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AWS S3 Integration

dr.dimitru edited this page May 19, 2017 · 17 revisions

Use AWS:S3 As Storage

The example below shows how to store and serve uploaded file via S3. This also covers removing the files from S3 when removed from FilesCollection.

First, install aws-sdk Official AWS SDK Docs

npm install --save aws-sdk


meteor npm install --save aws-sdk

Typical regions are these, see full list at AWS S3 console. Every region is supported.

  • US Standard (default): us-standard
  • US West (Oregon): us-west-2
  • US West (Northern California): us-west-1
  • EU (Ireland): eu-west-1
  • Asia Pacific (Singapore): ap-southeast-1
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo): ap-northeast-1
  • South America (Sao Paulo): sa-east-1

Prepare: Get access to AWS S3:


First, create the settings.json file and add AWS:S3 credentials to it:

Use it with: meteor --settings settings.json

  "s3": {
    "key": "AWSKEY",
    "secret": "AWSSECRET",
    "bucket": "BUCKETNAME",
    "region": "us-west-1"

Use environment variable to set settings

Instead of using settings.json, - environment variable can be used:

// env.var example: S3='{"s3":{"key": "xxx", "secret": "xxx", "bucket": "xxx", "region": "xxx""}}'
if (process.env.S3) {
  Meteor.settings.s3 = JSON.parse(process.env.S3).s3;


Use this at Meteor's imports/server directory, NOT the client

import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor';
import { _ } from 'meteor/underscore';
import { Random } from 'meteor/random';
import { FilesCollection } from 'meteor/ostrio:files';

import S3 from 'aws-sdk/clients/s3'; //
// See fs-extra and graceful-fs NPM packages
// For better i/o performance
import fs from 'fs';

// Example: S3='{"s3":{"key": "xxx", "secret": "xxx", "bucket": "xxx", "region": "xxx""}}' meteor
if (process.env.S3) {
  Meteor.settings.s3 = JSON.parse(process.env.S3).s3;

const s3Conf = Meteor.settings.s3 || {};
const bound  = Meteor.bindEnvironment((callback) => {
  return callback();

// Check settings existence in `Meteor.settings`
// This is the best practice for app security
if (s3Conf && s3Conf.key && s3Conf.secret && s3Conf.bucket && s3Conf.region) {
  // Create a new S3 object
  const s3 = new S3({
    secretAccessKey: s3Conf.secret,
    accessKeyId: s3Conf.key,
    region: s3Conf.region,
    sslEnabled: true

  // Declare the Meteor file collection on the Server
  const UserFiles = new FilesCollection({
    debug: false, // Change to `true` for debugging
    storagePath: 'assets/app/uploads/uploadedFiles',
    collectionName: 'userFiles',
    // Disallow Client to execute remove, use the Meteor.method
    allowClientCode: false,

    // Start moving files to AWS:S3
    // after fully received by the Meteor server
    onAfterUpload(fileRef) {
      // Run through each of the uploaded file
      _.each(fileRef.versions, (vRef, version) => {
        // We use instead of real file's _id
        // to secure files from reverse engineering on the AWS client
        const filePath = 'files/' + ( + '-' + version + '.' + fileRef.extension;

        // Create the AWS:S3 object.
        // Feel free to change the storage class from, see the documentation,
        // `STANDARD_IA` is the best deal for low access files.
        // Key is the file name we are creating on AWS:S3, so it will be like files/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX-original.XXXX
        // Body is the file stream we are sending to AWS
          ServerSideEncryption: 'AES256',
          StorageClass: 'STANDARD_IA',
          Bucket: s3Conf.bucket,
          Key: filePath,
          Body: fs.createReadStream(vRef.path),
          ContentType: vRef.type,
        }, (error) => {
          bound(() => {
            if (error) {
            } else {
              // Update FilesCollection with link to the file at AWS
              const upd = { $set: {} };
              upd['$set']['versions.' + version + '.meta.pipePath'] = filePath;

                _id: fileRef._id
              }, upd, function (updError) {
                if (updError) {
                } else {
                  // Unlink original files from FS after successful upload to AWS:S3
                  this.unlink(this.collection.findOne(fileRef._id), version);

    // Intercept access to the file
    // And redirect request to AWS:S3
    interceptDownload(http, fileRef, version) {
      let path;

      if (fileRef && fileRef.versions && fileRef.versions[version] && fileRef.versions[version].meta && fileRef.versions[version].meta.pipePath) {
        path = fileRef.versions[version].meta.pipePath;

      if (path) {
        //pipe the request from S3 through us and direct into the http socket
        //need to set the header so the file shows up properly

        //this is needed if you want to view the files in the browser
        //set the content type and lenth to what we recorded
        http.response.setHeader('content-type', fileRef.type || 'application/pdf');
        http.response.setHeader('content-length', fileRef.size || 0);

        //get the file/key and pipe it into out http response
          Bucket: s3Conf.bucket,
          Key: path
        }).createReadStream().on('error', (err) => {
          bound(() => {

        return true;
      // While file is not yet uploaded to AWS:S3
      // It will be served file from FS
      return false;

  // Intercept FilesCollection's remove method to remove file from AWS:S3
  const _origRemove = UserFiles.remove;
  UserFiles.remove = function (search) {
    const cursor = this.collection.find(search);
    cursor.forEach((fileRef) => {
      _.each(fileRef.versions, (vRef) => {
        if (vRef && vRef.meta && vRef.meta.pipePath) {
          // Remove the object from AWS:S3 first, then we will call the original FilesCollection remove
            Bucket: s3Conf.bucket,
            Key: vRef.meta.pipePath,
          }, (error) => {
            bound(() => {
              if (error) {

    //remove original file from database, search);
} else {
  throw new Meteor.Error(401, 'Missing Meteor file settings');
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