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rok-clarifai committed Feb 5, 2021
1 parent 31366ba commit d9f4ca9
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Showing 8 changed files with 2,478 additions and 147 deletions.
682 changes: 676 additions & 6 deletions Sources/ClarifaiGrpc/proto/clarifai/api/resources.pb.swift

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

324 changes: 225 additions & 99 deletions Sources/ClarifaiGrpc/proto/clarifai/api/service.grpc.swift

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

525 changes: 524 additions & 1 deletion Sources/ClarifaiGrpc/proto/clarifai/api/service.pb.swift

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

151 changes: 111 additions & 40 deletions Sources/ClarifaiGrpc/proto/clarifai/api/status/status_code.pb.swift

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

625 changes: 625 additions & 0 deletions Sources/ClarifaiGrpc/proto/clarifai/auth/scope/scope.pb.swift

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

110 changes: 110 additions & 0 deletions Sources/ClarifaiGrpc/proto/clarifai/auth/types/types.pb.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
// swift-format-ignore-file
// Generated by the Swift generator plugin for the protocol buffer compiler.
// Source: proto/clarifai/auth/types/types.proto
// For information on using the generated types, please see the documentation:

import Foundation
import SwiftProtobuf

// If the compiler emits an error on this type, it is because this file
// was generated by a version of the `protoc` Swift plug-in that is
// incompatible with the version of SwiftProtobuf to which you are linking.
// Please ensure that you are building against the same version of the API
// that was used to generate this file.
fileprivate struct _GeneratedWithProtocGenSwiftVersion: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersionCheck {
struct _2: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersion_2 {}
typealias Version = _2

/// Authorization type for endpoints.
public enum Clarifai_Auth_Types_AuthType: SwiftProtobuf.Enum {
public typealias RawValue = Int

/// introduce undef so that the zero (default/unset) value of the enum is not a real
/// permission. undef is only present for this purpose and should not be used
/// to indicate any "real" value.
case undef // = 0

/// No authorization need for this endpoint.
case noAuth // = 1

/// This authorization requires API keys (both app-spceific keys and personal access tokens).
/// The endpoints that use this AuthType may also include a list of
/// clarifai.auth.utils.cl_depending_scopes.
case keyAuth // = 2

/// This uses a session token from your web browser. This is reserved for users/account level APIs
/// that are only needed in a browser.
case sessionTokenAuth // = 3

/// This uses a special token for admin access to the APIs.
case adminAuth // = 4

/// This authorization requires personal access tokens. This is used for endpoints such as
/// /users/{user_id}/apps which are not specific. An app-specific API key will not work
/// when PATAuth is used.
case patauth // = 5

public init() {
self = .undef

public init?(rawValue: Int) {
switch rawValue {
case 0: self = .undef
case 1: self = .noAuth
case 2: self = .keyAuth
case 3: self = .sessionTokenAuth
case 4: self = .adminAuth
case 5: self = .patauth
default: self = .UNRECOGNIZED(rawValue)

public var rawValue: Int {
switch self {
case .undef: return 0
case .noAuth: return 1
case .keyAuth: return 2
case .sessionTokenAuth: return 3
case .adminAuth: return 4
case .patauth: return 5
case .UNRECOGNIZED(let i): return i


#if swift(>=4.2)

extension Clarifai_Auth_Types_AuthType: CaseIterable {
// The compiler won't synthesize support with the UNRECOGNIZED case.
public static var allCases: [Clarifai_Auth_Types_AuthType] = [

#endif // swift(>=4.2)

// MARK: - Code below here is support for the SwiftProtobuf runtime.

extension Clarifai_Auth_Types_AuthType: SwiftProtobuf._ProtoNameProviding {
public static let _protobuf_nameMap: SwiftProtobuf._NameMap = [
0: .same(proto: "undef"),
1: .same(proto: "NoAuth"),
2: .same(proto: "KeyAuth"),
3: .same(proto: "SessionTokenAuth"),
4: .same(proto: "AdminAuth"),
5: .same(proto: "PATAuth"),
206 changes: 206 additions & 0 deletions Sources/ClarifaiGrpc/proto/clarifai/auth/util/extension.pb.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
// swift-format-ignore-file
// Generated by the Swift generator plugin for the protocol buffer compiler.
// Source: proto/clarifai/auth/util/extension.proto
// For information on using the generated types, please see the documentation:

import Foundation
import SwiftProtobuf

// If the compiler emits an error on this type, it is because this file
// was generated by a version of the `protoc` Swift plug-in that is
// incompatible with the version of SwiftProtobuf to which you are linking.
// Please ensure that you are building against the same version of the API
// that was used to generate this file.
fileprivate struct _GeneratedWithProtocGenSwiftVersion: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersionCheck {
struct _2: SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufAPIVersion_2 {}
typealias Version = _2

// MARK: - Extension support defined in extension.proto.

// MARK: - Extension Properties

// Swift Extensions on the exteneded Messages to add easy access to the declared
// extension fields. The names are based on the extension field name from the proto
// declaration. To avoid naming collisions, the names are prefixed with the name of
// the scope where the extend directive occurs.

extension SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_FieldOptions {

/// indicates if this field should be private. If true, then internal use only. If False,
/// then publicly avaliable to world.
public var Clarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateField: Bool {
get {return getExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_field) ?? false}
set {setExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_field, value: newValue)}
/// Returns true if extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_field`
/// has been explicitly set.
public var hasClarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateField: Bool {
return hasExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_field)
/// Clears the value of extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_field`.
/// Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
public mutating func clearClarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateField() {
clearExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_field)

extension SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_MessageOptions {

/// indicates if this message should be private. If true, then internal use only. If False,
/// then publicly avaliable to world.
public var Clarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateMessage: Bool {
get {return getExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_message) ?? false}
set {setExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_message, value: newValue)}
/// Returns true if extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_message`
/// has been explicitly set.
public var hasClarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateMessage: Bool {
return hasExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_message)
/// Clears the value of extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_message`.
/// Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
public mutating func clearClarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateMessage() {
clearExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_message)

extension SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_MethodOptions {

/// indicates if this rpc should be private. If true, then internal use only. If False,
/// then publicly available to world.
public var Clarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateRpc: Bool {
get {return getExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_rpc) ?? false}
set {setExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_rpc, value: newValue)}
/// Returns true if extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_rpc`
/// has been explicitly set.
public var hasClarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateRpc: Bool {
return hasExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_rpc)
/// Clears the value of extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_rpc`.
/// Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
public mutating func clearClarifai_Auth_Util_clPrivateRpc() {
clearExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_rpc)

/// For each grpc method we define a list of required low-level auth scopes that are needed
/// for the key that is issuing the request. These are checked at authorization time for the
/// request as one of the first things in the life of a request once it reaches out API
/// servers. There are additional checks for each scope when the resource is used throughout the
/// backend in order to protect that resource. For example, Inputs_Add protects the writes to the
/// inputs DB table. Since we know every PostInputs call needs to do that, we add Inputs_Add scope
/// to the cl_depending_scopes list for the PostInputs method.
/// This is only checked valid when used with KeyAuth cl_auth_type.
/// This should be the absolute minimum required scopes to make API calls with the method
/// that this options is used for. If there are some scopes that are needed some of the time
/// depending on the request, then leave those out as they will be checked at the tighest
/// possible portion of the codebase to protect that resource and won't effect every API call. For
/// example, the PostAnnotations call is often used to add concepts as well. If those concepts are
/// new, then the Concepts_Add scope will be needed. But since you don't always annotate with
/// concepts, it is not a hard requirements that Concepts_Add is used.
public var Clarifai_Auth_Util_clDependingScopes: [Clarifai_Auth_Scope_S] {
get {return getExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_depending_scopes) ?? []}
set {setExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_depending_scopes, value: newValue)}
/// Returns true if extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_depending_scopes`
/// has been explicitly set.
public var hasClarifai_Auth_Util_clDependingScopes: Bool {
return hasExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_depending_scopes)
/// Clears the value of extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_depending_scopes`.
/// Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
public mutating func clearClarifai_Auth_Util_clDependingScopes() {
clearExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_depending_scopes)

/// This is the authorizer type for the endpoint our of multiple backend authorizers.
public var Clarifai_Auth_Util_clAuthType: Clarifai_Auth_Types_AuthType {
get {return getExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_auth_type) ?? .undef}
set {setExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_auth_type, value: newValue)}
/// Returns true if extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_auth_type`
/// has been explicitly set.
public var hasClarifai_Auth_Util_clAuthType: Bool {
return hasExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_auth_type)
/// Clears the value of extension `Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_auth_type`.
/// Subsequent reads from it will return its default value.
public mutating func clearClarifai_Auth_Util_clAuthType() {
clearExtensionValue(ext: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_auth_type)


// MARK: - File's ExtensionMap: Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extension_Extensions

/// A `SwiftProtobuf.SimpleExtensionMap` that includes all of the extensions defined by
/// this .proto file. It can be used any place an `SwiftProtobuf.ExtensionMap` is needed
/// in parsing, or it can be combined with other `SwiftProtobuf.SimpleExtensionMap`s to create
/// a larger `SwiftProtobuf.SimpleExtensionMap`.
public let Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extension_Extensions: SwiftProtobuf.SimpleExtensionMap = [

// Extension Objects - The only reason these might be needed is when manually
// constructing a `SimpleExtensionMap`, otherwise, use the above _Extension Properties_
// accessors for the extension fields on the messages directly.

/// indicates if this field should be private. If true, then internal use only. If False,
/// then publicly avaliable to world.
public let Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_field = SwiftProtobuf.MessageExtension<SwiftProtobuf.OptionalExtensionField<SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufBool>, SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_FieldOptions>(
_protobuf_fieldNumber: 80320,
fieldName: "clarifai.auth.util.cl_private_field"

/// indicates if this rpc should be private. If true, then internal use only. If False,
/// then publicly available to world.
public let Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_rpc = SwiftProtobuf.MessageExtension<SwiftProtobuf.OptionalExtensionField<SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufBool>, SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_MethodOptions>(
_protobuf_fieldNumber: 80321,
fieldName: "clarifai.auth.util.cl_private_rpc"

/// For each grpc method we define a list of required low-level auth scopes that are needed
/// for the key that is issuing the request. These are checked at authorization time for the
/// request as one of the first things in the life of a request once it reaches out API
/// servers. There are additional checks for each scope when the resource is used throughout the
/// backend in order to protect that resource. For example, Inputs_Add protects the writes to the
/// inputs DB table. Since we know every PostInputs call needs to do that, we add Inputs_Add scope
/// to the cl_depending_scopes list for the PostInputs method.
/// This is only checked valid when used with KeyAuth cl_auth_type.
/// This should be the absolute minimum required scopes to make API calls with the method
/// that this options is used for. If there are some scopes that are needed some of the time
/// depending on the request, then leave those out as they will be checked at the tighest
/// possible portion of the codebase to protect that resource and won't effect every API call. For
/// example, the PostAnnotations call is often used to add concepts as well. If those concepts are
/// new, then the Concepts_Add scope will be needed. But since you don't always annotate with
/// concepts, it is not a hard requirements that Concepts_Add is used.
public let Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_depending_scopes = SwiftProtobuf.MessageExtension<SwiftProtobuf.PackedEnumExtensionField<Clarifai_Auth_Scope_S>, SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_MethodOptions>(
_protobuf_fieldNumber: 80322,
fieldName: "clarifai.auth.util.cl_depending_scopes"

/// This is the authorizer type for the endpoint our of multiple backend authorizers.
public let Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_auth_type = SwiftProtobuf.MessageExtension<SwiftProtobuf.OptionalEnumExtensionField<Clarifai_Auth_Types_AuthType>, SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_MethodOptions>(
_protobuf_fieldNumber: 80323,
fieldName: "clarifai.auth.util.cl_auth_type"

/// indicates if this message should be private. If true, then internal use only. If False,
/// then publicly avaliable to world.
public let Clarifai_Auth_Util_Extensions_cl_private_message = SwiftProtobuf.MessageExtension<SwiftProtobuf.OptionalExtensionField<SwiftProtobuf.ProtobufBool>, SwiftProtobuf.Google_Protobuf_MessageOptions>(
_protobuf_fieldNumber: 80324,
fieldName: "clarifai.auth.util.cl_private_message"
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion VERSION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1 @@

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