Inspired from the GitHub Developers' original Hubot shipit squirrels, these are futuristic shipit squirrels for developers! These squirrels are AI-generated, credits go to OpenAI's DALLE-3 model. Check them out below! 😄
For further context see What is the significance of the GitHub Ship It Squirrel?. Some of the original Hubot squirrels are in this commit.
This section assumes you're using this in Slack. If you're using some other messaging platform, you should be able to set something up via a custom bot.
To use this with Slack, you can follow the guide at on how to set up custom responses. Specifically, you'll want to set up the following:
- The appropriate triggers e.g.
"ship it", "shipit", "ship_it_parrot", "ship all the things"
- The potential responses, each separated by newline - these should be the links to the ship it squirrel images
- Note that Slack only unfurls images properly if you use the raw links i.e. use not!
Use these squirrels to ship it in style! 🚢
Enjoy the squirrels! 🎉