This is a golang backend shop
I am primarly using this project to learn about designing a fully fledged backend system that is needed to support a modern ecommerce system. This project has SQL tables (a join that has 6 tables for categories, I created a view for this), authentication using JWT, middleware authentication, registration, admin functionality, some flag usage in the CLI, my attempt at breaking up the file structure into endpoints, routes, JSON serializers and some other things that would make maintaining this easier. Use of context for passing around function scoped variables to other functions. Eventual use of Caching with memcached or maybe Redis for even more faster results from SQL. Possible microservices for the POS system I plan on making. Eventual Admin functionality. Many more things to come to make this a fully fledged EComm store so I can sell, idk, rugs and hats. I am not doing the "best" error handling as I should, but I will get to this with proper defer functions and maybe even a few panics. There is alot of improvements needed for this but this will come.
Need to update this list with:
○ Docker-Compose instructions
○ Using cli flags with dockerfile to intialize tables on intialize and the many endpoints I created with json payloads.
○ documentation is so fun, can't wait
○ need to finish this stuff in abit.