Optimization methods implemented in Julia. Architecture heavily inspired by the Optim.jl package.
Currently 5 direct search methods are implemented:
- Cyclic Coordinate Search
- Hooke and Jeeves
- Rosenbrock's Method
- Random Hill Climbing
- Exhaustive Search
This package is not published, since it is a learning project and doesn't provide anything that doesn't already exist in the plethora of Julia packages. To use these methods, clone the git repository:
> git clone [email protected]:slindberg/Optimize.jl.git
Currently the library's only dependency is the Optim
package, used for line search. In the Juila REPL:
> Pkg.add("Optim")
The only public method is optimize
which accepts two structs:
function optimize(method::Method, problem::Problem)
The Problem
struct defines the optimization problem:
# Initial coordinate, defines the problem's dimensionality
x_0 = [0.0,0.0]
# The problem's objective function, accepts a single indexable
# object and returns the objective's value at that coordinate
f(x) = (x[2] - x[1]^2)^2 + (x[1] - 4)^2
problem = Problem(f, x_0)
The Method
struct identifies the method to use to solve the optimization problem. Each method has a set of configuration arguments:
Cyclic Coordinate Search
method = CyclicCoordinateSearch( use_acceleration = false # Whether or not to use an 'acceleration' direction )
Hooke and Jeeves
method = HookeAndJeeves( initial_step_size = 0.5, # Initial distance to travel in each coordinate direction step_reduction = 0.5, # Factor by which to reduce the step size ϵ_h = 1e-8 # Minimum step size, used to determine convergence )
Rosenbrock's Method
method = Rosenbrock( initial_step_size = 0.5, # Initial distance to travel in each direction forward_step_multiplier = 5.0, # Step size expansion factor, should be > 1 backward_step_multiplier = 0.5, # Step size reduction factor, should be > 0 and < 1 ϵ_h = 1e-8 # Minimum step size, used to determine convergence )
Random Hill Climbing
method = RandomHillClimbing( step_sizes = [ 0.1 ], # Distances to neighboring coordinates max_failed_neighbors = 2*n*s-1 # Max number of unimproved neighbors before search is stopped )
Exhaustive Search
method = ExhaustiveSearch( search_space = 0:0.1:1 # Single range or array of ranges defining search grid )
An optional argument to optimize
provides global search options:
function optimize(method::Method, problem::Problem, options::Options)
The Options
struct takes
options = Options(
ϵ_f = 1e-16, # Objective function convergence criteria
ϵ_x = 1e-16, # Minimizer convergence criteria
max_iterations = 1000, # Maximum number of iterations before search is stopped
callback = nothing # Optional callback that is invoked every search iteration
The optional callback is invoked with three parameters:
function callback(iteration, x_current, f_current)
# ...
The examples/
directory has examples showing how to use this package and plot results. Plotting uses the Plots
package, which you will need to install in addition to whichever plotting backend you choose.
Nope, this is a quick and dirty learning project.