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Releases: Aplex2723/restserver-base

Final Version

20 Aug 04:02
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Here you have a complete Back-End server for any use, feel free to customize it

REST Server

11 Dec 05:42
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NodeJS REST Server with MongoDB

This is a base of a REST server, the administrator of the database is Mongo.

This REST server has the functions to make user validations using JWT, the functionalities to make REST API's are implemented and made up to manage and create user data with encrypted one-way passwords, this application implements JWT to identify users and perform validations with their respective roles established in the database


Make sure you have installed all the dependencies with npm install

Go to the .env file and modify the port to anyone you want PORT=80
In the MONGO_CNN put your acces to your DataBase following the MongoDB Documentation
The SECRETORPRIVATEKEY is the Token key you want to sign the Tokens you made


bcryptjs: ^2.4.3
cors: ^2.8.5
dotenv: ^10.0.0
express: ^4.17.1
express-validator: ^6.13.0
jsonwebtoken: ^8.5.1
mongoose: ^6.0.13

Full RESTServer with MongoDB

06 Dec 22:31
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RESTServer base for personal and big projects

This is a complete RESTServer made to use with MongoDB, this base will help you make WEBServers more easier.

Connect your DB in .env file following MongoDB requiremets.

REST/WEB Server + MongoDB

17 Nov 01:13
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This update adds the connection to MongoDB, it's only connection, this version does not save data in DB for now.

REST Server + Web Server

14 Nov 22:55
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REST Server ready for implementation, please configure before use, more information on the README section.