AcademySoftwareFoundation/OpenTimelineIO projects
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12 open and 0 closed projects found.
Tasks related to the OTIO AAF file format adapter.
Planning for the OpenTimelineIO viewer application, otioview.
Tasks related to the core OTIO C++ API.
Improving the documentation for OTIO
Working group tasks for improving the OTIO build & release system
Schema and data model enhancements for OpenTimelineIO
Project planning for the OpenTimelineIO Release 1.0
OTIO file format adapters, import/export plugins, and application integrations.
OpenTimelineIO is currently in the ASWF "Incubation" stage. This project tracks our progress towards "Adopted" status.
Working group focused on gathering example timelines for OTIO.
Working group building spatial coordinate system for OTIO. Lead by Roger Nelson @ Autodesk.
Working group focused on extending OTIO to facilitate color management pipelines. Lead by Eric Reinecke @ Netflix
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