- Create a Repl
- Entry this command to shell
git clone https://github.com/valetzx/firefoxonreplit && mv -b firefoxonreplit/* ./ && mv -b firefoxonreplit/.[^.]* ./ && rm -rf *~ && rm -rf firefoxonreplit
- Add your VNC_PASSWORD to 🔒Secrets
VALUE:Your wanna passwd
- When Loading Nix environment... done
- use
kill 1
to restart repl shell
- At last click RUN bottom to start firefox
- You can use firefox on replit screen
- You can use noVnc web client with shell echo like:
host = ffe8xxx0-xxxx-4574-xxxx-086xxxfba8a.id.repl.co
username = runner
userpass = passwd
view at https://novnc.com/noVNC/vnc.html
- Open connection settings
- Expand the WebSockets field. Enter your connection URL
in the host
field, and leave the path
field empty
- Change the
Scaling Mode
to Remote Resizing
- Use the
username and the password configured above when asked for credentials
- It will crash if memory out, and i dont know why memory out, mabe screen maybe sth others, but the same url on firefox will not crash
- i really like chromium !
- Not recommend use personal repl to run this, even you have set passwd
- i really like chromium !