Thank you for registering the International Meeting of Psychometric Society short course, Analyzing NAEP and TIMSS Data with Direct Estimation Using the R Packages EdSurvey and Dire, which will be held from 10:00 am-5:30 pm on Monday, July 11th, 2022. We are very excited to welcome you all!
Before the training, please install:
To initialize your system, open RStudio and run the following script:
install.packages(c("Dire", "EdSurvey", "devtools"))
To practice the EdSurvey sections with 2019 TIMSS datasets, download the datasets using the following script, once EdSurvey is successfully installed.
downloadTIMSS(years = 2019, root = "~/")
Note: you may need to change the root
argument depending on your system. Downloading the data files may take several hours to complete.
Warm Regards,
Ting, Paul and Emmanuel