COMFYUI Nodes for creating GLSL shaders
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Dynamic GLSL
Nodes compiles existing GLSL script files into ComfyUI nodes at load time- Support for 2, 3 and 4 tuple sized vectors (integer or float)
- RGB/RGBA color vector support with access to the system/browser level color picker
- All
inputs/outputs onDynamic GLSL
nodes support RGB, RGBA or pure MASK input - Dozens of hand written GLSL nodes to speed up specific tasks better done on the GPU (10x speedup in most cases)
- Over a 100+ functions in the GLSL library supports to freely use
2024/02/23 @1.1.13:
- vector fields can now be reset by clicking on the header of the field
2024/02/18 @1.1.12:
- removed over-zealous texture hashing for matching images issue 7
2024/02/18 @1.1.11:
- patched VECTOR type
2024/02/18 @1.1.10:
- updated vector widget to match Jovimetrix
2024/02/05 @1.1.02:
- polish on regex parsing for uniforms -- supports are much more lenient on spacing
2024/02/05 @1.1.0:
- fixed value not updating when uniforms set to 0.0 issue #4
2024/02/01 @1.0.7:
- change all
type - registry pyproject and code cleanup
- fix enumeration list presentation for dynamic enumerations
- wrapping controls for transform GL programs
2024/01/31 @1.0.6:
- fixed all tooltips
2024/01/29 @1.0.5:
- fixed parsing bug where uniforms could be defined inside comments issue #2
- empty defaults will no longer complain about
Please see the wiki for advanced use of the environment variables that can be used at startup
If you have ComfyUI Manager installed, simply search for Jovi_GLSL and install from the manager's database.
Clone the repository into your ComfyUI custom_nodes directory. You can clone the repository with the command:
git clone
You can then install the requirements by using the command:
.\python_embed\python.exe -s -m pip install -r .\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\Jovi_GLSL\requirements.txt
If you are using a virtual environment
), make sure it is activated before installation. Then install the requirements with the command:
pip install -r .\ComfyUI\custom_nodes\Jovi_GLSL\requirements.txt
You are able to add your own shaders such that they compile into nodes at ComfyUI load time. Custom shaders that are local to your machine will have a 🦄 (uniforn emoji) at the end of their name. The default location for local shaders is to search a folder in the root of Jovimetrix:
If you want to change the search location, you can set the environment variable:
SET JOV_GLSL=<location to glsl shader files>
Shaders are compiled and loaded at runtime via the Dynamic GLSL
system. This will search a filepath for shader files, load them and compile them into nodes for ComfyUI. They will register as normal nodes and work in any API calls.
The benefit of the dynamic nodes are the reduced footprint of making explict nodes. Dynamic nodes load their scripts statically so the node only contains the inputs and widgets for that specific script.
All shaders have two parts: a vertex shader (.vert) and a fragment shader (.frag).
The default location for the included shaders is:
The basic shaders for each of these programs is included in the default location and are named:
and _.vert
Shaders with a 🌈 (rainbow) icon at the end of their name are internal shaders that ship with this repository. Shaders with a 🦄 (unicorn) icon at the end of their name are custom user shaders loaded from the user directory.
#version 330 core
precision highp float;
void main()
vec2 verts[3] = vec2[](vec2(-1, -1), vec2(3, -1), vec2(-1, 3));
gl_Position = vec4(verts[gl_VertexID], 0, 1);
The default vertex shader is simply a quad with the UV mapped from 0..1.
#version 440
precision highp float;
// system globals
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform float iTime;
uniform float iFrameRate;
uniform int iFrame;
// old deprecated functions
#define texture2D texture
// useful constants
#define M_EPSILON 1.0e-10
#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
#define M_TAU (2.0 * M_PI)
All shaders will have a header file, with pre-set variables for shader program usage, injected at the top. These are "mostly" mirrored from Shadertoy variables, with a few changes:
iResolution | vec3 | Width and Height dimensions of the GL canvas |
iFrame | int | the current frame |
iFrameRate | float | the desired FPS |
iTime | float | current time in shader's lifetime based on iFrameRate and iFrame |
iSeed | int | seed value for noise shaders |
The fragment shader's entry point is defined as:
void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, vec2 fragCoord)
such that setting fragColor will output the final RGBA value for the pixel.
Shaders are 100% fully GLSL compatible; however, there can be additional information (meta data) added to the shaders via comments. This expands the usefulness of the shaders since they can be pre-parsed and turned into nodes made at runtime (Dynamic Nodes).
// name: GRAYSCALE
// desc: Convert input to grayscale
// category: COLOR
// control:
The meta data breakdown of this shader header:
name | GRAYSCALE | title of the node with an added 🧙🏽 for internal and 🧙🏽♀️ for custom nodes |
desc | Convert input to grayscale | text that shows up for preview nodes and the Jovimetrix help panel |
category | COLOR | ComfyUI menu placement. Added to the end of JOVI_GLSL 🦚 |
control | Comma Seperated List | Explicit list of additional controls to add to the dynamic node. Possible values are included in the control list below. |
The case of the controls doesnt matter when being parsed. The formats are just for clarity.
res | Width and Height | 512, 512 |
frame | Current frame to render | 0 |
frameRate | Used to calculate frame step size and iTime | 24 |
time | Value to use directly; if > -1 will override iFrame/iFrameRate calculation | -1 |
batch | Number of frames to generate | 0 (Continuous per queue) |
matte | GL Clear or Background color | 0,0,0,255 |
edge | Clamp, Wrap or Mirror the image edge(s) | Clamp |
seed | Seed value | 0 |
UNIFORM fields
also have metadata about usage(clipping for number fields) and their tooltips:
// default grayscale using NTSC conversion weights
uniform sampler2D image; | MASK, RGB or RGBA
uniform vec3 convert; // 0.299, 0.587, 0.114; 0; 1; 0.01 | Scalar for each channel
<default value> ; <minimum> ; <maximum>; <step> | <tooltip>
For the convert uniform this means a vector3 field with a default value of <0.299, 0.587, 0.114>
clipped in the range 0..1
with a 0.01
step when the user interacts with the mouse and the tooltip will read: Scalar for each channel
If you need to omit fields, like a minimum, just place the token separator (;) by itself, for example:
uniform float num; // 0.5; ; 10
This would allow the number to have a lower bound of -system maximum and clip the upper-bound at 10.
Please consider sponsoring me if you enjoy the results of my work, code or documentation or otherwise. A good way to keep code development open and free is through sponsorship.