ROS2 port of the Staubli_VAL3_ROS driver with all components it requires, expanded with FAU-FAPS adaptive_motion_middleware.
This repository contains a port for ROS2 for everything that is required to use Staubli robots using the CS9 controller, based on the ROS1 driver ( This includes a port of the ROS simple message package and everything it requires ( Also included is a port of FAU-FAPS adaptive_motion_middleware package to enable velocity and pose tracking control. However, to use these features, you will need to install 'motion' and 'velocity' expansion for the CS9 controller. These can be downloaded via the Staubli software center after creating a Staubli account. They should be installed and enabled on the controller via VAL3, and transferred to the physical robot by placing the corresponding .so file in the app folder of the controller. For more details about this functionality, visit the original adaptive motion middleware repo at:
Included is a moveit config and description package for the Staubli TX2-60L model. If another CS9 capable robot is used, these files can be used as a template. In the moveit config, there are two launch files:
Fully simulated robot:
Real robot:
Copy the contents of the staubli_val3_driver/val3 folder to the CS9 controller via USB or an FTP client such as WinScp or the transfer manager found in the Staubli Robotics Suite.
The TCP sockets on the robot controller must be set correctly prior to use. from the teach pendant home:
IO --> Socket --> TCP Servers --> "+"
Configure the following new sockets:
Name Port Timeout End of string Nagle Motion 11000 -1 13 Off System 11001 -1 13 Off State 11002 -1 13 Off IO 11003 -1 13 Off
Load the driver from the teach pendant home:
- Application manager --> Val3 applications
- +Disk --> ros_server
- VAL# --> Memory --> select
--> ▶
There are 3 different options for using this package:
Using a simulated robot:
1) ros2 launch
Using a real robot with moveit only:
1) ros2 launch staubli_tx2_60l_moveit_config 2) ros2 launch staubli_val3_driver robot_ip:=<ROBOT_IP>
Using a real robot with moveit and the adaptive motion middleware:
(In this situation, some of the communication will go via the middleware, using IP
(For illustrative purposes, the entire launch sequence is written down here, in practice it is recommended to combine this in one launch file)
1) ros2 launch robot_middleware 2) ros2 launch staubli_val3_driver robot_ip:=127.0.1 3) ros2 launch staubli_val3_driver robot_ip:= 4) ros2 launch staubli_val3_driver robot_ip:=<ROBOT_IP> 5) ros2 launch staubli_val3_driver robot_ip:=<ROBOT_IP> 6) ros2 launch staubli_tx2_60l_moveit_config 7) ros2 run industrial_robot_client joint_trajectory_action 8) ros2 run moveit_interface moveit_interface planning_group:=manipulator