A simple application which allows to connect via adb to a FireTV device and send via "adb input keyevents " different inputs.
Keys that are mapped:
Enter -> Enter/Select (Broken at the moment, I will try to fix it but I'm lazy)
Escape -> Back
Arrow Keys -> Up, Down, Left, Right
This is not a remote for everyday usage, since it is very slow (adb).
Enable ADB Debugging on your FireTV device - https://developer.amazon.com/docs/fire-tv/connecting-adb-to-device.html
Put the IP Address of your FireTV device followed by :5555 in the "Enter IP Address" box (ex. - http://www.aftvnews.com/how-to-determine-the-ip-address-of-an-amazon-fire-tv-or-fire-tv-stick/
Use the remote as normal