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Laravel Advanced Filter

This package allows you to filter on laravel models

You can choose fields to filtering and customize its data-types, aliases and excepted operators, you can add/customize your request format, and you add new operators or overwrite the existed operators


You can install the package via composer:

composer require asemalalami/laravel-advanced-filter

The package will automatically register its service provider.

You can optionally publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="AsemAlalami\LaravelAdvancedFilter\AdvancedFilterServiceProvider" --tag="config"

These default config file that will be published: Config File


  • use HasFilter trait in the model
  • add fields in the implementation of the abstract function setupFilter
  • call the filter scope in your controller
class Order extends Model
    use HasFilter;

    protected $casts = [
        'void' => 'boolean',

    public function channel()
        return $this->belongsTo(Channel::class);

    public function orderLines()
        return $this->hasMany(OrderLine::class);

    public function setupFilter()
        $this->addField('void'); // will cast to 'boolean' from the model casts
        $this->addFields(['source', 'subsource', 'order_date']);
        // field from relation
        $this->addFields(['channel.created_at' => 'channel_create'])->setDatatype('date');
        $this->addField('orderLines.product.sku', 'product_sku');
        // field from relation count
        // custom field (raw sql)
        $this->addCustomField('my_total', '(shipping_cost + subtotal)');
        // enable general search
        $this->addGeneralSearch(['source', 'orderLines.product.sku'], 'startsWith');

    // customize field filter by custom scope
    public function scopeWhereSource(Builder $builder, Field $field, string $operator, $value, $conjunction = 'and')
        if ($operator == 'Equal') {
            return $builder->where(function (Builder $builder) use ($value) {
                $builder->where('source', $value)
                    ->orWhere('subsource', $value);
        // default behavior
        return $builder->applyOperator($operator, $field, $value, $conjunction);


class OrderController extends Controller
    public function index()
        return Order::filter()->paginate(); // you can pass your custom request

Query Format

Query format is the shape that you want to send your query(filters) in the request. the package support 3 formats, and you can create a new format.

  • json (default): the filters will send as json in the request

  • array: the filters will send as array in the request

  • separator: the filters will send as well as in the array format, but separated by a separator(^ default)

    the format sets with a separator symbol separator:^


set the default query format in the config file query_format attribute

Create a new query format:

  • create a new class and extends it from QueryFormat: class MyFormat extends QueryFormat
  • implement the abstract function format that returns FilterRequest object
  • add the class to the config file in custom_query_format attribute: 'custom_query_format' => MyFormat::class,


Normal Field options:

  • field name is the column name

  • alias is the key that you want to send in the request

  • data-type: by default it set from model casts, if you want to set custom data-type, use setDatatype

  • operators: the field will accept all operators unless you use setExceptedOperators to exclude some operators

  • a relational field: only set the field name by . separator,

    you can define field name by . separator, but you want to consider it as a non relational field by pass false for inRelation parameter (used in NoSQL DB or join between tables)

    $this->addField('', 'channel_name', false);
  • customize a field query, you can make a scope for the field to customize the filter behavior. scope name must be combined 3 sections :

    • scope
    • the value of prefix_scope_function key in config file (where is the default)
    • field name(or relation name) for example email
    public function scopeWhereEmail(Builder $builder, Field $field, string $operator, $value, $conjunction = 'and')

    you can customize a relational field by define the scope in the relation model OR define scope by relation name

    public function scopeWherePrice(Builder $builder, Field $field, string $operator, $value, $conjunction = 'and')
    public function scopeWhereOrderLines(Builder $builder, Field $field, string $operator, $value, $conjunction = 'and')

    you can use applyOperator function to use the default behavior $builder->applyOperator($operator, $field, $value, $conjunction);

You can add fields to a model by using 4 functions:

  • addField(string $field, string $alias = null, ?bool $inRelation = null): by default alias value same as field name value
  • addFields($fields): accept an array of field and aliases:
    $this->addFields(['created_at' => 'create_date', 'order_date'])->setDatatype('date');
  • addCountField(string $relation, string $alias = null, callable $callback = null): add a field from count of relation, use can customize the count query and alias(by default is concat relation name(snake case) and _count)
    $this->addCountField('orderLines', 'lines_count', function (Builder $builder) {
        $builder->where('quantity', '>', 1);
  • addCustomField(string $alias, string $sqlRaw, $relation = null): add a field from raw sql query
    $this->addCustomField('my_total', '(`shipping_cost` + `subtotal`)');
    $this->addCustomField('line_subtotal', '(`price` + `quantity`)', 'orderLines'); // inside "orderLines" relation

General Search

You can enable general search on some fields, and you can specify the operator (startsWith is the default operator)

$this->addGeneralSearch(['source', 'orderLines.product.sku'], 'startsWith');


Currently, the package support one conjunction between all fields and | or, default conjunction attribute in the config file default_conjunction


The package has many operators, you can create new operators, and you can customize the operators aliases that you want to send in the request

  • Equals (=, equals)
  • NotEquals (!=, notEquals)
  • GreaterThan (> , greater)
  • GreaterThanOrEqual (>=, greaterOrEqual)
  • LessThan (<, less)
  • LessThanOrEqual (<=, lessOrEqual)
  • In (|, in)
  • NotIn (!|, notIn)
  • Contains (*, contains)
  • NotContains (!*, notContains)
  • StartsWith (^, startsWith)
  • NotStartsWith (!^, notStartsWith)
  • EndsWith ($, endsWith)
  • NotEndsWith (!$, notEndsWith)
  • Between (><, between)

Create a new Operator:

  • create a new class and extends it from Operator: class MyOperator extends Operator
  • implement the abstract function apply and getSqlOperator (used as a default sql operator for count and custom field)
  • add the class in the config file in custom_operators attribute: 'custom_operators' => [MyOperator::class => ['my-op', '*']],

Data Types:

  • boolean
  • date
  • datetime
  • numeric
  • string


Config File