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File metadata and controls

116 lines (101 loc) · 4.25 KB

Golang Application Level OS Framework Base Library

Table of Contents


Browse this tros example to quickly build your Golang web application.


  • |--conf: config file management
  • |--contants: configuration file key constants && application level constant definitions
  • |--context: the context encapsulation of the TROS version
  • |--enums: application level enumeration definition
    • |--country: national definition
    • |--currency: money definition
  • |--lang: language definition (may be abandoned in the future)
  • |--logx: application level log management trlogger
  • |--pkg: application level toolkit, including common tool methods and third-party tools
    • |--third_party: third party access methods
    • |--utils: tool based methods
      • |--encrypt: application level encryption and decryption methods
  • |--server: main entrance for launching application level microservices
    • |--grpc: GRPC microservice
    • |--http: HTTP microservice
    • |--middleware: interceptors for GRPC and HTTP
  • |--sys: system level approach
    • |--cmd: command line execution method
    • |--structure: application level data structure
    • |--timer: application level timer
  • |--trerror: application level universal error definition
  • |--trkit: middleware toolkit, including connections and usage of server middleware such as DB and message queues
    • |--mongox: mongodb client
    • |--mysqlx: mysqldb client
    • |--redisx: redisdb client


  • Adopting grpc gateway technology, supporting both RESTful API and grpc API
  • External access can be done via HTTP
  • GRPC can be used internally for microservice communication
  • Interface Definition Example:
    • Implement interface definition by defining protobuf file
    • The buf command can be used to compile protobuf files into three files: pb.go,, and _grpc.pb.go
    • Implementing API interfaces in services through the form of 'inheritance'
  syntax = "proto3";
  package console.v1;
  import "google/api/annotations.proto";
  import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto";
  import "protoc-gen-openapiv2/options/annotations.proto";
  option go_package = "example-server/console/v1";
  // XXX api
  service ExampleService {
    // XXXX function
    rpc List(ListRequest) returns (ListResponse) {
      option (google.api.http) = {
        post: "/console/v1/example/list"
        body: "*"
      option (grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_openapiv2.options.openapiv2_operation) = {
        tags: ["XXXX desc"]
  // ListResponse response
  message ListResponse {
    // XXXX
    int64 total = 2 [(grpc.gateway.protoc_gen_openapiv2.options.openapiv2_field) = {description: "remark desc"}];
  // ListRequest request
  message ListRequest {
    // XXXXX
    string id = 1;


The trkit directory provides fast read and write access methods for MySQL, MongoDB and Redis Before use, you need to do the following steps(Taking MySQL as an example):

  • Step 1:Define your. sql file and data table
    `id`        bigint      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'primary key',
    `user_name` varchar(64) NOT NULL COMMENT 'username',

  • Step 2: Compile the CREATE TABLE statement file into Golang code using GTC Tool(Go Table Compiler)
  • Step 3: Copy the generated database access Golang code to your project
  • Step 4: Add MySQL connection parameters to your project configuration file and load them through Golang code
    • such as:
  url: root:123456@tcp(
  maxIdleCons: 5
  maxLife: 3600
  poolSize: 15
  maxIdleTime: 1200
  • Step 5: At this point, you can efficiently start the web server service and read/write databases