Storage Client Library 0.10.0
2016.03 Version 0.10.0
- The
parameter and result properties have been changed from array to hash map to avoid non unique signed identifier id.
- Added 'COPY' to the BlobUtilities.BlobListingDetails to include copy information in the results.
- Added 'bytesCopied' and 'totalBytes' to the blob result.
- Added the blob result to the callback of BlobService.commitBlocks.
- Moved the properties in the properties object of BlobResult and ContainerResult when listing blobs or containers to the result object.
- Renamed the property names returned from listing blobs or containers to camelCase.
- The
, 'contentMD5' andcacheControl
parameters and return values about the blob's content settings are grouped into acontentSettings
sub property. - The
parameter to verify the integrity of the data during the transport is changed totransactionalContentMD5
- The
return values are grouped into acopy
sub property. - The
return values are grouped into alease
sub property. - The options.accessConditions parameter is changed to AccessConditions type.
- Renamed QueueResult.approximatemessagecount to camelCase and change its type to 'number.
- Renamed the property names of QueueMessageResult to camelCase.
- Renamed the parameter options.messagettl of the createMessage API to options.messageTimeToLive.
- Updated the callback of the createMessage API from errorOrResult to errorOrResponse.
- Removed peekOnly option from the options parameter of the getMessages API. To peek messages, use peekMessages instead.
- Added getMessage and peekMessage API.
- Moved the properties in the properties object of FileResult and ShareResult when listing files or shares to the result object.
- Renamed the property names returned from listing files or shares to camelCase.
- Renamed the property names returned from getting share stats to camelCase.
- The
, 'contentMD5' andcacheControl
parameters and return values about the blob's content settings are grouped into acontentSettings
sub property. - The
parameter to verify the integrity of the data during the transport is changed totransactionalContentMD5
- The
return values are grouped into acopy
sub property. - Fixed the issue that SAS tokens created from table names with upper-case letters do not work.
- The options.accessConditions parameter is changed to AccessConditions type.
- Fixed the issue that getTableAcl returns empty array with signedIdentifier property.
- Renamed the function updateEntity to replaceEntity.
- Renamed TableUtilities.entityGenerator.Entity to EntityProperty.