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Test Framework was designed in Objectivity to propose common way how people should create Selenium WebDriver tests:
Project API documentation can be found here: http://ObjectivityLtd.github.io/Test.Automation
Install one of available nuget packages from nuget.org to use framework in your test automation project:
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common.NUnit
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common.Features
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common.MsTest
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common.xUnit
Checkout the code to see the implementation of framework and examples how to use it.
- Firefox Driver
Option FirefoxUseLegacyImplementation is set as false in all App.config files, for Firefox 47 and below set it to true, more details here
<add key="FirefoxUseLegacyImplementation" value="true" />
If you have problem with opening any of sub projects in Microsoft Visual Studio:
-run ".nuget\NuGet.exe restore" command in command line in folder with solution file TestFramework.sln
Install “SpecFlow” plugin. Select Tools | Extensions and Updates from the menu in Visual Studio, switch to the Online search on the left and enter “SpecFlow” in the search field at the top right.
Install NUnit 3 Test Adapter to run NUnit tests from Visual Studio. Select Tools | Extensions and Updates from the menu in Visual Studio, switch to the Online search on the left and enter “NUnit 3 Test Adapter” in the search field at the top right.
Install Sandcastle Help File Builder (version 2016.4.9 - all features) from link
Projects examples of using Test Framework:
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Tests.Angular for AngularJS
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Tests.Features for Specflow
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Tests.MsTests for MSTest
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Tests.NUnit for NUnit
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Tests.xUNIT for xUNIT
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Tests.PageObjects for Page Object Pattern
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Common.Documentation.shfbproj for building API documentation
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.Tests.BrowserStackCrossBrowser for cross browser parallel test execution with BrowserStack\SeleniumGrid
- Objectivity.Test.Automation.UnitTests for unit test of framework
Provided features are listed in README file.
- See Getting started.
- Home
- Getting started
- Parallel tests execution
- MsTest DataDriven tests from Xml and CSV files
- NUnit DataDriven tests from Xml, CSV and Excel files
- Comparing files by NUnit DataDriven tests
- Visual Testing
- Screen shots: full desktop, selenium. PageSource saving
- Verify-asserts without stop tests
- Downloading files
- Helpers
- Override browser profile preferences, install browser extensions, Headless mode
- Debugging Test.Automation framework
- Logging
- Performance measures
- Webdriver Extends
- More common locators
- Selenium-Grid-support
- Advanced Browser Capabilities and Options
- AngularJS synchronization
- Update App.config or appsettings.json
- Cross browser parallel test execution with testing-Cloud-Providers\SeleniumGrid
- Verifying Javascript Errors from browser
- Enabling Performance Log for Chrome
- Azure DevOps Support
- Edge browser Support
- Downloading and running Selenium Grid with Powershell
- Run Ocaramba tests with Docker container
- HTTP auth in Internet explorer
- ExtentReports Support