Version: 2.0.0
Official Site:
Spludo is copyright 2009-2012 by DracoBlue
- removed plugin system #4
- folder for code-templates is not needed anymore #6
- added proper underscore notation for generated services #7
- added dependency to node >=0.4.0 && node < 0.5.0
- generator for monit+upstart configuration
- code generation for migrations extended with shortcut fields definition
- added support for application/json paylod
- generate *ByIds method for services
- added ApiServiceController to register a service as REST service
- context.request now holds the current req instance
- added inflection.js
- added node_modules for own vendor libraries
- replaced own testing system with vows (if you want to run the tests, please install vows!)
- spludo_directory variable is now set always when calling spludo-gen
- added bootstrap_manager.whenLoaded(callback) to get notified as soon as the app is ready.
- replaced self with that
- fixed core_dev_change_build_version on MACOSX
- added jshint instead of jslint
- added support for node_modules folder in project directory
- added Criteria for DatabaseDrivers
- added code generation for Migrations
- added SqliteDatabaseDriver
- added a Database Migration system
- added MysqlDatabaseDriver
- added code generation for Services
- added DatabaseManager and ServiceManager
- added Logging#addTracing (makes the this.trace(function_name) obsolete)
- Codegeneration loads the spludo application now (this enables the developer to generate code against the base of the application)
- Codegeneration #validateParameter receives the validated parameters now
- TestCases are now able to call .debug+.log and so on, because the execute method is applied to the TestSuite.
- added dependency to node >=0.4.0
- putting plugin's lib folder to require path before bootstrap of the index.js files
- bug #1: console and test application hang because of fs.watchFile in EjsView
- group and chain are truely async now
- added "spludo-gen controller" (wizard to create a new controller)
- views can now be in sub folders
- added partial + partials in .ejs
- .ejs-Views recompile the view as soon as it is changed
- Initial Release