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Functions and Scope (Closure) in JavaScript

Table of Contents

First Class Functions

Assign a Function to a Variable

This function returns the circumference of a circle:

var circumference = function (circle) {
  return 2 * Math.PI * circle.radius;
//define circle object
var circle = {x: 100, y: 100, radius: 50};

//invoke the function
console.log(circumference(circle)); //314.159

Passing a Function as an Argument to Another Function

This example is a JSON replacer function which filters out property radius from object serialization process:

var filter = function (key, value) {
//don't serialize property 'radius'
  if (key === 'radius') {
    return undefined;
  } else {
    return value;

//define circle object
var circle = {x: 100, y: 200, radius: 50};

//get string version of circle object
var info = JSON.stringify(circle, filter);

//print the string equivalent of object
console.log(info);  // '{'x': 100, 'y': 200}'

Returning a Function as a Value From Another Function

In this example an outer function is defined that returns inner function:

function outer(x) {
//this secret is a closure
  var secret = 5;
  return function () {
    console.log(secret + x);

//get the inner function
var inner = outer(10);

//invoke inner function
inner(); //15


Variable Declaration Hoisting Rule

This function tries to check the presence of variable a before and after its declaration:

function scopeTest() {
  console.log(a); // undefined - this means variable a is hoisted at this point. No ReferenceError
  var a = 1;
  console.log(a); //1


Function Declaration Statement Hoisting Rule

This function illustrates the hoisting of function statement:

function outer() {
  //function inner is in scope here
  //it could be invoked at this place

  console.log(typeof inner === 'function');

  function inner() {
    console.log('I can be invoked anywhere inside outer function');

  //function inner is in scope here
  //it could be invoked at this place
  console.log(typeof inner === 'function');


Function Definition Expression Hoisting Rule

This function illustrates the hoisting of function definition expression.

function outer() {
  //function inner is not in scope here
  //it can not be invoked at this place
  inner(); //typeError

  console.log(typeof inner === 'function');

  var inner = function () {
    console.log('I\'m not hoisted at the top');

  //function inner is in scope here
  // it could be invoked at this place
  console.log(typeof inner === 'function');


Invocation Context (this)

Function Invocation

This function returns the word boundaries of a string:

//\w to \W or \W to \w transition is a word boundary
function wordBoundaries(subject) {
  //regex for word boundary position
  var pattern = /\b/g;

  //invoke match method defined on the string
  return subject.match(pattern).length;

var book = 'JavaScript: The Good Parts';
console.log(wordBoundaries(book)); //8

Method Invocation

//define cylinder object
var cylinder = {
  radius: 10,
  height: 20

define function on cylinder object
volume is the property of cylinder object
this inside function is the cylinder object
this.radius means radius property of the cylinder object
this = invocation context = cylinder object
cylinder.volume = function () {
  return Math.PI * Math.pow(this.radius, 2) * this.height;

//invoke the method on the cylinder object

Constructor Invocation

This is a constructor function, and in this example it accepts 2 arguments and sets the newly created object's properties:

//`this` or invocation context is the newly created cylinder object
function Cylinder(radius, height) {
  this.radius = radius; //object property
  this.height = height; //object property
  //object method
  this.volume = function () {
    return Math.PI * Math.pow(this.radius, 2) * this.height;

//create object using constructor function
//this inside constructor = cylinder1
var cylinder1 = new Cylinder(10, 20);

//create another object
//this inside constructor = cylinder2
var cylinder2 = new Cylinder(20, 10);

Using Prototype Object

//Accepts 2 arguments and set the newly created object's properties
//this or invocation context is the newly created cylinder object
function Cylinder(radius, height) {
  this.radius = radius; //object property
  this.height = height; //object property

Now volume method is defined on the prototype object.

//prototype object is the property defined on Cylinder constructor
Cylinder.prototype.volume = function () {
  return Math.PI * Math.pow(this.radius, 2) * this.height;

//create object using constructor function
//this inside constructor = cylinder1
var cylinder1 = new Cylinder(10, 20);

//create another object
//this inside constructor = cylinder2
var cylinder2 = new Cylinder(20, 10);

Indirect Invocation

Call Method

This is a function that returns the circumference of a circle.

//`this` keyword is not associated with any object
var circumference = function () {
  return 2 * Math.PI * this.radius;
//define circle objects
var circle1 = {x: 100, y: 200, radius: 50};
var circle2 = {x: 200, y: 300, radius: 25};

//invoke the function
//this = circle1
console.log(; //314.159
//this = circle2
console.log(; //157.079

Apply Method

This function makes all arguments non enumerable.

var makeNonEnumerable = function () {
  //iterate over all arguments and change the enumerable attribute false
  for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){

var testObject1 = {x:1,y:2,z:3};

//make x and y property non enumerable
//We pass individual argument instead of array, 'x', 'y");
//check the enumerable attribute by console.log
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(testObject1, 'x').enumerable; //false
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(testObject1, 'y').enumerable; //false
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(testObject1, 'z').enumerable; //true

var testObject2 = {p:1, q:2, r:3};
//We pass array instead of individual argument
makeNonEnumerable.apply(testObject2,['p', 'q']);
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(testObject2, 'p').enumerable; //false
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(testObject2, 'q').enumerable; //false
Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(testObject2, 'r').enumerable; //true

var property;
for(property in testObject1){

Call Method: Search Binary Numbers

This function finds all binary numbers inside a string.

regex pattern checks digit (0 or 1) one or more times between word boundaries
\b -> word boundary
+ -> repeat 1 or more time - you can make it lazy by +?
[01]+ -> repeat 0 or 1 one or more time
g -> global match
match method -> return an array with all matches

function binaryNumbers() {
  var pattern = /\b[01]+\b/g;
  //this keyword is not associated with any object
  this.result = this.subject.match(pattern);

//create 2 objects
var object1 = {subject: '100 1234 1010 string'},
  object2 = {subject: '1234 1112 1010 string'};

//associate this with object1
//this.result will set result property on object1;

//associate this with object2
//this.result will set result property on object2;

//query result property on object1
console.log(object1.result); //[ '100', '1010' ]

//query result property on object2
console.log(object2.result); // [ '1010' ]

Call Method: Internals

This function finds all binary numbers inside a string.

regex pattern checks digit (0 or 1) one or more times between word boundaries
\b -> word boundary
+ -> repeat 1 or more time - you can make it lazy by +?
[01]+ -> repeat 0 or 1 one or more time
g -> global match
match method -> return an array with all matches

function binaryNumbers() {
  var pattern = /\b[01]+\b/g;
  //this keyword is not associated with any object
  this.result = this.subject.match(pattern);

//create 2 objects
var object1 = {subject: '100 1234 1010 string'},
  object2 = {subject: '1234 1112 1010 string'};

//associate this with object1
//this.result will set result property on object1
object1.method = binaryNumbers;
delete object1.method;

//associate this with object2
//this.result will set result property on object2
object2.method = binaryNumbers;
delete object1.method;

//query result property on object1
console.log(object1.result); //[ '100', '1010' ]

//query result property on object2
console.log(object2.result); // [ '1010' ]

'this and Nested Function Issues

Basic Reducer Function

In this example the reducer object has one array and a method reduced:

//Below is the calculation using reduce method and array [100, 200, 300]
//x = 100, y = 200
//0.5 * (100 + 200) = 150 -> this will become x in next iteration
//x = 150, y = 300
//0.5 * (150 + 300) = 225 -> final value
var reducer = {
  a: [100, 200, 300],
  reduce: function () {
    return this.a.reduce(function (x, y) {
      return 0.5 * (x + y);
console.log(reducer.reduce()); //225

Simulate Problem: Reducer Factor and this

//reducer object has one array a and method reduce
//reduce does the job of reducing using reduce method 0.5 * (x + y)
//Below is the calculation using reduce method and array [100, 200, 300]
//x = 100, y = 200
//0.5 * (100 + 200) = 150 -> this will become x in next iteration
//x = 150, y = 300
//0.5 * (150 + 300) = 225 -> expected value -> but we get NaN
var reducer = {
  a: [100, 200, 300],
  factor: 0.5,
  reduce: function () {
    return this.a.reduce(function (x, y) {
      return this.factor * (x + y);
console.log(reducer.reduce()); //NaN

Using this Keyword Inside a Nested Function

//reducer object has one array a and method reduce
//reduce does the job of reducing using reduce method 0.5 * (x + y)
//Below is the calculation using reduce method and array [100, 200, 300]
//x = 100, y = 200
//0.5 * (100 + 200) = 150 -> this will become x in next iteration
//x = 150, y = 300
//0.5 * (150 + 300) = 225
var reducer = {
  a: [100, 200, 300],
  factor: 0.5,
  reduce: function () {
    var self = this;
    return this.a.reduce(function (x, y) {
      return self.factor * (x + y);
console.log(reducer.reduce()); //225



This function tries to explain the flexibility of arguments supplied:

function test(x, y) {
  // I don't do anything
  //print arguments object - Array like object

//no argument supplied
// x - undefined
// y - undefined
// { }

//less arguments supplied
// x - 1
// y - undefined
// { '0': 1}

//arguments = parameters = 2
test(1, 2);
// x - 1
// y - 2
// {'0': 1, '1': 2 }

//more argument supplied than actual parameters
test(1, 2, 3);
// x - 1
// y - 2
// {'0': 1, '1': 2, '2': 3}


This function adds all the arguments supplied:

function add() {
  console.log(arguments.length); //3
  var sum = 0;
  //iterate over all arguments
  //trick - save arguments.length in some variable
  for (var i=0; i < arguments.length; i++){
    sum +=arguments[i];
  return sum;

console.log(add(1,2,3)); //6

Default Parameters: Keys and getOwnPropertyNames

This function returns object properties based on the flag onlyEnumerable:

getProperties(obj) -> return enumerable own properties
getProperties(obj, false) -> return enumerable as well as non enumerable properties
getProperties(obj, true) -> return enumerable own properties

function getProperties(obj, onlyEnumerable) {
  //if onlyEnumerable is not passed, set it to true
  if (onlyEnumerable === undefined) {
    onlyEnumerable = true;

  if (onlyEnumerable) {
    return Object.keys(obj);
  } else {
    // enumerable + non enumerable
    return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);

//define object with 2 properties
//by default newly created properties are enumerable
var obj = {x: 1, y: 2};

//define one non enumerable property "z"
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'z', {enumerable: false, value: 3});

console.log(getProperties(obj)); // [ 'x', 'y' ]
console.log(getProperties(obj, false)); // [ 'x', 'y', 'z' ]
console.log(getProperties(obj, true)); // [ 'x', 'y' ]


Examples of functions and scope (closure) in JavaScript






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