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Other Doc Updates

Here are some updates to pre-existing Koka documentation, including a few small updates to the fip section highlighting some of the new keywords.

FBIP: Functional but In-Place { #sec-fbip; }

With [Perceus][#why-fbip] reuse analysis we can write algorithms that dynamically adapt to use in-place mutation when possible (and use copying when used persistently). Importantly, you can rely on this optimization happening, ⪚ see the match patterns and pair them to same-sized constructors in each branch.

This style of programming leads to a new paradigm that we call FBIP: "functional but in place". Just like tail-call optimization lets us describe loops in terms of regular function calls, reuse analysis lets us describe in-place mutating imperative algorithms in a purely functional way (and get persistence as well).

Koka has a few keywords for guaranteeing that a function is optimized by the compiler.

The fip keyword is the most restrictive and guarantees that a function is fully optimized by the compiler to use in-place mutation when possible. Higher order functions, or other variables used multiple times in a fip function must be marked as borrowed using the ^ prefix on their name (eg. ^f). Borrowed parameters cannot be passed as owned parameters to functions or constructors, cannot be matched destructively, and cannot be returned.

The tail keyword guarantees that a function is tail-recursive. These functions will not use stack space.

The fbip keyword guarantees that a function is optimized by the compiler to use in-place mutation when possible. However, unlike fip, fbip allows for deallocation, and also allows for non tail calls, which means these functions can use non-constant stack space.

Both fip and fbip can allow for a constant amount of allocation using fip(n) or fbip(n) where n is the number of constructor allocations allowed. This allows them to be used in insertion functions for datastructures, where at least one constructor for the inserted element is necessary.

Following are a few examples of the techniques of FBIP in action. For more information about the restrictions for fip and the new keywords, see the recent papers: [@Lorenzen:fip;@Lorenzen:fip-t]

Tree Rebalancing

As an example, consider insertion into a red-black tree [@guibas1978dichromatic]. A polymorphic version of this example is part of the [samples][samples] directory when you have installed &koka; and can be loaded as :l [samples/basic/rbtree][rbtree]. We define red-black trees as:

type color

type tree
  Node(color: color, left: tree, key: int, value: bool, right: tree)

The red-black tree has the invariant that the number of black nodes from the root to any of the leaves is the same, and that a red node is never a parent of red node. Together this ensures that the trees are always balanced. When inserting nodes, the invariants need to be maintained by rebalancing the nodes when needed. Okasaki's algorithm [@Okasaki:rbtree] implements this elegantly and functionally:

fbip(1) fun balance-left( l : tree, k : int, v : bool, r : tree ): tree
  match l
    Node(_, Node(Red, lx, kx, vx, rx), ky, vy, ry)
      -> Node(Red, Node(Black, lx, kx, vx, rx), ky, vy, Node(Black, ry, k, v, r))

fbip(1) fun ins( t : tree, k : int, v : bool ): tree  
  match t
    Leaf -> Node(Red, Leaf, k, v, Leaf)
    Node(Red, l, kx, vx, r)
      -> if k < kx then Node(Red, ins(l, k, v), kx, vx, r)
    Node(Black, l, kx, vx, r)
      -> if k < kx && is-red(l) then balance-left(ins(l,k,v), kx, vx, r)

The &koka; compiler will inline the balance-left function. At that point, every matched Node constructor in the ins function has a corresponding Node allocation -- if we consider all branches we can see that we either match one Node and allocate one, or we match three nodes deep and allocate three. Every Node is actually reused in the fast path without doing any allocations! When studying the generated code, we can see the Perceus assigns the fields in the nodes in the fast path in-place much like the usual non-persistent rebalancing algorithm in C would do.

Essentially this means that for a unique tree, the purely functional algorithm above adapts at runtime to an in-place mutating re-balancing algorithm (without any further allocation). Moreover, if we use the tree persistently [@Okasaki:purefun], and the tree is shared or has shared parts, the algorithm adapts to copying exactly the shared spine of the tree (and no more), while still rebalancing in place for any unshared parts.

Morris Traversal

As another example of FBIP, consider mapping a function f over all elements in a binary tree in-order as shown in the tmap-inorder example:

type tree
  Bin( left: tree, value : int, right: tree )

fbip fun tmap-inorder( t : tree, f : int -> int ) : tree
  match t
    Bin(l,x,r) -> Bin( l.tmap-inorder(f), f(x), r.tmap-inorder(f) )
    Tip        -> Tip

This is already quite efficient as all the Bin and Tip nodes are reused in-place when t is unique. However, the tmap function is not tail-recursive and thus uses as much stack space as the depth of the tree.

void inorder( tree* root, void (*f)(tree* t) ) {
  tree* cursor = root;
  while (cursor != NULL /* Tip */) {
    if (cursor->left == NULL) {
      // no left tree, go down the right
      cursor = cursor->right;
    } else {
      // has a left tree
      tree* pre = cursor->left;  // find the predecessor
      while(pre->right != NULL && pre->right != cursor) {
        pre = pre->right;
      if (pre->right == NULL) {
        // first visit, remember to visit right tree
        pre->right = cursor;
        cursor = cursor->left;
      } else {
        // already set, restore
        pre->right = NULL;
        cursor = cursor->right;

In 1968, Knuth posed the problem of visiting a tree in-order while using no extra stack- or heap space [@Knuth:aocp1] (For readers not familiar with the problem it might be fun to try this in your favorite imperative language first and see that it is not easy to do). Since then, numerous solutions have appeared in the literature. A particularly elegant solution was proposed by @Morris:tree. This is an in-place mutating algorithm that swaps pointers in the tree to "remember" which parts are unvisited. It is beyond this tutorial to give a full explanation, but a C implementation is shown here on the side. The traversal essentially uses a right-threaded tree to keep track of which nodes to visit. The algorithm is subtle, though. Since it transforms the tree into an intermediate graph, we need to state invariants over the so-called Morris loops [@Mateti:morris] to prove its correctness.

We can derive a functional and more intuitive solution using the FBIP technique. We start by defining an explicit visitor data structure that keeps track of which parts of the tree we still need to visit. In &koka; we define this data type as :visitor:

type visitor
  BinR( right:tree, value : int, visit : visitor )
  BinL( left:tree, value : int, visit : visitor )

(As an aside, Conor McBride [@Mcbride:derivative] describes how we can generically derive a zipper [@Huet:zipper] visitor for any recursive type $\mu x. F$ as a list of the derivative of that type, namely $@list (\pdv{x} F\mid_{x =\mu x.F})$. In our case, the algebraic representation of the inductive :tree type is $\mu x. 1 + x\times int\times x ,\cong, \mu x. 1 + x^2\times int$. Calculating the derivative $@list (\pdv{x} (1 + x^2\times int) \mid_{x = tree})$ and by further simplification, we get $\mu x. 1 + (tree\times int\times x) + (tree\times int\times x)$, which corresponds exactly to our :visitor data type.)

We also keep track of which :direction in the tree we are going, either Up or Down the tree.

type direction

We start our traversal by going downward into the tree with an empty visitor, expressed as tmap(f, t, Done, Down):

fip fun tmap( f : int -> int, t : tree, visit : visitor, d : direction )
  match d
    Down -> match t     // going down a left spine
      Bin(l,x,r) -> tmap(f,l,BinR(r,x,visit),Down) // A
      Tip        -> tmap(f,Tip,visit,Up)           // B
    Up -> match visit   // go up through the visitor
      Done        -> t                             // C
      BinR(r,x,v) -> tmap(f,r,BinL(t,f(x),v),Down) // D
      BinL(l,x,v) -> tmap(f,Bin(l,x,t),v,Up)       // E

The key idea is that we are either Done (C), or, on going downward in a left spine we remember all the right trees we still need to visit in a BinR (A) or, going upward again (B), we remember the left tree that we just constructed as a BinL while visiting right trees (D). When we come back up (E), we restore the original tree with the result values. Note that we apply the function f to the saved value in branch D (as we visit in-order), but the functional implementation makes it easy to specify a pre-order traversal by applying f in branch A, or a post-order traversal by applying f in branch E.

Looking at each branch we can see that each Bin matches up with a BinR, each BinR with a BinL, and finally each BinL with a Bin. Since they all have the same size, if the tree is unique, each branch updates the tree nodes in-place at runtime without any allocation, where the :visitor structure is effectively overlaid over the tree nodes while traversing the tree. Since all tmap calls are tail calls, this also compiles to a tight loop and thus needs no extra stack- or heap space.

Finally, just like with re-balancing tree insertion, the algorithm as specified is still purely functional: it uses in-place updating when a unique tree is passed, but it also adapts gracefully to the persistent case where the input tree is shared, or where parts of the input tree are shared, making a single copy of those parts of the tree.