Before you can start developing you need to complete the following steps:
- Create a ".env" file from the ".env.template" template
- Go to folder "/srv" and run
npm i
- Go to folder "/web" and run
npm i
Maybe you get the following error when trying to complete the last step:
Error: Missing binding /usr/src/web/node_modules/node-sass/vendor/linux_musl-x64-64/binding.node
While the containers are still running open another terminal and execute the following:
docker-compose exec web npm rebuild node-sass
Then run docker-compose down
and docker-compose up
Run docker-compose up
or docker-compose up -d
to free the terminal.
To install NPM packages for the frontend development process execute the following:
docker-compose exec web npm i <package-name>
You can check the Node server with curl -i localhost:8083/
which should return "Hello!".
You can connect to the database via PG-Admin by entering the connection details from the ".env" file and you can also edit the "init.sql" file in the "postgres-init " folder.