I'm Cian! I'm a Senior Software Engineer based in Dublin, Ireland.
- Cian911/gomerge @ 3.4.0 (2 months ago)
- kubeflow/spark-operator @ v2.1.0 (2 months ago)
- Cian911/switchboard @ v1.0.1 (6 months ago)
- grimdoomer/Xbox360BadUpdate - Software only hypervisor exploit for Xbox 360 (today)
- snowflakedb/gosnowflake - Go Snowflake Driver (5 days ago)
- Sahilb315/AtomixDB - An persistent relational database built in Go. (5 days ago)
- mochman/Bypass_CGNAT - Wireguard setup to bypass CGNAT with a VPS (5 days ago)
- GianlucaP106/minecraft - Minecraft clone from scratch with only OpenGL (2 weeks ago)
- Building a CO2 sensor using a Pi PicoW & automating a home ventilation system part 2 (1 year ago)
- Building a CO2 sensor using a Pi PicoW & Automating a Home Ventilation System - Part 1 (1 year ago)
- Switchboard v1.0.0 and Switchboard Pro (2 years ago)
If you use any of my projects, I'd love to hear from you! Don't be shy and let me know what you liked and what needs being improved. I will try my best to help!
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cian_911
- Blog: https://ciangallagher.me/contact