A Dalamud plugin to figure out what the heck to do with all the different currencies. Just click the currency and get a list what you still can unlock and what to sell on the MarketBoard.
- Different currencies implemented
- Grand Company Seals
- Wolf Marks
- Allagan Tomestone of Poetics
- Allagan Tomestone of Aesthetics
- Collectables check: See what you still can unlock regarding collectables
- Fetch current prices from Universalis
- Flag marker: Show you excatly where to go to get the items
will open up the main UI.
Select a currency and start spending it.
- Integrate a TP plugin/command to tp to the nearest Aetheryte
- Build a list of shops and items on game start, so no more manual work needed
- Integrated checking of standing or progress for items if they can be obtained
Create an issue or a PR to get it added to the plugin.