This is the official CloakCoin Repository. If you want more info about Cloakcoin, please visit the official website
Specification | Value |
Consensus Algorithm | Proof-of-Stake |
Rewards | 6% P.A. |
Block Time | 60 sec |
Circulating Supply | 5.2M |
To contact us, or talk about CloakCoin, use your preferred social media:
Site | Link |
CloakCoin | |
CloakCoinOfficial | |
Telegram | cloakproject |
Rocket Chat | Official Chat |
All the installation instructions are for Windows / Linux / MacOS / RaspberryPi an android on the Cloak Wiki : Install Cloakcoin Wallet
We advise you that compiling from source gives you a bleeding edge version of the CloakCoin wallet. This means there might be bugs, crashes, and you could lose your Cloaks. Therefore, to avoid any issue, you should never run a development wallet on the same computer as the stable wallet which holds your Cloaks.
By default, development wallet runs on TestNet, but you can never be too safe.
To install the dependencies, you need to use your system package manager:
- Windows: you will need to download/compile the proper DLLs needed, depending on your system gen & version; this is very hard to get right (libcurl...), not recommended for beginners.
- Ubuntu: use
sudo apt-get install *package*
. To install all at once, including build tools (not listed in the chart):sudo apt-get install git make build-essential g++ qttools5-dev-tools qt5-default libboost-all-dev libleveldb-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev libevent-dev libminiupnpc libqrencode-dev
- Mac OS X: install HomeBrew, and use
brew install *package*
. To install all at once:brew install qt boost@1.57 leveldb curl openssl libevent berkeley-db@4 miniupnpc
Dep | Min. version | Ubuntu pkg | HomeBrew pkg | Optional | Purpose |
Qt | 5.5.1 | qt5-default |
qt |
NO | GUI |
Boost | 1.57/1.58* | libboost-all-dev |
boost@1.57 |
NO | C++ libraries |
OpenSSL | 1.0.2g | libssl-dev |
openssl |
NO | ha256 sum |
Curl | 7.16** | libcurl4-openssl-dev |
curl |
NO | Requests |
libevent | 2.0.21 | libevent-dev |
libevent |
NO | Events |
LevelDB | 1.2 | libleveldb-dev |
leveldb |
NO | Database |
Berkeley DB | 4.8* | install from source | berkeley-db@4 |
NO | Database |
qrencode | 3.4.4 | libqrencode-dev |
qrencode |
YES | QR Codes |
libminiupnpc | 1.9.20140911*** | libminiupnpc |
miniupnpc |
YES | NAT punching |
Doxygen | any | doxygen |
doxygen |
YES | Documentation |
* Those specific version are known to work. Latest versions are known not to work.
** Debian and Ubuntu refer to version< <= 7.15 as libcurl3, and versions >= 7.16 as libcurl4, because of an API change. You need libcurl4.
*** This version is very specific, as 1.9 seems to have some non-compatible changes. 2.0 probably won't work (test needed). WARNING This is included for historic reasons, but you should not use it, as it is a known security hole. It's disabled by default.
You can either use the command line or import the .pro file in Qt Creator.
Using the command line, run:
qmake && make
Alternative Linux build tutorial can be found here. Thanks Brannon
Distributed under the MIT software license.