Where everything is on this gigantic messy org account. Please add any crucial module links.
Is a tenant of our sister org CYF, here: https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/curriculum/org-mcb as part of our collaborative development partnership.
HTML-CSS | JS1 | JS2 | JS3 | Frameworks | Servers | Databases | Launch
Each module should have its own coursework repo. The naming structure for mandatory work should be consistent
- Coursework https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Module-Name
- Solution Guides should be stored in a solutions branch of the coursework repo
- Course Repo https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Course-Fundamentals
- https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/cyf-blocks-fundamentals <== the original CYF blocks repo
- https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Ship-It
- https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Coursework-Planner <== every trainee has one planner for all their work in all courses and modules
Here is an example planner showing all the work a trainee has to do in all modules: https://github.com/orgs/Migracode-Barcelona/projects/4
- Module Repo https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Module-HTML-CSS
- Module Project. https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/HTML-CSS-Module-Project | Project Solution
- https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Portfolio <== every trainee must develop a portfolio over the entire program
- Module Repo https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Module-JS1
- Module Project: https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Incremental-Development-Project <= from our sister org, HYF
- Check In Assessment
- Module Repo https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Module-JS3
- Module Project. https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/JS3-Module-Project (TV Show)
- Check In Assessment
- Module Repo https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Module-Frameworks
- Module Project https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Frameworks-Module-Project (React Hotel)
- Check In Assessment
- Module Repo https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Module-Servers
- Module Project Project | Solution???
- Module Repo https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Module-Databases
- Module Project. Full Stack Project Assessment
- Module Repo https://github.com/Migracode-Barcelona/Module-The-Launch
- Current starter kit: https://github.com/textbook/starter-kit
- https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/Codewars-API-Project
- https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/GitHub-Activity-Project
- https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/CLI-Treasure-Hunt
- https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/three-kata-websites
https://github.com/CodeYourFuture/CYF-Workshops <= a joint project with CYF (who will change the name if you like!)