- 🦅 Phalcon 5.2.1
- 🐘 PHP 8.2.4
- 🐛 Xdebug 3
- 🗄 MySql 8
- 🚧 PHPUnit 10
to build:
docker-compose build
to start:
docker-compose up
and go to web 🕸:
docker exec -it phalcon-php bash -c "vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix"
⚙️ Settings > Plugins > Marketplace
Search: Phalcon 5 Autocomplete
docker exec -it phalcon-php bash -c "vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Functional"
docker exec -it phalcon-php bash -c "vendor/bin/phpunit tests/Units"
If you get an error like this when starting Docker.
phalcon-php | exec /usr/local/bin/entrypoint.sh: no such file or directory