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+- The Ionic Conference is a one-day conference on {{ conferenceDate | date: 'mediumDate' }} featuring talks from the Ionic team. It is focused on Ionic applications being built with Ionic Framework. This includes migrating apps to the latest version of the framework, Angular concepts, Webpack, Sass, and many other technologies used in Ionic 2. Tickets are completely sold out, and we’re expecting more than 1000 developers – making this the largest Ionic conference ever! -
- -- {{session.timeStart}} — {{session.timeEnd}}: {{session.location}} -
-{{speaker?.about}} Say hello on social media!
- -{{speaker.title}}
-- The - ionic conference app is a practical preview of the ionic framework in action, and a demonstration of proper code - use. -
-- Ionic Framework is an open source SDK that enables developers to build high quality mobile apps with web technologies - like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
-- Ionic Appflow is a powerful set of services and features built on top of Ionic Framework that brings a totally new - level of app development agility to mobile dev teams.