diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index cefd1782..2fd34125 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ Use the "Table of Contents" menu on the top-right corner to explore the list. - [vite-amplify](https://github.com/bebeal/vite-amplify) - Template with SSR + Express APIs + AWS Amplify Hosting. - [react-component-library-template](https://github.com/xxhls/react-component-library-template) - A library template for with `React`, `TypeScript`, `Vitest`, `React Testing Library`, `Storybook`, `Biome`, `Stylelint`. - [react-boilerplate](https://github.com/Aubergine-Community/react-basic-template) - Template for bootstrapping with `Eslint` + `Husky` + `Prettier`. + #### Svelte - [SvelteKit](https://github.com/sveltejs/kit) - The fastest way to build Svelte apps. @@ -276,6 +277,7 @@ Use the "Table of Contents" menu on the top-right corner to explore the list. - [vite-plugin-pagefind](https://github.com/Hugos68/vite-plugin-pagefind) - Integrate `pagefind` search. - [@mistjs/vite-plugin-px2viewport](https://github.com/aibayanyu20/vite-plugins/tree/main/packages/px2viewport) - A plugin that automatically converts inline styles and style files from px units to vw units. - [vite-multiple-assets](https://github.com/nguyenbatranvan/vite-multiple-assets) - Add support for multiple public asset directories. +- [vite-create-production-server-plugin](https://github.com/jrtderonde/vite-create-production-server-plugin) - Spin up a production HTTP serve after build. - [vite-plugin-eslint2](https://github.com/ModyQyW/vite-plugin-eslint2) - Runs ESLint synchronously/asynchronously. #### Loaders