My device-agnostic Nix OS configuration.
Do not clone directly into /etc/nixos
. This is annoying due to having to
call sudoedit
nix-channel --add nixos nixos
sudo nix-channel --add nixos nixos
sudo nix-channel --update
On upgrades, just run the same with whatever channels is mentioned in the main config file.
- Edit files in this repository
- Sync to
by runningsudo ./
- Rebuild via
sudo nixos-rebuild switch
The hardware configuration is spread across files.
Contains generic configuration.
Contains device specific configuration and imports the generic configuration.
Decides which hardware specific configuration is imported and isn't tracked by git. This file is then imported by
Since the concrete hardware configurations most likely use community provided defaults, install the given channel:
sudo nix-channel --add nixos-hardware
sudo nix-channel --update
To add a new machine, check out the repo and create the
and decide whether you need a new device specific
configuration or import the generic one.
The file looks like this:
{ config, ... }:
imports = [ ./hardware-thinkpad-l570.nix ];
For the concrete hardware configuration, you'll also have to specify the
filesystem. For this, you need the UUID of the drives. You can list the UUIDs
via ls /dev/disk/by-uuid
Then add the following section:
fileSystems."/" =
{ device = "/dev/disk/UUID";
fsType = "ext4";
- IntelliJ doesn't automatically find the JDK22, the workaround for now is manual installation via IntelliJ, even though this will duplicate the JDK.