Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)
image source:
This is an example of application of morphological operations on an image using the concepts of
- Converting an image to Binary
- Erosion and Dilution operations to bring out the key features in an image
- Blob detection on virus image
Scikit image provides a great literature and methodology of Blob detection Below is the link ""
Quoting from Scikit-image:
"Blobs are bright on dark or dark on bright regions in an image."
There are 3 methodoligies to detect the Blobs in an image
- Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG)- Most accurate but slowest
- Difference of Gaussian (DoG)- Faster approximation of LoG
- Determinant of Hessian (DoH)- Fastest Method
Some parameters passed in the blob functions-
- min_sigma= keep this low to detect smaller blobs
- threshold= keep this low to detect lower intensity blobs
Additional literature you can refer:
- Image Processing — Blob Detection ""