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A Go Client to batch download models from CivitAI with CivitAI Api V1

NOTE:please see API Key Page for instructions

Getting Started


NOTE: You need to have Go installed on your machine to install this package You can download Go from here Preferably Go 1.18 and above

You can also install the package using the following command

go install

Quick Start

To get started quickly, copy the command below.

Set the CIVITAI_API_KEY environment variable to your CivitAI API Key

export CIVITAI_API_KEY=<Your API Token Here>

or you copy the command below.

civitai-cli api set_api_token <Your API Token Here>


Explore the various functionalities provided by CivitAI-CLI:

civitai-cli --help

NOTE: You can also explore the various subcommands provided by CivitAI-CLI by running the command below:

civitai-cli is a simple Go client to batch download models from CivitAI with CivitAI Api V1.

  civitai-cli [command]

Available Commands:
  api         help you to interact with CivitAI.
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  download    download files from CivitAI
  help        Help about any command

  -h, --help   help for civitai-cli

Use "civitai-cli [command] --help" for more information about a command.


model_id: The model id of the model you want to download eg., the model id is 352581

version_id: The version id of the model you want to download eg., the version id is 647401

To download models from CivitAI, you can use the download subcommand.

Cmd - Download model

will download all files from the model with the given model id to the current directory

civitai-cli download model --mid <model id> --dir </path/to/download>

or just

civitai-cli download model --mid <model id>
Cmd - Download model version

if you want to download one version of the model, you can use:

civitai-cli download model_ver --mid <model id> --vid <version id>


To interact with CivitAI API, you can use the api subcommand.

Cmd - Set API Token

set api token for authentication.

civitai-cli api set_api_token <Your API Token Here>
Cmd - View API Token

view which api token is currently set.

civitai-cli api view_api_token
Cmd - View Model Info

view model info by model id

civitai-cli api model --mid <model id>

will return the model info in terminal:

| ID | Name                | Type       | Creator | Stat          | Versions                                          |
| 1  | Superhero Diffusion | Checkpoint |         | download:2684 | [1][V1] |
|    |                     |            |         | thumbsUp:444  |                                                   |
Cmd - View Model Version Info

view model's version info by version id.

civitai-cli api model_ver --vid <version id>

will return the version info in terminal:

| ID | Name | ModelID | ModelType  | ModelName           | BaseModel | Stat                       | Size   | FileURL                                   |
| 1  | V1   | 1       | Checkpoint | Superhero Diffusion | SD 1.5    | download:2684 thumbsUp:444 | 2.1 GB | |


Thanks for the interest in the project!

Please create an issue if you encounter any problem, bugs or if you have a feature request.

To debug things, it is recommended to run with --debug option.

  • Running in debug allows users to print tracebacks and other messages useful for debugging.
  • Example: civitai-cli api model --mid 1 --debug

To work on an issue:

  • Please create a fork.
  • Then clone your fork locally.
  • Then create a local branch that describes the issue.
  • Once you have commited your changes, push the branch to your forked repository.
  • Then open a pull request to this repository.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details