VertiPlaceGWC is a software solution that correlates hourly weather data available at the climate scale, given geography and VTOL specifications, to query and perform customized Operability Analysis for the positioning of Vertiports.
Note: This GitHub repository focuses on the API of VertiPlaceGWC. For access to the GUI, please visit our website directly.
To access the VertiPlaceGWC data through the API, you will need an API key. Please contact our sales team at [email protected] to obtain your API key.
To run the VertiPlaceGWC Python API, follow the steps below:
- Clone the VertiPlace repository from Github to your local machine by running the following command:
git clone
- Install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Change your current directory to the VertiPlace directory:
cd VertiPlace
- Run the file from the terminal, supplying the necessary arguments. An example is shown below:
python3 --api_key API_KEY --lat=34.052238 --lon=-118.243344 --gust=10.3 --t_min=-6.7 --t_max=42 --rain=25 --hours=12 --seasons=1
Make sure to replace API_KEY with your actual API key.
The usage for each parameter can be found using the help command:
python --help
CLI (Python3) for VertiPlace2.1
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--api_key API_KEY API key for VertiPlace2.1 (contact: [email protected]) (default: None)
--lat LAT Latitude of the location (float value) (default: None)
--lon LON Longitude of the location (float value) (default: None)
--w10 W10 average wind resistance at 10m (in m/s) (default: None)
--w100 W100 average wind resistance at 100m (in m/s) (default: None)
--gust GUST gust wind resistance (in m/s) (default: None)
--rain RAIN rain resistance (in m/s) (default: None)
--t_min T_MIN minimum temperature resistance (in degrees) (default: None)
--t_max T_MAX maximum temperature resistance (in degrees) (default: None)
--p_alt P_ALT pressure altitude limit (in hPa) (default: None)
--min_fl MIN_FL minimum flight level above ground (in m) (default: None)
--min_vis MIN_VIS minimum visibility (in m) (default: None)
--min_cbh MIN_CBH minimum cloud base height above ground level (in m) (default: None)
--icing ICING accound for icing conditions (0=no or 1=yes) (default: None)
--hours HOURS Comma-separated list of integers from 1 to 24 to represent hours of the day (default:
--seasons SEASONS Comma-separated list of integers from 1 to 4 to represent quarters of the year (default: 1,2,3,4)
This will output a description and usage for each argument.
Remember that in addition to the required parameters (api_key, lat, lon, hours, seasons), you must provide at least one of the following: w10, w100, gust, rain, t_min & t_max (both together), p_alt & min_fl (both together), min_vis, min_cbh, icing.
Below is an example of the output received based on the example input used in the previous section:
Run the with the visualize flag and delta to visualize the radar chart. An example is shown below.
python3 --api_key API_KEY --city "Los Angeles, Chicago" --visualize "radar" --delta 0 0.1 0.2 --gust=10 --w10=12 --w100=14 --rain=25 --t_min=10 --t_max=40
Note: start delta with 0 for Initial VOI.
The script will generate a radar chart and display it. It might take few minutes to generate the chart.
Here are some example charts generated:
For any questions, concerns, or technical support, please reach out to our dedicated support team at [email protected].
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