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ExtentReports Support
project in Ocaramba framework implements ExtentReports framework (https://www.extentreports.com/) to generate HTML reports.
ExtentReports framework is implemented in a way resulting with a single index.html
report file containing logs related to all executed tests.
Each ExtentReports Test
visible on the left side of the report represents a class containing NUnit tests. Right side of the report contains ExtentReports TestNodes
representing particular test methods from selected test class. Each of the test nodes can be expanded to get detailed logs related to particular test methos
- Test execution time-related information is logged in the report by default
- Test execution status (pass/failure) is logged in the report by default (implemented in
class) - Logging additional information is enabled by methods available in
class - Framework enables logging in the HTML report following statuses:
Each test failure will be logged in the HTML report together with corresponding error message and embedded screenshot taken at the time of test failure
test.Info("Verifying action links displayed in the table, expected: " + ExpectedActionLinks);
test.Info("Verifying surname displayed in the table, expected: " + ExpectedSurname);
ExtentTestLogger.Debug("NestedFramesPage: Switching to frame: " + frame);
ExtentTestLogger.Debug("DropdownPage: Selecting element on dropdown by visible text: " + text);
Latest HTML test report (index.html) can be found in .\Ocaramba.Tests.NUnitExtentReports\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\TestOutput directory
After execution of tests on CI (Azure DevOps pipeline https://dev.azure.com/ocaramba/Ocaramba/_build?definitionId=2&_a=summary), HTML report can be found in build's published artifacts
- Home
- Getting started
- Parallel tests execution
- MsTest DataDriven tests from Xml and CSV files
- NUnit DataDriven tests from Xml, CSV and Excel files
- Comparing files by NUnit DataDriven tests
- Visual Testing
- Screen shots: full desktop, selenium. PageSource saving
- Verify-asserts without stop tests
- Downloading files
- Helpers
- Override browser profile preferences, install browser extensions, Headless mode
- Debugging Test.Automation framework
- Logging
- Performance measures
- Webdriver Extends
- More common locators
- Selenium-Grid-support
- Advanced Browser Capabilities and Options
- AngularJS synchronization
- Update App.config or appsettings.json
- Cross browser parallel test execution with testing-Cloud-Providers\SeleniumGrid
- Verifying Javascript Errors from browser
- Enabling Performance Log for Chrome
- Azure DevOps Support
- Edge browser Support
- Downloading and running Selenium Grid with Powershell
- Run Ocaramba tests with Docker container
- HTTP auth in Internet explorer
- ExtentReports Support