An Android library to access Camera Flash in all the versions of Android. It takes care of the permissions and can also work in different flavor of Android OS.
- Works on all versions of Android (Minimum API level 15)
- More Customization support
- Support for devices lower than Android 4.0
NoobCameraFlash is hosted at The instructions are as follows -
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.Abhi347:NoobCameraFlash:0.2.0'
Initialize the NoobCameraManager
You can optionally set the Log Level for debug logging. Logging uses LumberJack library. The default LogLevel is LogLevel.None
NoobCameraManager.getInstance().init(this, LogLevel.Verbose);
After that you just need to call the singleton to turn on or off the camera flash.
It's easy to toggle Flash too
It's a good practice to release all the resources, once you're done.
Note: The library doesn't guaranty good resource management yet. So use it with caution.
You have to take care of the runtime permissions to access Camera yourself, before initializing the NoobCameraManager. In version 0.1.2 or earlier we used to provide support for permissions directly from the library, but due to dependency on the Activity object, we have to remove it.
Feel free to report bugs, feedback or even suggest new features. I'd love to make it a great library.
NoobCameraFlash is not a production ready library (We haven't reached 1.0.0 yet) and thus you should not use it in a production ready code. Please read the license term carefully before including it in your projects.