timedelta(days=1)
- if len(meetings_list) > 0:
- for meeting in meetings_list:
- # Get the live object that corresponds to this meeting in progress
- lives_list = Livestream.objects.filter(
- user_id=request.user.id,
- start_date__gte=dateToday,
- meeting_id=meeting.id,
- )
- if len(lives_list) > 0:
- # Use case: only 1 live for a meeting
- for live in lives_list:
- # Add the information directly on the meeting
- # on a specific property live
- meeting.live = live
- return meetings_list
-def live_publish_meeting(request, id=None):
- """Allow you to create a live streaming from a BigBlueButton presentation."""
- record = get_object_or_404(Meeting, id=id)
- initial = {"meeting": record, "status": 0, "end_date": None, "server": None}
- form = LivestreamForm(request, initial=initial)
- # Check security: a normal user can publish only a meeting
- # where he was moderator
- meetings_list = Meeting.objects.filter(attendee__user_id=request.user.id, id=id)
- if not meetings_list and not request.user.is_superuser:
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.ERROR,
- _("You aren’t the moderator of this BigBlueButton session."),
- )
- raise PermissionDenied
- if request.method == "POST":
- form = LivestreamForm(request, request.POST)
- if form.is_valid():
- live = form.save(commit=False)
- live.meeting = record
- live.user = request.user
- live.save()
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.INFO,
- _("The BigBlueButton live has been performed."),
- )
- return redirect(reverse("bbb:live_list_meeting"))
- else:
- messages.add_message(
- request,
- messages.ERROR,
- _("One or more errors have been found in the form."),
- )
- return render(
- request,
- "bbb/live_publish_meeting.html",
- {"record": record, "form": form},
- )
-def live_publish_chat_if_authenticated(user):
- if user.__str__() == "AnonymousUser":
- return False
- return True
-@user_passes_test(live_publish_chat_if_authenticated, redirect_field_name="referrer")
-def live_publish_chat(request, id=None):
- if request.method != "POST":
- return HttpResponseNotAllowed(["POST"])
- """Allow an authenticated user to send chat question to BBB."""
- who_sent = "(%s %s) " % (request.user.first_name, request.user.last_name)
- body_unicode = request.body.decode("utf-8")
- body_data = json.loads(body_unicode)
- message = body_data["message"]
- livestreams_list = Livestream.objects.filter(broadcaster_id=id)
- data = {"message_return": "error_no_broadcaster_found", "is_sent": False}
- if len(livestreams_list) > 0:
- for livestream in livestreams_list:
- try:
- # Publish on Redis
- r = redis.Redis(
- host=livestream.redis_hostname,
- port=str(livestream.redis_port),
- db=0,
- )
- r.publish(livestream.redis_channel, who_sent + message)
- data = {"message_return": "message_sent", "is_sent": True}
- except Exception:
- data = {
- "message_return": "error_no_connection",
- "is_sent": False,
- }
- return JsonResponse(data)
diff --git a/pod/import_video/static/css/import_video.css b/pod/import_video/static/css/import_video.css
index 3f82647ca6..15e642c0cc 100644
--- a/pod/import_video/static/css/import_video.css
+++ b/pod/import_video/static/css/import_video.css
@@ -44,58 +44,17 @@
/* Message error */
-div.alert.alert-dismissible {
- border-radius: 6px;
- display: table;
- width: 100%;
- padding-left: 78px;
- position: relative;
- padding-right: 60px;
+i.bi.bi-exclamation-circle.me-2 {
+ color: #c82630;
-div.alert .icon {
- text-align: center;
- width: 58px;
- height: 100%;
- position: absolute;
- top: 0;
- left: 0;
- border: 1px solid #bdbdbd;
- padding-top: 15px;
- border-radius: 6px 0 0 6px;
+i.bi.bi-exclamation-triangle.me-2 {
+ color: #f9af2c;
-div.alert .icon i {
- font-size: 20px;
- color: #fff;
- left: 21px;
- margin-top: -15px;
- position: absolute;
- top: 50%;
+i.bi.bi-check-circle.me-2 {
+ color: #00986a;
-div.alert.alert-success .icon,
-div.alert.alert-success .icon::after {
- border-color: none;
- background: #00986a;
-div.alert.alert-info .icon,
-div.alert.alert-info .icon::after {
- border-color: none;
- background: #00b3c8;
-div.alert.alert-warning .icon,
-div.alert.alert-warning .icon::after {
- border: none;
- background: #f9af2c;
-div.alert.alert-error .icon,
-div.alert.alert-error .icon::after {
- border-color: none;
- background: #c82630;
+i.bi.bi-info-circle.me-2 {
+ color: #00b3c8;
div.alert .proposition {
diff --git a/pod/live/templates/live/event-script.html b/pod/live/templates/live/event-script.html
index be5390bcdc..281cdc7c08 100644
--- a/pod/live/templates/live/event-script.html
+++ b/pod/live/templates/live/event-script.html
@@ -733,7 +733,7 @@
}).then((data) => {
- if (data.res) {
+ if (data.is_sent) {
// Message_sent
displayReturnMessage("info", data.message_return);
} else {
diff --git a/pod/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/pod/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 6efefaccd0..67729f5439 100644
--- a/pod/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/pod/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Pod\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-19 07:39+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-26 13:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: obado \n"
"Language-Team: Pod Team cotech-esup-pod@esup-portail.org\n"
@@ -265,8 +265,6 @@ msgstr "Supprimer cette amélioration"
#: pod/ai_enhancement/views.py
#: pod/authentication/templates/userpicture/userpicture.html
#: pod/authentication/tests/test_views.py
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html pod/bbb/views.py
#: pod/completion/templates/video_caption_maker.html
#: pod/dressing/templates/dressing_delete.html
#: pod/dressing/templates/dressing_edit.html pod/dressing/views.py
@@ -305,8 +303,6 @@ msgstr "Une ou plusieurs erreurs ont été trouvées dans le formulaire."
#: pod/ai_enhancement/templates/create_enhancement.html
#: pod/ai_enhancement/templates/delete_enhancement.html
#: pod/authentication/templates/userpicture/userpicture.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
#: pod/completion/templates/video_caption_maker.html
#: pod/dressing/templates/dressing_delete.html
#: pod/dressing/templates/dressing_edit.html
@@ -696,7 +692,6 @@ msgid "Change your picture"
msgstr "Changer votre image de profil"
#: pod/authentication/templates/userpicture/userpicture.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
#: pod/completion/templates/video_caption_maker.html
#: pod/import_video/templates/import_video/add_or_edit.html
#: pod/live/templates/live/direct.html
@@ -724,553 +719,6 @@ msgstr "Fermer"
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr "Sauvegarder"
-#: pod/bbb/admin.py pod/video/admin.py
-msgid "Encode selected"
-msgstr "(Ré)encoder la sélection"
-#: pod/bbb/forms.py
-msgid ""
-"It is not possible to re-encode a recording that was not originally encoded "
-"by an user."
-msgstr ""
-"Il n’est pas possible de ré-encoder un enregistrement qui n’a pas été encodé "
-"initialement par un utilisateur."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Meeting id"
-msgstr "Identifiant de la session"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Id of the BBB meeting."
-msgstr "Identifiant de la session BBB."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Internal meeting id"
-msgstr "Identifiant interne de la session"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Internal id of the BBB meeting."
-msgstr "Identifiant interne de la session BBB."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/views.py
-msgid "Meeting name"
-msgstr "Nom de la session"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Name of the BBB meeting."
-msgstr "Nom de la session BBB."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Session date"
-msgstr "Date de session"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Publish is possible"
-msgstr "La publication est possible"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
-msgid "Waiting for encoding"
-msgstr "En attente d’encodage"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html pod/video/models.py
-msgid "Encoding in progress"
-msgstr "Encodage en cours"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
-msgid "Already published"
-msgstr "Déjà publié"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/video/models.py pod/video_encode_transcript/models.py
-msgid "Encoding step"
-msgstr "Étape de l’encodage"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Encoding step for conversion of the BBB presentation to video file."
-msgstr ""
-"Étape d’encodage pour la conversion de la présentation BBB en fichier vidéo."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Recorded"
-msgstr "Enregistrée"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "BBB presentation recorded?"
-msgstr "La présentation BBB a-t-elle été enregistrée ?"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Recording available"
-msgstr "Enregistrement disponible"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "BBB presentation recording is available?"
-msgstr "Un enregistrement de la présentation BBB est-il disponible ?"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Recording url"
-msgstr "URL de l’enregistrement"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "URL of the recording of the BBB presentation."
-msgstr "URL de l’enregistrement de la présentation BBB."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Thumbnail url"
-msgstr "URL de la vignette"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "URL of the recording thumbnail of the BBB presentation."
-msgstr ""
-"URL de la vignette correspondant à l’enregistrement de la présentation BBB."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/import_video/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-#: pod/playlist/models.py pod/recorder/models.py pod/video/models.py
-msgid "User"
-msgstr "Utilisateur"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "User who converted the BBB presentation to video file."
-msgstr "Utilisateur ayant converti la présentation BBB en fichier vidéo."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Last date in progress"
-msgstr "Dernière date en cours"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Last date where BBB session was in progress."
-msgstr "Dernière date à laquelle la session BBB était en cours."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Meeting"
-msgstr "Session"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/apps.py
-msgid "Meetings"
-msgstr "Sessions"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/views.py
-msgid "Full name"
-msgstr "Nom complet"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Full name of the user from BBB."
-msgstr "Nom complet de l’utilisateur dans BBB."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "User role"
-msgstr "Rôle de l’utilisateur"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Role of the user from BBB."
-msgstr "Rôle de l’utilisateur dans BBB."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Username / User id"
-msgstr "Username / Identifiant utilisateur"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Username / User id, if the BBB user was matching a Pod user."
-msgstr ""
-"Nom d’utilisateur / ID utilisateur, si l’utilisateur BBB correspond à un "
-"utilisateur existant de Pod."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "User from the Pod database, if user found."
-msgstr ""
-"Utilisateur dans la base de données de Pod, si l’utilisateur est trouvé."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/views.py
-msgid "Attendee"
-msgstr "Participant"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/views.py
-msgid "Attendees"
-msgstr "Participants"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/import_video/models.py pod/live/forms.py
-#: pod/live/models.py pod/meeting/forms.py pod/meeting/models.py
-#: pod/video_search/forms.py
-msgid "Start date"
-msgstr "Date de début"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Start date of the live."
-msgstr "Date de début du direct."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/live/forms.py pod/live/models.py
-#: pod/video_search/forms.py
-msgid "End date"
-msgstr "Date de fin"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "End date of the live."
-msgstr "Date de fin du direct."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Live not started"
-msgstr "Le direct n’a pas encore démarré"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Live in progress"
-msgstr "Le direct est en cours"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Live stopped"
-msgstr "Le direct a été arrêté"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Live status"
-msgstr "Statut du direct"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Server"
-msgstr "Serveur"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Server/process performing the live."
-msgstr "Serveur / processus effectuant le direct."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Username / User id, that want to perform the live."
-msgstr ""
-"Nom d’utilisateur / ID d’utilisateur, qui souhaite effectuer le direct."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/live/models.py pod/live/templates/live/event_card.html
-#: pod/meeting/models.py pod/recorder/models.py pod/video/forms.py
-msgid "Restricted access"
-msgstr "Accès restreint"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Is live only accessible to authenticated users?"
-msgstr "Le direct est-il uniquement accessible aux utilisateurs authentifiés ?"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/live/admin.py pod/live/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Broadcaster"
-msgstr "Diffuseur"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Broadcaster in charge to perform live."
-msgstr "Diffuseur en charge de réaliser le direct."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Show public chat"
-msgstr "Affichage du chat public"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Do you want to show the public chat in the live?"
-msgstr "Souhaitez-vous montrer le chat public en direct ?"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Save meeting in dashboard"
-msgstr "Enregistrer la réunion dans le tableau de bord"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to save the video of this meeting, at the end of the live, "
-"directly in “Dashboard”?"
-msgstr ""
-"Souhaitez-vous enregistrer la vidéo de cette session, à la fin du direct, "
-"directement dans le « Tableau de bord » ?"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Enable chat"
-msgstr "Activer le chat"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid ""
-"Do you want a chat on the live page for students? Messages sent in this live "
-"page’s chat will end up in BigBlueButton’s public chat."
-msgstr ""
-"Voulez-vous un chat sur la page de direct pour les étudiants ? Les messages "
-"envoyés dans le chat de cette page de direct se retrouveront dans le chat "
-"public de BigBlueButton."
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis hostname"
-msgstr "Nom d’hôte REDIS"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis hostname, useful for chat"
-msgstr "Nom d’hôte REDIS, utile pour le chat"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis port"
-msgstr "Port REDIS"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis port, useful for chat"
-msgstr "Port REDIS, utile pour le chat"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis channel"
-msgstr "Channel REDIS"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis channel, useful for chat"
-msgstr "Channel REDIS, utile pour le chat"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Livestream"
-msgstr "Direct"
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Livestreams"
-msgstr "Directs"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid "BigBlueButton presentation preview"
-msgstr "Aperçu de la présentation BigBlueButton"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
-msgid "Publish the BigBlueButton presentation on this platform"
-msgstr "Publier la présentation BigBlueButton sur cette plateforme"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Publish this presentation"
-msgstr "Publier cette présentation"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
-#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/internal_recordings.html
-msgid "by"
-msgstr "par"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid "Create a video from a BigBlueButton presentation"
-msgstr "Créer une vidéo à partir d’une présentation BigBlueButton"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
-msgid "No record found"
-msgstr "Aucun enregistrement trouvé"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid "There are no BigBlueButton records."
-msgstr "Il n’y a pas de sessions BigBlueButton."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(counter)s record found"
-msgid_plural "%(counter)s records found"
-msgstr[0] "%(counter)s enregistrement trouvé"
-msgstr[1] "%(counter)s enregistrements trouvés"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"This is the list of the recorded BigBlueButton sessions for which you were "
-"moderator. This module allows you to create a video from a BigBlueButton "
-msgstr ""
-"Voici la liste des sessions BigBlueButton enregistrées pour lesquelles vous "
-"étiez modérateur. Ce module vous permet de créer une vidéo à partir d’une "
-"présentation BigBlueButton."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Shortly after the presentation is published, the corresponding video will "
-"appear in your videos."
-msgstr ""
-"Peu de temps après la publication de la présentation, la vidéo "
-"correspondante apparaîtra dans vos vidéos."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Please note: a BigBlueButton presentation can be encoded by another "
-msgstr ""
-"Remarque: une présentation BigBlueButton peut être encodée par un autre "
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"If such a case occurs, this information will be displayed directly in the "
-"list. You can then contact this user directly to ask him/her to share the "
-"video with you, or even to put you as additional owner of the video."
-msgstr ""
-"Si un tel cas se produit, ces informations seront affichées directement dans "
-"la liste. Vous pouvez alors contacter directement cet utilisateur pour lui "
-"demander de partager la vidéo avec vous, voire de vous mettre en tant que "
-"propriétaire additionnel de la vidéo."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid "Please note: this page refreshes automatically every 30 seconds."
-msgstr ""
-"Remarque : cette page s’actualise automatiquement toutes les 30 secondes."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html pod/bbb/views.py
-#: pod/main/templates/navbar.html
-msgid "Perform a BigBlueButton live"
-msgstr "Réaliser un direct BigBlueButton"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
-msgid ""
-"Impossible to perform a BigBlueButton live for the moment (all resources are "
-msgstr ""
-"Impossible de réaliser un direct BigBlueButton pour le moment (toutes les "
-"ressources sont occupées)"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
-msgid "Live not published"
-msgstr "Le direct n’a pas été publié"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
-msgid "Live not already started"
-msgstr "Le direct n’a pas encore démarré"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid "No BigBlueButton session in progress found"
-msgstr "Aucune session BigBlueButton en cours trouvée"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(counter)s BigBlueButton session in progress found"
-msgid_plural "%(counter)s BigBlueButton sessions in progress found"
-msgstr[0] "%(counter)s session BigBlueButton en cours trouvée"
-msgstr[1] "%(counter)s sessions BigBlueButton en cours trouvées"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"This is the list of current BigBlueButton sessions for which you are "
-"moderator. This module allows you to make a live stream from this "
-"BigBlueButton session (useful if there are more than 100 users )."
-msgstr ""
-"Voici la liste des sessions BigBlueButton en cours pour lesquelles vous êtes "
-"modérateur. Ce module vous permet de réaliser un direct de cette session "
-"BigBlueButton (utile s’il y a plus de 100 utilisateurs )."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Remember to not use breakout rooms in this case and end the meeting once it "
-"is over."
-msgstr ""
-"N’oubliez pas de ne pas utiliser les salles privées dans ce cas et de mettre "
-"fin à la réunion une fois celle-ci terminée."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Shortly after clicking the “Perform a BigBlueButton live” button, and select "
-"the desired options, the live stream will be available to users on the Lives "
-msgstr ""
-"Peu de temps après avoir cliqué sur le bouton « Réaliser un direct "
-"BigBlueButton » et sélectionné les options souhaitées, le direct sera "
-"disponible pour les utilisateurs sur la page Directs ."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid "There are no BigBlueButton sessions in progress."
-msgstr "Aucune session BigBlueButton n’est en cours."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Confirmation of performing a BigBlueButton live"
-msgstr "Confirmation de la réalisation d’un direct BigBlueButton"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Are you sure you want to perform a BigBlueButton live?"
-msgstr "Êtes-vous sûr de vouloir réaliser un direct BigBlueButton ?"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Select the desired options than validate this form by clicking \"Perform a "
-"BigBlueButton live\"."
-msgstr ""
-"Sélectionnez les options souhaitées puis validez ce formulaire en cliquant "
-"sur « Réaliser un direct BigBlueButton »."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"This live will be stopped automatically when BigBlueButton session ends."
-msgstr ""
-"Ce direct sera arrêté automatiquement à la fin de la session BigBlueButton."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Please note: shortly after clicking the “Perform a BigBlueButton live” "
-"button, the live stream will be available to users on the Lives page."
-msgstr ""
-"Remarque : peu de temps après avoir cliqué sur le bouton « Réaliser un "
-"direct BigBlueButton » le direct sera disponible pour les utilisateurs sur "
-"la page "
-"i> Directs ."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html
-msgid "Sorry, no BigBlueButton session in progress found"
-msgstr "Désolé, aucune session BigBlueButton en cours n’a été trouvée"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html
-#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist-videos-list.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_grid_selectable.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_table_selectable.html
-msgid "More"
-msgstr "Plus"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html pod/main/templates/loader.html
-#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist-videos-list.html
-#: pod/podfile/templates/podfile/home_content.html
-#: pod/podfile/templates/podfile/list_folder_files.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/dashboard_modal.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_edit.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_grid_selectable.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_table_selectable.html
-msgid "Loading…"
-msgstr "Chargement en cours…"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html pod/bbb/views.py
-#: pod/main/templates/navbar.html
-msgid "My BigBlueButton records"
-msgstr "Mes sessions BigBlueButton"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Publish the BigBlueButton presentation"
-msgstr "Publier la présentation BigBlueButton"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Are you sure you want to publish this BigBlueButton presentation?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment publier cette présentation BigBlueButton ?"
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"A video will be created from the BigBlueButton presentation and will be "
-"available on this platform."
-msgstr ""
-"Une vidéo sera créée à partir de la présentation BigBlueButton et sera "
-"disponible sur cette plateforme."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Please note: this treatment can take a long time. You will receive an email "
-"when this treatment is completed."
-msgstr ""
-"Attention: ce traitement peut durer longtemps. Vous recevrez un e-mail "
-"lorsque ce traitement sera terminé."
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
-msgid "Sorry, no record found"
-msgstr "Désolé, aucun enregistrement trouvé"
-#: pod/bbb/views.py
-msgid "You aren’t the moderator of this BigBlueButton session."
-msgstr "Vous n’êtes pas le modérateur de cette session BigBlueButton."
-#: pod/bbb/views.py
-msgid "The BigBlueButton session has been published."
-msgstr "La session BigBlueButton a été publiée."
-#: pod/bbb/views.py
-msgid "The BigBlueButton live has been performed."
-msgstr "Le direct BigBlueButton a été publié et va bientôt démarrer."
#: pod/chapter/apps.py pod/chapter/models.py
#: pod/chapter/templates/video_chapter.html
#: pod/video/templates/videos/video-element.html
@@ -3009,6 +2457,16 @@ msgstr ""
"Veuillez entrer un nom qui vous permettra de retrouver facilement cet "
+#: pod/import_video/models.py pod/live/forms.py pod/live/models.py
+#: pod/meeting/forms.py pod/meeting/models.py pod/video_search/forms.py
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr "Date de début"
+#: pod/import_video/models.py pod/meeting/models.py pod/playlist/models.py
+#: pod/recorder/models.py pod/video/models.py
+msgid "User"
+msgstr "Utilisateur"
#: pod/import_video/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
msgid "User who create this recording"
msgstr "Utilisateur qui a créé cet enregistrement"
@@ -3610,6 +3068,10 @@ msgstr "Oui"
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
+#: pod/live/admin.py pod/live/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Broadcaster"
+msgstr "Diffuseur"
#: pod/live/admin.py
msgid "Auto start admin"
msgstr "Enregistrement auto"
@@ -3634,6 +3096,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Sélectionner l’implémentation de pilotage des enregistrements pour ce "
+#: pod/live/forms.py pod/live/models.py pod/video_search/forms.py
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr "Date de fin"
#: pod/live/forms.py
msgid "End should not be in the past"
msgstr "La fin d’un évènement ne peut pas être planifiée dans le passé"
@@ -3733,6 +3199,11 @@ msgstr "Activer le compteur de spectateurs"
msgid "Enable viewers count on live."
msgstr "Active le compteur de spectateurs sur le direct."
+#: pod/live/models.py pod/live/templates/live/event_card.html
+#: pod/meeting/models.py pod/recorder/models.py pod/video/forms.py
+msgid "Restricted access"
+msgstr "Accès restreint"
#: pod/live/models.py
msgid "Live is accessible only to authenticated users."
msgstr ""
@@ -5586,6 +5057,19 @@ msgstr "Version"
msgid "videos available"
msgstr "vidéos disponibles"
+#: pod/main/templates/loader.html
+#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist-videos-list.html
+#: pod/podfile/templates/podfile/home_content.html
+#: pod/podfile/templates/podfile/list_folder_files.html
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/dashboard_modal.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_edit.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_grid_selectable.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_table_selectable.html
+msgid "Loading…"
+msgstr "Chargement en cours…"
#: pod/main/templates/mail/mail.html pod/main/templates/mail/mail_sender.html
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Bonjour"
@@ -5882,6 +5366,10 @@ msgstr "Modérateurs"
msgid "Viewers"
msgstr "Spectateurs"
+#: pod/meeting/apps.py
+msgid "Meetings"
+msgstr "Sessions"
#: pod/meeting/forms.py pod/video/feeds.py pod/video/models.py
#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_row_select.html
#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_sort_select.html
@@ -6297,6 +5785,10 @@ msgstr ""
"BigBlueButton, et les auditeurs auront un accès via un direct dans la page "
"des directs."
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Enable chat"
+msgstr "Activer le chat"
#: pod/meeting/models.py
msgid ""
"Do you want a chat on the live page for listeners? Messages sent in this "
@@ -6328,6 +5820,10 @@ msgstr "Impossible d’obtenir les enregistrements de la réunion !"
msgid "Unable to delete recording!"
msgstr "Impossible de supprimer l’enregistrement !"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Meeting"
+msgstr "Session"
#: pod/meeting/models.py
msgid "meeting"
msgstr "reunion"
@@ -6369,6 +5865,22 @@ msgstr "Exemple de format : rtmp://live.univ.fr/live/name"
msgid "Broadcaster in charge to perform lives."
msgstr "Diffuseur chargé de réaliser des directs."
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "URL of the SIPMediaGW server"
+msgstr "Adresse URL du serveur SIPMediaGW"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Example format: https://sipmediagw.univ.fr"
+msgstr "Exemple de format : https://sipmediagw.univ.fr"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Bearer token for the SIPMediaGW server."
+msgstr "Jeton Bearer pour le serveur SIPMediaGW."
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Example format: 1234"
+msgstr "Exemple de format : 1234"
#: pod/meeting/models.py
msgid "Live gateway"
msgstr "Passerelle de live"
@@ -6377,6 +5889,22 @@ msgstr "Passerelle de live"
msgid "Live gateways"
msgstr "Passerelles de live"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Live not started"
+msgstr "Le direct n’a pas encore démarré"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Live in progress"
+msgstr "Le direct est en cours"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Live stopped"
+msgstr "Le direct a été arrêté"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Live status"
+msgstr "Statut du direct"
#: pod/meeting/models.py
msgid "Event managed for this live"
msgstr "Gestion de l’événement pour ce direct"
@@ -6393,6 +5921,14 @@ msgstr "Passerelle de live utilisé pour ce direct"
msgid "Live gateway (encoder and broadcaster) that perform the livestream"
msgstr "Passerelle de live (encodeur et diffuseur) qui réalise la diffusion"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Livestream"
+msgstr "Direct"
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Livestreams"
+msgstr "Directs"
#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/add_or_edit.html
#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/link_meeting.html pod/meeting/views.py
msgid "Edit the meeting"
@@ -6616,6 +6152,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Toolbar"
msgstr "Barre d’outils"
+#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/internal_recordings.html
+msgid "by"
+msgstr "par"
#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/internal_recordings.html
msgid "Please confirm you want to upload the recording To Pod"
msgstr ""
@@ -6826,6 +6366,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Un nouvel enregistrement Big Blue Button pour la réunion “%(content_title)s” "
"est maintenant disponible sur %(site_title)s."
+#: pod/meeting/views.py
+msgid "Meeting name"
+msgstr "Nom de la session"
#: pod/meeting/views.py
msgid "Has user joined?"
msgstr "Utilisateurs connectés ?"
@@ -6846,6 +6390,18 @@ msgstr "Nombre d’auditeurs"
msgid "Moderator count"
msgstr "Nombre de modérateurs"
+#: pod/meeting/views.py
+msgid "Attendees"
+msgstr "Participants"
+#: pod/meeting/views.py
+msgid "Attendee"
+msgstr "Participant"
+#: pod/meeting/views.py
+msgid "Full name"
+msgstr "Nom complet"
#: pod/meeting/views.py
msgid "You cannot edit this meeting."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas éditer cette réunion."
@@ -7428,6 +6984,14 @@ msgstr "Gérer la liste de lecture"
msgid "Sorry, no video found."
msgstr "Désolé, aucune vidéo trouvée."
+#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist-videos-list.html
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_grid_selectable.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_table_selectable.html
+msgid "More"
+msgstr "Plus"
#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist.html
#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist_content.html
#: pod/video/templates/channel/channel.html
@@ -8631,6 +8195,17 @@ msgstr "Ajouter un nouvel enregistrement"
msgid "Date of recording."
msgstr "Date de l’enregistrement."
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(counter)s record found"
+msgid_plural "%(counter)s records found"
+msgstr[0] "%(counter)s enregistrement trouvé"
+msgstr[1] "%(counter)s enregistrements trouvés"
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
+msgid "No record found"
+msgstr "Aucun enregistrement trouvé"
#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
msgid "There is no unassigned records"
msgstr "Il n’y a pas d’enregistrement non assigné"
@@ -8688,6 +8263,10 @@ msgstr ""
"Pour supprimer l’enregistrement, veuillez cocher la case et cliquer sur "
"« Supprimer »."
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
+msgid "Sorry, no record found"
+msgstr "Désolé, aucun enregistrement trouvé"
#: pod/recorder/views.py
msgid "Recorder should be indicated."
msgstr "L’enregistreur doit être indiqué."
@@ -8873,6 +8452,10 @@ msgstr "Encodé ?"
msgid "Set as draft"
msgstr "Définir comme brouillon"
+#: pod/video/admin.py
+msgid "Encode selected"
+msgstr "(Ré)encoder la sélection"
#: pod/video/admin.py
msgid "Transcript selected"
msgstr "Transcrire la sélection"
@@ -9510,6 +9093,10 @@ msgstr "La chaîne où vous voulez que votre contenu apparaisse."
msgid "Overview"
msgstr "Vue d’ensemble"
+#: pod/video/models.py
+msgid "Encoding in progress"
+msgstr "Encodage en cours"
#: pod/video/models.py
msgid "Is Video"
msgstr "Est une vidéo"
@@ -9535,6 +9122,10 @@ msgstr "Somme des vues"
msgid "Sum of view of last %(ndays)s days"
msgstr "Somme des vues des %(ndays)s derniers jours"
+#: pod/video/models.py pod/video_encode_transcript/models.py
+msgid "Encoding step"
+msgstr "Étape de l’encodage"
#: pod/video/models.py
msgid "Is the video encoded?"
msgstr "Est-ce que la vidéo est encodée ?"
@@ -11237,37 +10828,3 @@ msgstr "Résultats de la recherche"
#: pod/xapi/apps.py
msgid "Esup-Pod xAPI"
msgstr "xAPI Esup-Pod"
-#~ msgid "The video has been deleted."
-#~ msgstr "La vidéo a été supprimée."
-#~ msgid "You cannot delete this video."
-#~ msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas supprimer cette vidéo."
-#~ msgid "Long answer"
-#~ msgstr "Réponse longue"
-#~ msgid "Long answer question"
-#~ msgstr "Question à réponse longue"
-#~ msgid "Write a long answer."
-#~ msgstr "Écrivez une réponse longue."
-#~ msgid "Please choose an answer."
-#~ msgstr "Veuillez choisir une réponse."
-#~ msgid "Long answer questions"
-#~ msgstr "Questions à réponse longue"
-#~ msgid "Restricted"
-#~ msgstr "Restreint"
-#~ msgid ""
-#~ "The video was treated by Aristote. You must verify and validate the "
-#~ "processing by pressing the robot icon."
-#~ msgstr ""
-#~ "La vidéo a été traitée par Aristote. Vous devez vérifier et valider le "
-#~ "traitement en appuyant sur l’icône du robot."
-#~ msgid "Quiz(zes)"
-#~ msgstr "Quiz"
diff --git a/pod/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po b/pod/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
index 747c22368b..dbba910bef 100644
--- a/pod/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
+++ b/pod/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Esup-Pod\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-19 07:39+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-26 13:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: \n"
"Last-Translator: obado \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
diff --git a/pod/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po b/pod/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
index 5b7b837fd5..9e92bc7c3b 100644
--- a/pod/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
+++ b/pod/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/django.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Pod\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-19 07:39+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-26 13:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-07-04 17:54+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: obado \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
@@ -254,8 +254,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: pod/ai_enhancement/views.py
#: pod/authentication/templates/userpicture/userpicture.html
#: pod/authentication/tests/test_views.py
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html pod/bbb/views.py
#: pod/completion/templates/video_caption_maker.html
#: pod/dressing/templates/dressing_delete.html
#: pod/dressing/templates/dressing_edit.html pod/dressing/views.py
@@ -294,8 +292,6 @@ msgstr ""
#: pod/ai_enhancement/templates/create_enhancement.html
#: pod/ai_enhancement/templates/delete_enhancement.html
#: pod/authentication/templates/userpicture/userpicture.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
#: pod/completion/templates/video_caption_maker.html
#: pod/dressing/templates/dressing_delete.html
#: pod/dressing/templates/dressing_edit.html
@@ -670,7 +666,6 @@ msgid "Change your picture"
msgstr ""
#: pod/authentication/templates/userpicture/userpicture.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
#: pod/completion/templates/video_caption_maker.html
#: pod/import_video/templates/import_video/add_or_edit.html
#: pod/live/templates/live/direct.html
@@ -698,506 +693,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Save changes"
msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/admin.py pod/video/admin.py
-msgid "Encode selected"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/forms.py
-msgid ""
-"It is not possible to re-encode a recording that was not originally encoded "
-"by an user."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Meeting id"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Id of the BBB meeting."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Internal meeting id"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Internal id of the BBB meeting."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/views.py
-msgid "Meeting name"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Name of the BBB meeting."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Session date"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Publish is possible"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
-msgid "Waiting for encoding"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html pod/video/models.py
-msgid "Encoding in progress"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
-msgid "Already published"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/video/models.py pod/video_encode_transcript/models.py
-msgid "Encoding step"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Encoding step for conversion of the BBB presentation to video file."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Recorded"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "BBB presentation recorded?"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Recording available"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "BBB presentation recording is available?"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Recording url"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "URL of the recording of the BBB presentation."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Thumbnail url"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "URL of the recording thumbnail of the BBB presentation."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/import_video/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-#: pod/playlist/models.py pod/recorder/models.py pod/video/models.py
-msgid "User"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "User who converted the BBB presentation to video file."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Last date in progress"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Last date where BBB session was in progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Meeting"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/apps.py
-msgid "Meetings"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/views.py
-msgid "Full name"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Full name of the user from BBB."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "User role"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Role of the user from BBB."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Username / User id"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Username / User id, if the BBB user was matching a Pod user."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "User from the Pod database, if user found."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/views.py
-msgid "Attendee"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/views.py
-msgid "Attendees"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/import_video/models.py pod/live/forms.py
-#: pod/live/models.py pod/meeting/forms.py pod/meeting/models.py
-#: pod/video_search/forms.py
-msgid "Start date"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Start date of the live."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/live/forms.py pod/live/models.py
-#: pod/video_search/forms.py
-msgid "End date"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "End date of the live."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Live not started"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Live in progress"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Live stopped"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Live status"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Server"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Server/process performing the live."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Username / User id, that want to perform the live."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/live/models.py pod/live/templates/live/event_card.html
-#: pod/meeting/models.py pod/recorder/models.py pod/video/forms.py
-msgid "Restricted access"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Is live only accessible to authenticated users?"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/live/admin.py pod/live/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Broadcaster"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Broadcaster in charge to perform live."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Show public chat"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Do you want to show the public chat in the live?"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Save meeting in dashboard"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid ""
-"Do you want to save the video of this meeting, at the end of the live, "
-"directly in “Dashboard”?"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Enable chat"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid ""
-"Do you want a chat on the live page for students? Messages sent in this live "
-"page’s chat will end up in BigBlueButton’s public chat."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis hostname"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis hostname, useful for chat"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis port"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis port, useful for chat"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis channel"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py
-msgid "Redis channel, useful for chat"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Livestream"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
-msgid "Livestreams"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid "BigBlueButton presentation preview"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
-msgid "Publish the BigBlueButton presentation on this platform"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Publish this presentation"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/card.html
-#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/internal_recordings.html
-msgid "by"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid "Create a video from a BigBlueButton presentation"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
-msgid "No record found"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid "There are no BigBlueButton records."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(counter)s record found"
-msgid_plural "%(counter)s records found"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"This is the list of the recorded BigBlueButton sessions for which you were "
-"moderator. This module allows you to create a video from a BigBlueButton "
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Shortly after the presentation is published, the corresponding video will "
-"appear in your videos."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Please note: a BigBlueButton presentation can be encoded by another "
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"If such a case occurs, this information will be displayed directly in the "
-"list. You can then contact this user directly to ask him/her to share the "
-"video with you, or even to put you as additional owner of the video."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/list_meeting.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid "Please note: this page refreshes automatically every 30 seconds."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html pod/bbb/views.py
-#: pod/main/templates/navbar.html
-msgid "Perform a BigBlueButton live"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
-msgid ""
-"Impossible to perform a BigBlueButton live for the moment (all resources are "
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
-msgid "Live not published"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_card.html
-msgid "Live not already started"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid "No BigBlueButton session in progress found"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-#, python-format
-msgid "%(counter)s BigBlueButton session in progress found"
-msgid_plural "%(counter)s BigBlueButton sessions in progress found"
-msgstr[0] ""
-msgstr[1] ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"This is the list of current BigBlueButton sessions for which you are "
-"moderator. This module allows you to make a live stream from this "
-"BigBlueButton session (useful if there are more than 100 users )."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Remember to not use breakout rooms in this case and end the meeting once it "
-"is over."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Shortly after clicking the “Perform a BigBlueButton live” button, and select "
-"the desired options, the live stream will be available to users on the Lives "
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_list_meeting.html
-msgid "There are no BigBlueButton sessions in progress."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Confirmation of performing a BigBlueButton live"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Are you sure you want to perform a BigBlueButton live?"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Select the desired options than validate this form by clicking \"Perform a "
-"BigBlueButton live\"."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"This live will be stopped automatically when BigBlueButton session ends."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Please note: shortly after clicking the “Perform a BigBlueButton live” "
-"button, the live stream will be available to users on the Lives page."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html
-msgid "Sorry, no BigBlueButton session in progress found"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html
-#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist-videos-list.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_grid_selectable.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_table_selectable.html
-msgid "More"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/live_record_list.html
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html pod/main/templates/loader.html
-#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist-videos-list.html
-#: pod/podfile/templates/podfile/home_content.html
-#: pod/podfile/templates/podfile/list_folder_files.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/dashboard_modal.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_edit.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_grid_selectable.html
-#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_table_selectable.html
-msgid "Loading…"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html pod/bbb/views.py
-#: pod/main/templates/navbar.html
-msgid "My BigBlueButton records"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Publish the BigBlueButton presentation"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid "Are you sure you want to publish this BigBlueButton presentation?"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"A video will be created from the BigBlueButton presentation and will be "
-"available on this platform."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/publish_meeting.html
-msgid ""
-"Please note: this treatment can take a long time. You will receive an email "
-"when this treatment is completed."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/templates/bbb/record_list.html
-#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
-msgid "Sorry, no record found"
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/views.py
-msgid "You aren’t the moderator of this BigBlueButton session."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/views.py
-msgid "The BigBlueButton session has been published."
-msgstr ""
-#: pod/bbb/views.py
-msgid "The BigBlueButton live has been performed."
-msgstr ""
#: pod/chapter/apps.py pod/chapter/models.py
#: pod/chapter/templates/video_chapter.html
#: pod/video/templates/videos/video-element.html
@@ -2854,6 +2349,16 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Please enter a name that will allow you to easily find this recording."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/import_video/models.py pod/live/forms.py pod/live/models.py
+#: pod/meeting/forms.py pod/meeting/models.py pod/video_search/forms.py
+msgid "Start date"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/import_video/models.py pod/meeting/models.py pod/playlist/models.py
+#: pod/recorder/models.py pod/video/models.py
+msgid "User"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/import_video/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
msgid "User who create this recording"
msgstr ""
@@ -3376,6 +2881,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "No"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/live/admin.py pod/live/models.py pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Broadcaster"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/live/admin.py
msgid "Auto start admin"
msgstr ""
@@ -3398,6 +2907,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Select the piloting implementation for to this broadcaster."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/live/forms.py pod/live/models.py pod/video_search/forms.py
+msgid "End date"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/live/forms.py
msgid "End should not be in the past"
msgstr ""
@@ -3497,6 +3010,11 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Enable viewers count on live."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/live/models.py pod/live/templates/live/event_card.html
+#: pod/meeting/models.py pod/recorder/models.py pod/video/forms.py
+msgid "Restricted access"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/live/models.py
msgid "Live is accessible only to authenticated users."
msgstr ""
@@ -5283,6 +4801,19 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "videos available"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/main/templates/loader.html
+#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist-videos-list.html
+#: pod/podfile/templates/podfile/home_content.html
+#: pod/podfile/templates/podfile/list_folder_files.html
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/dashboard_modal.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_edit.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_grid_selectable.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_table_selectable.html
+msgid "Loading…"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/main/templates/mail/mail.html pod/main/templates/mail/mail_sender.html
msgid "Hello"
msgstr ""
@@ -5574,6 +5105,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Viewers"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/apps.py
+msgid "Meetings"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/forms.py pod/video/feeds.py pod/video/models.py
#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_row_select.html
#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_sort_select.html
@@ -5958,6 +5493,10 @@ msgid ""
"direct access to a livestream in the livestreams page."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Enable chat"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/models.py
msgid ""
"Do you want a chat on the live page for listeners? Messages sent in this "
@@ -5983,6 +5522,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Unable to delete recording!"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Meeting"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/models.py
msgid "meeting"
msgstr ""
@@ -6024,6 +5567,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Broadcaster in charge to perform lives."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "URL of the SIPMediaGW server"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Example format: https://sipmediagw.univ.fr"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Bearer token for the SIPMediaGW server."
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Example format: 1234"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/models.py
msgid "Live gateway"
msgstr ""
@@ -6032,6 +5591,22 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Live gateways"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Live not started"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Live in progress"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Live stopped"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Live status"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/models.py
msgid "Event managed for this live"
msgstr ""
@@ -6048,6 +5623,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Live gateway (encoder and broadcaster) that perform the livestream"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Livestream"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/models.py
+msgid "Livestreams"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/add_or_edit.html
#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/link_meeting.html pod/meeting/views.py
msgid "Edit the meeting"
@@ -6223,6 +5806,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Toolbar"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/internal_recordings.html
+msgid "by"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/templates/meeting/internal_recordings.html
msgid "Please confirm you want to upload the recording To Pod"
msgstr ""
@@ -6420,6 +6007,10 @@ msgid ""
"available on %(site_title)s."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/views.py
+msgid "Meeting name"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/views.py
msgid "Has user joined?"
msgstr ""
@@ -6440,6 +6031,18 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Moderator count"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/views.py
+msgid "Attendees"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/views.py
+msgid "Attendee"
+msgstr ""
+#: pod/meeting/views.py
+msgid "Full name"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/meeting/views.py
msgid "You cannot edit this meeting."
msgstr ""
@@ -6935,6 +6538,14 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Sorry, no video found."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist-videos-list.html
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_grid_selectable.html
+#: pod/video/templates/videos/video_list_table_selectable.html
+msgid "More"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist.html
#: pod/playlist/templates/playlist/playlist_content.html
#: pod/video/templates/channel/channel.html
@@ -8071,6 +7682,17 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Date of recording."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
+#, python-format
+msgid "%(counter)s record found"
+msgid_plural "%(counter)s records found"
+msgstr[0] ""
+msgstr[1] ""
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
+msgid "No record found"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/claim_record.html
msgid "There is no unassigned records"
msgstr ""
@@ -8123,6 +7745,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "To delete the record, please check the box and click “Delete”."
msgstr ""
+#: pod/recorder/templates/recorder/record_list.html
+msgid "Sorry, no record found"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/recorder/views.py
msgid "Recorder should be indicated."
msgstr ""
@@ -8302,6 +7928,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Set as draft"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/video/admin.py
+msgid "Encode selected"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/video/admin.py
msgid "Transcript selected"
msgstr ""
@@ -8839,6 +8469,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Overview"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/video/models.py
+msgid "Encoding in progress"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/video/models.py
msgid "Is Video"
msgstr ""
@@ -8864,6 +8498,10 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Sum of view of last %(ndays)s days"
msgstr ""
+#: pod/video/models.py pod/video_encode_transcript/models.py
+msgid "Encoding step"
+msgstr ""
#: pod/video/models.py
msgid "Is the video encoded?"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/pod/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po b/pod/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
index c871566d78..5e1929ec30 100644
--- a/pod/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
+++ b/pod/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/djangojs.po
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Esup-Pod\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-19 07:39+0000\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-08-26 13:54+0200\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-06-04 16:20+0200\n"
"Last-Translator: obado \n"
"Language-Team: \n"
diff --git a/pod/main/configuration.json b/pod/main/configuration.json
index 9ff02a987a..ae5cf1d903 100644
--- a/pod/main/configuration.json
+++ b/pod/main/configuration.json
@@ -1412,40 +1412,42 @@
"default_value": false,
"description": {
"en": [
- ""
+ "Using BigBlueButton",
+ "Withdrawn from Pod version 3.8.2 (replaced by the meetings module)"
"fr": [
"Utilisation de BigBlueButton",
- "[TODO] À retirer dans les futures versions de Pod"
+ "Retiré à partir de la version 3.8.2 de Pod (remplacé par le module des réunions)"
- "pod_version_end": "",
+ "pod_version_end": "3.8.2",
"pod_version_init": "3.1"
"default_value": false,
"description": {
"en": [
- ""
+ "Using the BigBlueButton webinar delivery system",
+ "Withdrawn from Pod version 3.8.2 (replaced by the meetings module)"
"fr": [
"Utilisation du système de diffusion de Webinaires en lien avec BigBlueButton",
- "[TODO] À retirer dans les futures versions de Pod"
+ "Retiré à partir de la version 3.8.2 de Pod (remplacé par le module des réunions)"
- "pod_version_end": "",
+ "pod_version_end": "3.8.2",
"pod_version_init": "3.1"
"default_value": false,
"description": {
"en": [
- "",
- "Enable auto-transcritption for live events"
+ "Enable auto-transcription for live events",
+ ""
"fr": [
- "",
- "Activer l’auto-transcription pour les directs"
+ "Activer l’auto-transcription pour les directs",
+ ""
"pod_version_end": "",
@@ -1907,26 +1909,30 @@
"default_value": "",
"description": {
"en": [
- "URL of the SIPMediaGW server that manages webinars (e.g. `https://sipmediagw.univ.fr`)"
+ "URL of the SIPMediaGW server that manages webinars (e.g. `https://sipmediagw.univ.fr`)",
+ "Retired as of Pod version 3.8.2 (replaced by the meetings module, see live gateway)"
"fr": [
- "URL du serveur SIPMediaGW qui gère les webinaires (Ex: `https://sipmediagw.univ.fr`)"
+ "URL du serveur SIPMediaGW qui gère les webinaires (Ex: `https://sipmediagw.univ.fr`)",
+ "Retiré à partir de la version 3.8.2 de Pod (remplacé par le module des réunions, cf. passerelle de live)"
- "pod_version_end": "",
+ "pod_version_end": "3.8.2",
"pod_version_init": "3.6.0"
"default_value": "",
"description": {
"en": [
- "Bearer token for the SIPMediaGW server that manages webinars"
+ "Bearer token for the SIPMediaGW server that manages webinars",
+ "Retired as of Pod version 3.8.2 (see live gateway)"
"fr": [
- "Jeton bearer du serveur SIPMediaGW qui gère les webinaires"
+ "Jeton bearer du serveur SIPMediaGW qui gère les webinaires",
+ "Retiré à partir de la version 3.8.2 de Pod (cf. passerelle de live)"
- "pod_version_end": "",
+ "pod_version_end": "3.8.2",
"pod_version_init": "3.6.0"
@@ -3915,6 +3921,19 @@
"pod_version_end": "",
"pod_version_init": "3.1"
+ "default_value": "True",
+ "description": {
+ "en": [
+ "In unauthenticated mode, when using the contact form, sends a copy of the message to the address entered in the form."
+ ],
+ "fr": [
+ "En mode non authentifié, lors de l'utilisation du formulaire de contact, envoie une copie du message à l'adresse saisie dans le formulaire."
+ ]
+ },
+ "pod_version_end": "",
+ "pod_version_init": "3.8.2"
+ },
"default_value": "noreply",
"description": {
diff --git a/pod/main/context_processors.py b/pod/main/context_processors.py
index 6f7ca5fec4..eea1502933 100644
--- a/pod/main/context_processors.py
+++ b/pod/main/context_processors.py
@@ -64,10 +64,6 @@
HIDE_TYPES = getattr(django_settings, "HIDE_TYPES", False)
-USE_BBB = getattr(django_settings, "USE_BBB", False)
-USE_BBB_LIVE = getattr(django_settings, "USE_BBB_LIVE", False)
COOKIE_LEARN_MORE = getattr(django_settings, "COOKIE_LEARN_MORE", "")
USE_OPENCAST_STUDIO = getattr(django_settings, "USE_OPENCAST_STUDIO", False)
@@ -133,8 +129,6 @@ def context_settings(request):
new_settings["MAINTENANCE_MODE"] = maintenance_mode
new_settings["MAINTENANCE_TEXT_SHEDULED"] = maintenance_text_sheduled
new_settings["MAINTENANCE_SHEDULED"] = maintenance_sheduled
- new_settings["USE_BBB"] = USE_BBB
- new_settings["USE_BBB_LIVE"] = USE_BBB_LIVE
diff --git a/pod/main/rest_router.py b/pod/main/rest_router.py
index 1fed02eb1f..5b99fa0864 100644
--- a/pod/main/rest_router.py
+++ b/pod/main/rest_router.py
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@
if getattr(settings, "USE_PODFILE", False):
from pod.podfile import rest_views as podfile_views
-if getattr(settings, "USE_BBB", True):
- from pod.bbb import rest_views as bbb_views
if getattr(settings, "USE_MEETING", True):
from pod.meeting import rest_views as meeting_views
@@ -70,11 +67,6 @@
router.register(r"files", podfile_views.CustomFileModelSerializerViewSet)
router.register(r"images", podfile_views.CustomImageModelSerializerViewSet)
-if getattr(settings, "USE_BBB", True):
- router.register(r"bbb_meeting", bbb_views.MeetingModelViewSet)
- router.register(r"bbb_attendee", bbb_views.AttendeeModelViewSet)
- router.register(r"bbb_livestream", bbb_views.LivestreamModelViewSet)
if getattr(settings, "USE_MEETING", True):
router.register(r"meeting_session", meeting_views.MeetingModelViewSet)
diff --git a/pod/main/tasks.py b/pod/main/tasks.py
index 5b7b50a3e9..8cd67a6a7b 100644
--- a/pod/main/tasks.py
+++ b/pod/main/tasks.py
@@ -22,15 +22,6 @@ def task_start_transcript(self, video_id):
-def task_start_bbb_encode(self, meeting_id):
- """Start BBB meeting encoding with Celery."""
- print("CELERY START BBB ENCODE MEETING ID %s" % meeting_id)
- from pod.bbb.bbb import bbb_encode_meeting
- bbb_encode_meeting(meeting_id)
def task_start_encode_studio(
self, recording_id, video_output, videos, subtime, presenter
diff --git a/pod/main/templates/navbar.html b/pod/main/templates/navbar.html
index 4ecde4a9b8..a9296b7d64 100644
--- a/pod/main/templates/navbar.html
+++ b/pod/main/templates/navbar.html
@@ -291,12 +291,6 @@