This project includes set of five games. Each game has 3 questions. To win, you need to answer all three questions in a row. If you answer incorrectly, the game ends. Good luck!
Clone a repository.
$ git clone
Install dependencies.
$ make install
Print the game's name in terminal and press "Enter" to launch it.
$ brain-even
Game: "Even check"
$ brain-even
- 📜 The game is generate a random number. You needs to answer "yes" if the number is even, or "no" if it is odd:
Game: "Calculator"
$ brain-calc
- 📜 The aim of the game is as follows: the user is shown a random mathematical expression, for example 35 + 16, which must be calculated and the correct answer obtained.
Game: "Greatest common divisor"
$ brain-gcd
- 📜 The aim of the game is as follows: the user is shown two random numbers, for example, 25 50. The user must calculate and enter the greatest common divisor of these numbers.
Game: "Arithmetic progression"
$ brain-progression
- 📜 We show the player a series of numbers that form an arithmetic progression, replacing any of the numbers with two dots. The player must determine this number.
Game: "Prime check"
$ brain-prime
- 📜 The game is generate a random number. You needs to answer "yes" if the number is prime, or "no" if it is composite.