This repo represents configuration for BahmniLite (more applicable for clinics).
Step 1: Latest OpenMRS image is already packaged with openmrs-initializer-module. Make sure you have openmrs-initializer-module in modules directory(/openmrs/data/modules
). If not copy or package openmrs-initializer-module into your openmrs modules.
Step 2: Follow the steps here to volume mount your local folder.
Step 3: Make sure we have CSV's with respective folder names inside masterdata/configuration folder in source folder of clinic-config
├── addresshierarchy/
├── locations/
├── privileges/
├── roles/
Step 4: Starting up docker would load up openmrs initializer
Step 5: On every change in masterdata folder of clinic-config restart openmrs service by running docker-compose restart openmrs
All the liquibase changesets in masterdata/configuration are only added temporarily for testing.
Backup of OpenMRS DB with pre-loaded CIEL Concepts and checksums of masterdata/configuration are maintained in bahmni-scripts repository
Whenever we are loading the CIEL zip for the first time we would need a restart of openmrs to retire duplicate diagnosis concepts from CIEL
Currently, both clinic-config and default-config sharing the same transifex configuration. This need to fixed in the future, have to create separate configuration for clinic-config. Because, these are technically different config folders. They may have same files right now, but as time progresses, they can easily deviate.
For now, we need to be careful, that we always add a UNIQUE KEY across default-config and clinic-config. Also note that, for the same Key+English string, the translation in other languages returned by transifex will be the same across default-config or clinic-config, since the memory is the same for transifex.