Strings are the most basic Redis type, representing a sequence of bytes. Redka supports the following string-related commands:
Command Go API Description
------- ------ -----------
DECR DB.Str().Incr Decrements the integer value of a key by one.
DECRBY DB.Str().Incr Decrements a number from the integer value of a key.
GET DB.Str().Get Returns the value of a key.
GETSET DB.Str().SetWith Sets the key to a new value and returns the prev value.
INCR DB.Str().Incr Increments the integer value of a key by one.
INCRBY DB.Str().Incr Increments the integer value of a key by a number.
INCRBYFLOAT DB.Str().IncrFloat Increments the float value of a key by a number.
MGET DB.Str().GetMany Returns the values of one or more keys.
MSET DB.Str().SetMany Sets the values of one or more keys.
PSETEX DB.Str().SetExpires Sets the value and expiration time (in ms) of a key.
SET DB.Str().Set Sets the value of a key.
SETEX DB.Str().SetExpires Sets the value and expiration (in sec) time of a key.
SETNX DB.Str().SetWith Sets the value of a key when the key doesn't exist.
The following string-related commands are not planned for 1.0: