An incomplete curated list of awesome apps, extensions, themes and tools for the Cosmic Desktop Environment.
System is dedicated to creating an open and user-friendly computing experience, while also offering an advanced graphical desktop.
Items marked with 📌 are projects hosted and developed on system76's own infrastructure.
- Tasks - A simple task management application for the Cosmic desktop.
- Cosmic-Ext-Calculator - A calculator application for the Cosmic desktop.
- Fan-Control - Control your fans with different behaviors.
- Cosmic-Webapps - Web App Manager for Cosmic desktop written with love and libcosmic. Allow you to simply create web applications from given url working inside separate window of your browser of choice.
- Cosmic-Color-Picker - A color picker for Cosmic.
- Oboete - A simple flashcards application for the Cosmic desktop.
- Starry-Dex - Pokédex application for the Cosmic desktop.
- Cosmic-Dirstat - KDirStat-esque disk usage analyzer using the libcosmic toolkit.
- Forecast - A simple weather application for the Cosmic Desktop.
- Cosmic-Ext-2048 - A 2048 game written in libcosmic and Rust.
- Cosmic-Applet-Apps-Menu - Category based menu for apps.
- Cosmic-Applet-Places-Status-Indicator - Menu for quickly navigating places in the system.
- Clipboard-Manager - Clipboard manager for Cosmic.
- Cosmic-Applet-Emoji-Selector - Emoji selector.
- Cosmic-Noise - Applet for playing background noise.
- Cosmic-Applet-Ollama - Applet for Ollama.
- Cosmic-Ext-Applet-External-Monitor-Brightness - Change brightness of external monitors via DDC/CI protocol.
- Cosmic-Applet-Minimon - Applet for displaying CPU and RAM utilization.
- Cosmic-Ext-Applet-System-Monitor - Configurable system monitor applet.
- Cosmic-Tweaks - A tweaking tool for the Cosmic desktop.
- Cosmic-Themes - Website hosting user uploadable themes.
Stack Overflow - Questions tagged with