diff --git a/GraphSearchAlgorithmIII.java b/GraphSearchAlgorithmIII.java
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ef3198
--- /dev/null
+++ b/GraphSearchAlgorithmIII.java
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+import java.util.*;
+public class GraphSearchAlgorithmIII {
+ /**
+ * Largest Product Of Length
+ *
+ * Given a dictionary containing many words, find the largest product of two
+ * words’ lengths, such that the two words do not share any common characters.
+ */
+ public int largestProduct(String[] dict) {
+ Arrays.sort(dict, new Comparator() {
+ @Override
+ public int compare(String a, String b) {
+ return b.length() - a.length();
+ }
+ });
+ int[] bitmap = buildBitmap(dict);
+ int n = dict.length;
+ PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
+ pq.offer(new Pair(0, 0, dict, bitmap));
+ boolean[][] visited = new boolean[n][n];
+ visited[0][0] = true;
+ while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
+ Pair cur = pq.poll();
+ if (!cur.hasCommon()) {
+ return cur.prod();
+ }
+ int i = cur.i;
+ int j = cur.j;
+ if (i < n - 1 && !visited[i + 1][j]) {
+ visited[i + 1][j] = true;
+ pq.offer(new Pair(i + 1, j, dict, bitmap));
+ }
+ if (j < n - 1 && !visited[i][j + 1]) {
+ visited[i][j + 1] = true;
+ pq.offer(new Pair(i, j + 1, dict, bitmap));
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ private class Pair implements Comparable {
+ public int i;
+ public int j;
+ private String[] dict;
+ private int[] bitmap;
+ public Pair(int i, int j, String[] dict, int[] bitmap) {
+ this.i = i;
+ this.j = j;
+ this.dict = dict;
+ this.bitmap = bitmap;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public int compareTo(Pair other) {
+ return other.prod() - this.prod();
+ }
+ public int prod() {
+ return dict[i].length() * dict[j].length();
+ }
+ public boolean hasCommon() {
+ return (bitmap[i] & bitmap[j]) != 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private int[] buildBitmap(String[] dict) {
+ int[] bitmap = new int[dict.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < dict.length; i++) {
+ String cur = dict[i];
+ int bits = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < cur.length(); j++) {
+ bits |= (1 << (cur.charAt(j) - 'a'));
+ }
+ bitmap[i] = bits;
+ }
+ return bitmap;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Kth Smallest With Only 3, 5, 7 As Factors
+ *
+ * Find the Kth smallest number s such that s = 3 ^ x * 5 ^ y * 7 ^ z, x > 0 and
+ * y > 0 and z > 0, x, y, z are all integers.
+ */
+ public long kth(int k) {
+ if (k == 1) {
+ return 105L;
+ }
+ PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
+ Set set = new HashSet<>();
+ pq.offer(105L);
+ while (--k > 0) {
+ long cur = pq.poll();
+ if (!set.contains(cur * 3)) {
+ pq.offer(cur * 3);
+ set.add(cur * 3);
+ }
+ if (!set.contains(cur * 5)) {
+ pq.offer(cur * 5);
+ set.add(cur * 5);
+ }
+ if (!set.contains(cur * 7)) {
+ pq.offer(cur * 7);
+ set.add(cur * 7);
+ }
+ }
+ return pq.peek();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Kth Closest Point To <0,0,0>
+ *
+ * Given three arrays sorted in ascending order. Pull one number from each array
+ * to form a coordinate in a 3D space. Find the coordinates of the
+ * points that is k-th closest to <0,0,0>.
+ */
+ public List closest(int[] a, int[] b, int[] c, int k) {
+ int al = a.length;
+ int bl = b.length;
+ int cl = c.length;
+ boolean[][][] visited = new boolean[al][bl][cl];
+ PriorityQueue pq = new PriorityQueue<>();
+ return null;
+ }
+ private class Coord implements Comparable {
+ @Override
+ public int compareTo(Coord other) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }