An app to map South that will be known as Smaps (South Maps)
Our school, WWP South has an almost prison-like layout. To help newcomers to the school, we made this app, and also to help save time for people who may be in a rush.
Our app shows students how to get around the school with the shortest possible path between two classrooms, given the layout of the school.
We built the app with Unity, scripted with C#. We utilized Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the shortest walkable path between rooms in the school.
Djikstra's algorithm itself was easy to comprehend, but the implementation of the formula into our code was much more difficult than previously anticipated.
This app works well for our school, and we plan on implementing it with other layouts in the future. We hope to grow this app into a pathfinder for any inputted map.
We learned about how to use the game design engine Unity along with how to code in C#, as most of us are used to Java, the programming language taught in our school.
We plan on making this app easier to use and being able to work from an inputted map, making traveling much easier for users. If the app is a success then we could make similar apps for other schools or universities to help even more students.