Crunchy Data announces the release of Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator Open Service Broker (pgo-osb) 4.1.0 on November, 21, 2019.
pgo-osb 4.1.0 provides several features and fixes, including support for the Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator version 4.1.0.
- HTTPS supported now available. The TLS keypairs are available in a Secret
- The
generates a consistent user ID based on theservice-app
- All Cloud Foundry user credentials are now mapped to equivalent PostgreSQL Operator credentials that are stored in a Secrets
- More standard plans, including those that enable backups and monitoring by default, as well as backup retention policies.
responses adhere to the Open Service Broker conventions- Remove PostgreSQL Operator credentials from the request to align RBAC rules from the Operator (Resolves #26)