GSC script to restrict Killstreaks for H2M
Copy the file ""RestrictKillStreakH2.gsc" into "user_scripts\mp" of your COD MWR folder.
Set in your server configuration file, separating the streaks you need to restrict with a space, like the example. If you don't, by default the script will not restrict anything.
set streaksRestricted "radar_mp counter_radar_mp airdrop_marker_mp sentry_mp predator_mp airstrike_mp harrier_airstrike_mp helicopter_mp airdrop_mega_marker_mp stealth_airstrike_mp pavelow_mp chopper_gunner_mp ac130_mp emp_mp nuke_mp"
You need to restart the server if you did it from the cfg file. Or if you don't want to restart, you need to paste in the console. But you should include this in your cfg file.