This Flutter application allows users to top up UAE phone numbers with credit for making local phone calls.
- Add up to 5 active beneficiaries.
- Each beneficiary has a nickname with a maximum length of 20 characters.
- View and manage existing beneficiaries with a horizontal list view.
- Top-up amounts available (AED 5, AED 10, AED 20, AED 30, AED 50, AED 75, AED 100).
- Enforced top-up limits based on user verification status:
- Verified users: Up to AED 1,000 per month per beneficiary.
- Unverified users: Up to AED 500 per month per beneficiary.
- A total limit of AED 3,000 per month for all beneficiaries.
- AED 1 charge applied for each top-up transaction.
- Users can only top up with an amount equal to or less than their balance.
User Balance Handling
- The user’s balance is debited before the top-up transaction is attempted.
- On mock server, also the user balance is debited before top-up transaction is attempted.
- On app side, if transaction did not success, the user balance is reAdded
- Analyzed the features, acceptance criteria and UI requirement for the project.
- Planned the overall architecture and flow of the application.
- Added essential dependencies:
- State manage with provider.
- Encrypted locale storage with flutter_secure_storage.
- API requests and mock client with http.
- DI with get_it.
- Localization with easy_localization.
- Login screen top icon with flutter_svg.
- For tests and logic uses, equatable is used to compare entity instances.
- Set up the project structure with necessary folders and files.
- Started with creating core entities and models for transaction, beneficiary and user.
- Implemented core logic for API requests.
- Core logic for handling transactions, user and beneficiaries.
- App configuration manager to handle variable configurations and transaction limits.
- Created Mocked server for a mocked API responses.
- Started after core logic development is done.
- First with login screen and its login states and logic.
- Then moved to home screen UI widgets one by one with its states and logic too.
- Implemented the horizontal list view UI for beneficiaries with the required constraints.
- Developed unit tests for core logic and UI components.
- Focused on critical areas like top-up limits, balance handling, and beneficiary management.
- Conducted code cleanup and final checkups with the requirements.
- Added general project documentation.
- An API token can be easily added now through an interceptor or even directly in 'ApiRequestRepository'
- We can also apply a global requests encryption algorithm through the 'ApiRequestRepository' since it handles every request in the app
- To change the user verification flag, user initial balance and recharge options, head to Configs.
The project is uploaded to a private repository on Github link. Also an APK will be provided there as a release. I have added "rafina.akhtar email" to the repo too.